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Saturday, May 31, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**


oh my. damn scary. I seriously thought i was going to fail my modules. And they surprised me.

Did surprisingly well for Ecy and Space, at least i thought so lah. haha. and guess what? I passed my FINANCE mod. oh man!!! ke xin!! we made it! We Passed! now waiting for that damn S/U option thingy to open so i can see how much my cap will improve if i S/U it. damn. Hope it makes a difference! lols.

Not too bad, not exactly very happy but yea, i'm so glad i'm done with this semester. Been real stressed up and busy.
Even till now with my mom's shop. Haven't had chance to have a good rest.

Need a retreat with my beloved friends, and of course, with my love.

Sigh. Really wonder sometimes what's gonna happen to me in the future... Perhaps then i can make good choices. But then again, it's always very objective to determine what's a 'gd choice' and what's not? What's more important is that we know how to deal with our choices well and be responsible for it. (:

Hope u guys are well yea.. (: take care!! Drop a hi in my chatbox!


' Fly Away
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

phew. what an exciting day.

1. Today the lifeguards were coming to collect their fudge loafs. I reminded mom so many times about the order and she said she did. Well, turned out that she REALLY did. but the morning people put them all into the OTHER fridge and we forgot all about it. All that panic, rush, heart-attack, and that additional costs for nothing. But at least we delivered our promise to them. phew.

haha. the life guards were really funny tho. lols. and their gurmit singh joke is really huh? wahahaha..

2. was wondering how come the customer never come and collect her cake + cupcakes. then i called her. She's known to be a difficult one lah. Then she was like i said it's JUNE right? i checked. phew. yea, it's june. It's the factory that made the mistake. so phew. close shave.

damn scary.

and I just scalded my fingers again. ): with the waffle machine again. yet again. and my t-shirt is so dirty all thanks to all the fillings lah! ): boOhoo. soaking it now. hope i'll be able to get rid of the stains. stupid me actually used a pink tissue paper to wipe and guess what. yes, it was stained PINK. great. sighs. i want to get rid of it!!

Chix rice boy said they bought at least 20 waffles today lah! haha. so funny. can really eat so much meh?!

and today dippindonuts boy also gave me free donuts! lols.

damn. i ate too much today. mom bought rice for me it's a huge pack and i finished it all. Came back feeling hungry and munched on the egg-mayo bread then drank 'fu zhu yi mi' and then ate one cheese dunut and a small coffee donut 'mini bites'. sighs. i hope i won't put on much weight. hehe.

know we're both busy. l miss u B!

' Fly Away
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went out with love today. really felt much better after meeting him and pouring things out. I'm glad he's always there to listen to all these. (: thanks dear. (: Feels happy to just spend a simple day with him, or running errands with him. No need for romantic dinners or costly movies... It's a special connection we share i guess.

Had hearty chats with b and i just realised how much we've been through things over these 2 years. We've sure grown up so much together... I've faith in us that we will go through this difficult time together k.. Have been thinking about asking laoshi for help. I guess i will write her an email in chinese about my woes soon.

Had a dream just now about my mom. Dreamt that she finally agreed to our rlshp..

B has been the greatest motivation and help to me so far.. he's like my family already. I just wish my family would be alright with him. sighs.

((: apart from this, thanks for remembering me when you were overseas! i loved the presents you got me!! (: **hUgSs** love them to the max. (:

i didn't go down to the shop today. i just felt i deserved some rest, and peace. Since i reckon my presence is not exactly necessary, afterall.

' Fly Away
Saturday, May 24, 2008

living my dull life in a colourful world**

can't help but feel real irritated and unappreciated. like really. thanks.

fine i will go get a job outside myself. i shouldn't even have agreed to help. yea thanks for being so unappreciative. as suggested, you should have hired someone earlier to take over my role what. why complain only now? There's a limit to everything. It's not like i need u to be damn grateful and appreciative of my help. but that's not the way to treat people.

it's really hurtful. *ouch*

this feeling sucks man. big time.

' Fly Away
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys,

haha saw alot of familiar people at E!hub these few days. haha. Met Glynn and han's friend today lah. haha. so coincidental. haha. thanks Glynn for helping me clear some stuff. heh. Meet up soon yea.. but i'll probably be saying this to myself cos i don't think they read this! lols. anw.... -_-!

Had a pleasant surprise! Got a msg from love just now at dunno what time! hehe. so happy! hehe. Now beginning to wonder if he has been back before today le. heh. damn tired lah. haiyo. really v.v.v.tired. today biz wasn't that good cos the mall is simply too quiet. not much crowd... which is kinda sad. Got lots of leftovers today.

tired. waiting for mom to bathe so i can bathe. tired.

oh yea, i finally got some news from Loughborough University already! wheE~ Now i'm really seriously dreading all the paper work. damn. gotta head down to school one day i guess. Heh. baah. hopefully can drag b to go with me. hehe. maybe? (:

tata guys.

*just my imagination?*

' Fly Away
Friday, May 23, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

**hUgss** counting down. 5 more days!! (:

been busy. Vesak day was a fulfilling day! Went to Jiang Tang for the Buddha Bathing Ceremony and also i was the EMCEE!! haha.. really really honoured. I think i did quite a good job, no? heh. I'm glad everything went well. All thanks to the blessings and of course the "pi pa gao", "golden throat sweets" that I was able to speak fluently without hiccups. ((: So cheers! I hope it was alright la, at least i thought so. yep.

Been busy. been tired. Going down to the shop every single day. I really hold it to my mom man. U'll never know how tired we guys are. Really tired. Hope things will be smooth for the cake shop lor. Hopefully before i leave for UK, things will be more settled and my mom no need to be so tired already.

BTW. Guys, please, if u wanna order cake, or if any of your family wanna order cake, can order from PRIMA DELI - DOWNTOWN EAST E!hub ok! (: haha. ((: We've got tarts, pies and puffs too for any events. (:

(: i'm so tired. I can't wait to be a little girl in your arms again love. (:

' Fly Away
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

7-16th. First 10 days. 10 more days to go. Will be counting down till the day u come back and msg me!! (:

**hUgs** I miss u! )':

lots to catch up with when u're back love.

ilu. ((:


' Fly Away
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Monday, May 05, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i guess i should really give up now.

tired of guessing.

' Fly Away
Monday, May 05, 2008


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan