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Friday, November 28, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Just know i'm always a step slower than others.. But at least at the end of the day, i get my job done. I guess that's enough for me. (: I'm easily contented. Just wish i can work faster. I'm really not smart. But i'm a hardworker, and i put in my best.

Baby never fails to put a smile on my face. Feel really happy to have him with me. Big friendly giant he is. Been smiling to myself because i really feel loved. My silly baby. Was just talking about relationships over dinner today. It suddenly struck me... Can love possibly survive without money when reality seeps in, creeps into your life and overtakes the love between two people...? It really isn't easy is it? Why is money always a problem? If trying to 'find' money is such a problem, why do people even bother to solve this almost impossible problem their whole life? I know we can't live without money.. but neither can we, without love!

Oh, such precious love. We've come this far together. It wasn't easy. And we almost lost each other on the arduous journey. I love him, and i know he loves me too. Trust is our foundation. Communication is a key. All thanks to baby who has been ever patient with me, holding on tight to us, and never letting go no matter how stubborn i was. It took so much courage, patience and of course fate to get to this far. And i wonder. Will we ever have to quarrel over money issues? Will we ever regret? To me, there are no regrets in life. It all depends on one's perspective. Life itself is a challenge. No matter which path you choose to take, you should always be brave about it, and live it to the fullest. And no matter what happens, you should be happy that it happened, and learn from lessons. It's hard but that's life huh.

I love my family, and so do i love baby and his family. I just hope the day where we can openly date each other will come very soon.

Working on my pracs now. baaah. i hate excel! haha.. feel really stupid with numbers. argh. Why did i even take this module in the first place! It's interesting but not the pracs!!! argh!!

And i want my grades for the last pracs!!!!! if i fail, i'll.. i'll be real upset. haha. let's see.

All the best to the NUS folks back home! See you guys in a couple of wks really! (:



' Fly Away
Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Yet another day without having my meals in dining hall. Just went out for lunch in town again with Tim and Carm this afternoon, sat down at a little cafe and chill. So nice to just relax and do nothing. But i know there's work piling up man. Man, i have to start somehow! i've got 4-1.25pages work to do so i better get started. It's like Arial 12 and 1.5 spacing so hm. that's not really alot huh. Is that good or bad??!

Went down to hand up my 50% coursework today and i'm keeping my fingers crossed. Really put in some real effort into it so hopefully we'll see it in the grades man. *fingers crossed* I know i just need to pass.. but i'll really like to see how much i'll be able to do for that paper. Then i went to collect my grades. And it wasn't there! No! i checked 3 cupboards and they weren't there! How can it be man! c'mon.......... hurr. Emailed my lect. hopefully we'll hear something from them soon. I just wanna know my grades man.

It's pretty warm today.. i think it's been almost 10dg the whole day, calm weather, not much wind and no rain at all. (: great. keep it that way.

Did i say i went to Nottingham Night Market? It's really really cool! It was more like a German one but it's awesome. Even for someone like me who doesn't drink, i drank this warm cherry wine that was absolutely awesome. especially in the cold weather.. So i guess it sorta justify my act of drinking but i got this really pretty cup too. (: I tried this Mushrooms with garlic sauce on top of it and potatoes. Boy, it was the best, and i mean seriously the BEST EVER!! I was really thrilled and so touched to taste something so awesome! That chef probably thought i was crazy cos i was smiling, dancing and hopping around with my food, right in the middle of the streets. But he's real nice, he got me to try this picked 'cucumber' thing to go with potatoes and it was awesome as well! Even said bye to me. ;) love that. When i go Germany, i'm so gonna find this again!! If only i can do a takeaway!!!! Bought a shirt for my bro. hope it fits. it's from zara! and i love it.

I had a superb weekend. Went on a road trip for 2 days. It was awesome. I did mountain climbing, with no proper gear/equipment, almost fell to my death and yea, it was awesome. View was great, and i finally felt SNOW!!! Just a little bit but that's my first experience with snow in the mountains!!! It was beautiful. Photos are up on facebook already.. Will do it soon on photobucket. I had like some 743 photos/videos for these 2 days. The view was just so pretty, you couldn't resist taking more pictures of it. I love it. I'm not sure if i'll ever be there again, but it's really a very gd place to go to. Snowdonia and Peak District.

Ling Ling is officially broke. B-R-O-K-E. Just charged some 200+ Euros to my credit card, cos if i charge them to my debit card here they'll charge extra, i'd rather pay by credit card then. And i'm so so so so freakin' broke. Phew. Now i can't wait to get employed and start paying back all that i've got from my mom and my sis. I feel so bad i'm the only one enjoying while they're back home.. ): Trip's almost settled.. More or less. So it's gonna be

14-17th - Amsterdam
17th to 22nd - Copenhagen
22nd to 24th - Stuttgart
24th to 26th - Venice (xmas here!)
26th - 28th - Rome
28th - Back in East Midlands (Loughborough) then back to London

Then in January,
4th to 6th - Paris

That's it. But i'm so gonna die. budget budget. sucks. ): But i really want to travel............. But that's just gonna be it for this trip i guess. It's enough. (: I'm overspending. And i'm still going london next wk. Damn.


I'll talk to sis tmr.

Gonna shower now.. it's past midnight here. hehe.

seeya folks! Kinda miss everything back home sometimes! (:


' Fly Away
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I have irregular sleeping times even in UK.

Just woke up and it was like 1.30pm. Missed lunch as usual, but whatever, i'm not so keen on eating these days cos i can see that bulge on my tummy growing every single day. having some soup for now. ( :

Hm it's wk 8 now and almost wk 9. Thinking back, time really flies. I was just moaning and whining about how long i'll have to be here, not that i don't enjoy it, but nothing beats home, seriously.

What i like about being here...

-To be able to have my own life here, and to plan and be responsible for myself
-To be able to understand yourself better
-To be able to walk along the streets, sit down in some random cafe, have a pot of tea, or a cup of hot choc in peace
-To be able to enjoy time with myself better
-It seems like a good way to start before i go into the working force
-Love my hall, and all the exchange students and other residents for being so nice and fun and spontaneous
-Love the culture of saying thanks and being polite and respectful for one another
- Planning for my trips! It's damn fun, i'm sure i'll plan for trips when i get home to other parts of SEA.
-Everything is just so slow and easy

What i dislike about being here...
- I seriously miss the efficiency we have back home
- Racism. (yes, skin colour still matters here)
- Love/hate rlshp with the cold
- Seriously, FOOD.
- Getting fat here, cos all i'm having is carbo carbo and carbo.
- loads of shopping, bad for the wallet. *sigh*

Anyway, think i'm just almost done with my assignment. it's 50%. HORRIFIED. but i guess i'll pass. ( : we just need to pass, remember? Doing well will be a bonus. Hm. I miss NUS lectures.... haha. strange that i do, but i do! and oh, i have to remember to do module pref! argh!?!()$@#

My eye itch! seems like it's coming back a little. Hope it won't be puffy and stuff. ): i wanna take beautiful pictures when i'm on my holiday!!! Can't wait for 14th December.. Euro TRIP!!!!! gosh, seriously, i still can't believe i'm like living and studying in UK, and actually planning trips for Europe. So not LY. hee.

Argh, look at that fats on my tummy. Must eat in moderation.

Gotta go sleep. Hope i can wake up in time for my presentation man.. Gd luck to me!

cya folks!

take care!



' Fly Away
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i can't believe i actually missed my room when i was away for just 4 days. I missed my friends and all the company too! hm. Glad to have Iliyas and Petrca to come pick me up from The Rushes and we had some awesome thai food.

halloween couldn't have been better. totally rocks. it was fun. cos we went there early. Got so crowded it was just crazy!

Cried a little today and i'm still thinking and figuring things out.

Thanks Patrick... U gave me the answer. All i needed was to have someone to be there to give me support. I need support from at least the one who cares about me, the one who loves me.

Just realised how hard it was to get the support from him. I'm lost. And i feel really lost.

Was doing my work halfway and there, came a kind of support.

i'll be fine, after i talk things out tmr.

i promise i will,


i must.

and i will stop the tears.

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' Fly Away
Thursday, November 06, 2008


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan