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Saturday, June 21, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

yet another busy day. there's a nice show going on now on Channel 8. Watched it once already b ut still find it nice. (:


Was so quiet in the afternoon.. all the way up till 7+. Was just telling my mom die lah this time left so much bread, how?! And then the crazy period came. The crowd at E!hub's real weird. When one comes, all come. crazy crowd! haha.. really! we don't' even see the 'light'! haha. Super ultra busy. Sales was alright today though. (: hope it continues! heh.

Today ate Belgium Chocolate Divine! Well, it's really nice leh must try another piece. Cos i thought i didn't quite like the 'rum' taste but ya, shall try another piece some day. eh. (:

Tmr gotta teach the kids "Di Zi Gui". Hopefully will do a good job lah! hurr.

Today talked to BBQ manager. Got some free chix wings tho i'm vegetarian, but well, thanks for it!

Can't wait for the end of the month so can go eat deserts at BBQ~~


' Fly Away
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Not exactly a tiring day but yea, was alright and sales was pretty good today! Just hope that this will continue and not just a 'holiday thing'. *cross fingers* Washed the waffle machine today for a change. Usually i'll be the one that wipe the bread racks and sometimes sweep the floor. Heh. Hope i did a good job cos i haven't washed the waffle machine in ages. (:

Sold lotsa cakes today! yummy. I really love the prima cakes the more i look at them, so if you have spare money please buy me some. (:

Cried so much last night my eyes were swollen today lor. ): baah. haha. Didn't want to cry but then the tears just kept flowing. i'm fine lah seriously. (:

Argh stupid shoe making my feet stink. HURR! ok i'm having random thoughts. hahaha. so pardon my poor organization and poor english cos i'm really quite tired!

Some Singaporeans are just...*ngiaw* (stingy). I mean we're feeling the effects of inflation and also rising costs everywhere, it's not just at a particular place what.. Why do they make such a big fuss over things?

Also, not that I will be a perfect parent imparting the best characters and values, but some parents really show such a bad example to their child!

Example 1:

Parent uses all coins to pay for items. Child asks parent why she needs so many coins to pay for the items. Parent replies:" Because their stuff is so expensive, so need so many coins, lor!" Please lah..

Example 2:

Child either runs into/dropped the trays and breaks one. Parent just puts on an angry face and put backs the tray, without any apologies, or reprimanding his child. I mean what kind of example are you showing to the child? One must be responsible for all their actions what! I'm not even expecting you to pay for damages but at least let your kid know that he must be held responsible mah... *sighs*

etc etc. endless.

Must jiayou! and improve on service! hurr. cos i know i can be easily irritated enough esp. when it's busy and things aren't gg as fast as it would desirably be. (:

gonna catch 40 winks now. tata!

i miss u. I shall give love surprise tmr. (:


' Fly Away
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

sighs. frustrated.

Just saw wrongly what. Hello, sorry lor.. i'm not very smart lor. sorry if i am more of a source of trouble than help. I'm really not smart so better don't trust me too much. hurrr.

frustrated. with myself? or on others?

Hai, need to practice Buddhism in my everyday life. I know but i lack the determination. I must!! ):

Haiyo.. the BBQ chicken people really ah.. haiyo!!


happy 25th month together, b.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friday, June 06, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

haiya. now i feel a bit bad for showing such impatience with her but then is really a bit frustrating!! baaahhh.

ok decided shall be nicer to my staffs now. Not that i haven't been nice but then hor can you imagine, at the end of the day we have to clean:-

1. ALL racks thoroughly
2. wipe the trays
3. bring in all the excess bread and hot puffs
4. clean the hot puffs machine
5. clean waffle machine thoroughly
6. wash some trays
7. sweep the floor
8. mop the floor
9. keep all the cakes

10. count money.

etc etc.

And to think the staff can leave just doing ONE of the 9 tasks. best. Hello... *sighs*
can we see more INITIATIVE please? I-N-I-T-I-A-T-I-V-E! k i will be stricter with them already. got not much time left to help out in the store! It's already June!

Starting from next week, i shall patiently train her with the POS system already. And make sure she's as gd as everyone else by the end of the week. That's my target. No point showing my frustrations cos i haven't really taught her that. Baaah.

think i shall wake up early and give love a surprise. (:


' Fly Away
Friday, June 06, 2008


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan