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Sunday, December 14, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm surprised at myself. 'I' was right. You think that everything else back home will be exactly the same until the time u left, but it seems like you have stopped and the world back home has moved on without you. Or it could be the other way round. Nothing's changed back home, but we're the only ones who have changed!

Interesting. Interesting.

There's so much to go through in SEP. It's like life fast forwarded and compacted into this short period of time.It ain't easy at all. At the end of the day, you evaluate, and think if it was really worth it all... I don't know. Maybe. Probably. I don't know.

Feeling confused, and having really mixed feelings about this SEP and about certain other things... It's so stupid but yet, if things have to happen, they will.

Hope baby's alright... Hope ah 9 will be okay, at least hope that she won't be in pain. Hope baby and his family will take good care of themselves.

Really wonder what are relationships based on, and how they are sustained. And if proximity is really an issue. But then again, if proximity is an issue, what is love? What kind of relationship is that, actually? Don't think it's just superficiality... I don't know. What makes a relationship work? Is it just the sparks or the 'zoo zoo zaa' feeling u get when u fall in love? Does relationship ends if the sparks die down or when you feel no 'zoo zoo zaa' already? I know this is a random thought but it has always been at the back of my mind. Does every relationship goes through the same phases?

Baby, i just wanna say i love you. and i don't want anything to change between us. That's why i'm afraid. I'm so afraid dear. i am. i need you now. right now... I feel like sh*t now love.. i'm so sorry... I know the love i have for you will never change.. Dear i love u.. i love you i love you i love u... i can't say this enough love.

I'm such an idiot.

Everything's been so dramatic since we arrived here in Lufbra, it's almost unbelievable. But life will resume to normal when i get home. (: It will.

Great Britain. I wonder why it is called the 'Great Britain'. Because it is Great??! Hm.. I have many things to say about that man! What is wrong with their dress sense in UK?! It's just... *phoo* I really can't find an apt word to describe it but, hey girls, skimpy isn't nice/sexy/beautiful all the time!! yes, it's the norm, but it's not right! The fashion sense is horrible and it's hard to understand why... Today we saw a girl with back boobs and back cleavage. It's up to your imagination. And what's with all the thick eye makeup! It's alright as long as it's not ridiculously excessive! Look at the ridiculous eye mascara.. and what's with the short flirty skirts and super short shorts and tights/leggings (inclusive of fishnet types?)?? I mean just wear something that can accentuate your figure and what's really acceptable for your body shape... It will make you look so terrible, lah!*shivers down my spine* hurrr.

But it's interesting to see like people of all ages hanging out in a pub. And cafes close so early! Cafes are places to hang out! And they chased us out! everywhere! in the dining hall at DC, Elvyn Richards, and then the Coasta Cafe! what?!@$&*^@$ Unbelievable. We talked of buying a house for DC 50 then hiring the chinese lady, who goes 'Excuse me, may i have your trays back please, if you have finished'? LOL!

It's perkele cold. gotta take a shower now.


gosh, we had fun laughing/mocking the french actions and the words are so hard to pronounce!!!! lol!

Amsterdam tmr! gosh!!! it's TMR!!!!!!!! hopefully i don't forget anything...

love you all,
Ling (;


' Fly Away
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thursday, December 04, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Is it just me or what? Feeling insecure all the time!


Can't wait to get back home to help out at my mom's shop. She looks so skinny. ):

And i can't wait to see my baby, offline, soon! just 8 weeks! 8!

counting down.

but first, assignments. Tentatively, i've got 3 left. waiting for one more to come. baaahhh. LY!!!! you can! perservere!!!!

damnit. set the question so hard, for what!


it's 4.15am now. gonna take a shower before starting on my readings for prac. argh!



' Fly Away
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Back from london!

Finally finally finally. I went to London. 3 days 2 night's just not enough. There's too many things to see and to do in London! Such a vibrant and busy city... Love it. Reminds me of home. The crowd, Double deckers, Tube etc etc etc.

Day 1

Went London with 2 other friends first, in the morning. No seats for us so we stood all the way to London. Didn't feel like it was a long journey though.. It was just an hour and a half's ride and we were happily chatting away till London. Can't believe trains are still so manual in the UK. On some trains, you've gotta pull down the window, put your hand out of the window to reach for the handle outside and open the door to get out!! Strange but funny. Finally got to London!!!!!!

Head off to French Connection Sample Sale. Oh gosh, there was a queue and it was raining! And while waiting to get in, people getting out were lugging huge bags of clothes, as if they were free. I swear, the bags were huge. There was this lady with 3 bags full, crossed the road, threw it all in her car and drove off. Wow. I wish i could do that too. =p My first sample sale!!! Gosh, it was fun shopping in that massive warehouse. I didn't manage to get any guy clothings. Cos not very nice and the sizes are very big.

Bought a turtleneck+longsleeve for mom and another for sister. I didn't realise it looks so nice when you put it on! should have bought more! The only thing about this sale was that there was absolutely no trying at all. So you just gotta estimate and buy. I bought a denim mini tube dress for myself for 25pounds. It's a steal cos it's damn cute and damn nice! can't wait to wear it when i'm back home! hee. I've always wanted something like that, so i guess to splurge on that wasn't such a bad choice huh. ;) Then bought something for my niece. Hope she can fit into it. hee. If not.. we'll wait till some other nieces can fit into that. =p

Then headed off to our hostel to check-in and also to meet Jouni. Damn. Never seen anything more disorganized. First, we realised that it wasn't the Bestplace that we were going to stay and that it was some Hyde Park Inn Hostel near the Baywaters tube. Then finally, after a long queue, we realized that there was going to be a 5% charge if we used our credit cards to pay for everyone. So I and i had to walk down the whole street to find an Abbey to cash out money. Then we got a friend to find the number for the Bestplace hostel so we can call to cancel, but then no, she said she couldn't find the number to call. I hope they don't charge to his card. If they do, we're so going to split the cost. Why were we told that it was at 'bestplace' hostel!? I can't figure it out. Should have checked properly before anything else man. ): Anyway, we got it settled and went to to have pasta at an Italian Restaurant. We didn't eat the whole day and were just happy enough to settle anywhere near. Food was good and i actually ate 1.5 plates of pasta. Cos P couldn't finish hers. lol.

Then went to walk along Oxford street/Bond street/Picadilly Circus etc etc. Wow. Amazing.No shopping malls, only those walk in shops and they are MASSIVE. massive massive massive. As if everyone was like a flagship store. And interestingly, the shops along the whole stretch repeats itself several times, so you'll never have to worry if you miss shops. Then we met the rest to have dinner. We had Chinese. Wasn't too bad but not fantastic. I had hot and sour soup cos i was still so full after the pasta. Jouni was so funny. Ordered squid and assorted pig organs. lol. It was really funny. Finnish man really eat everything/every kind of meat. lol.

Then we hung out at a pub before making our way to the tube. While waiting.. the train was delayed. And eventually cancelled, because of 'man under train'. I figured out it was probably a nice way to say someone died on the tracks. How can any man survive under a train?! Unless it was some action pac movie where they manage to hide in the gaps and survive. ha. scary. So we gotta make a damn big round to get to where we wanted to go.

Rest went back while the 3 guys and I went around pubs to chill. I didn't drink, but i just wanted to maximize my time here and so have fun with them. (: It was nice. I didn't regret.

Day 2

Woke up to check out. Breakfast was hm.. just toast. Couldn't say it was good or bad but oh well, it's just toast. And so we went down to Portobello Market and it was kinda fun! But i didn't have enough time to browse through everything properly but yea, it was quite cool. Markets are everywhere in this country. Then i bought oranges. I thought it was 3 for a pound. And she gave me a bag for a pound. ): I had no shopping bag and just lugged this bag of oranges everywhere. Portobello market was our first stop. damn. Bought cute wallets for my sister and myself. hee. cute. love it. Then we went sight seeing. Saw london eye and Big Ben, and of course River Thames. Didn't have time to cover many other places but i'll be back in dec/jan so i think i'll finish up my sightseeing then. (: There was like public perf + xmas market on the way, it was real cool. So many talented people around, and so eager to show. Love how people just perform in tube stations. THey are damn talented.

Went Soho and also in the end we decided to catch Jools Holland's gig. It's awesome! Even though I admit to falling asleep at different points of time, it was really good. And we paid some 15.50 quid for it. Cool. Totally worth it, not to mention that Royal Albert Hall has such beautiful theatres. It's so grand and huge. Nice. Went to Leicester Square and then we settled in another Italian Restaurant again. I had onion soup while the rest ate. I was full. But had some of I's pasta. It's amazing how people are so stingy while others are so generous and easy. No offence but that's just a fact. Met Felix in the restaurant too. He thought we were going to hang out some more, but we were really exhausted. So we headed back home. on a 24hr bus. cool! (:

Day 3
Woke up, settled check out, got back deposits went for breakfast then headed to King's Cross. Train was delayed at some stations and i was almost late for my train. Ran all the way and had only 2 minutes left before train departed. Thank god the doors were still open and i could get in. Peace finally. Got a seat in the quiet cabin and slept all the way to Leicester before taking a 'rail replacement' - Bus back to Loughborough Station, and then back to school. Home sweet home. With my Oranges.

Met a South African girl in the hostel. She's so funny. Got her facebook too. (: cool. Love meeting new people. New random nice people. haha.

Would say... this London trip really was fun and worth it. And it is also from this trip that we can see the different personalities too. Great experience.

Can't wait to get back to London. And more sales by then, please!!

Had Thai dinner yesterday, at a shop owned by Malaysian. Funny. But he introduced us to a cab driver who apparently doesn't have very high charges. Might go up to Edinburgh if the price is right too. ;) Going to travel everywhere LY. So environmentally unfriendly hurrr. -_-! Tim 'pang-seh-ed' us! So gonna kill him on wed! haha. Just joking. Missed class today. Was too tired. too tired. Was talking and doing random things online in I's room till 7am in the morning can! crazy.

Finally got one more practical down. You can do it LY. just one more prac and 2 more essays for the next Friday.

Almost decided when to get home. Just need confirmation from London Office. They're kinda slow. I hope things speed up.

till then..~


By the way!! Ryan air rocks!! 15pounds for return trip to Paris! wOohOo! ;) going. 2nd jan-7th jan 2009.


' Fly Away
Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan