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Monday, April 21, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Studying was rather gd today. As in productive.

sian. project got ANOTHER B- sucks man. the feeling's really v.v.v.sian. argh. pukes.

yea, i know i'm not too bright. as always.

' Fly Away
Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

It's another Sunday. nope. It's another lazy Sunday.

Supposed to do some readings, which i did, a little. Yea, a little. haha. Sian I can't procrastinate further! i need to study! C'mon LY stop indulging in your post-exam mood!! sigh. There's so many things i wanna do and so many things i wanna go... I wonder if there's someone who's willing and able to accompany me then.

Perhaps, i was really a bad gf... Just thinking.

Anyways, saw dan today, with aloy and stanley, but i didn't go over to say hi cos abit paiseh also. haha.

Argh studying in school with friends tomorrow at 9.30am. bahhh.

if i had another chance, i would still choose to love u.

' Fly Away
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Today, is 17th of April. Yet another 17th. 23mths.

Yet, it ended up in tears and heartaches. But i guess i can see the clear picture now. I guess i can never entrust my life in a person who doesn't reflect on oneself and do not try to improve things on their side and wallow in self-despair.Yes, you know u always vent your anger and frustrations on me. Don't i have such moments too? You said u wanted to talk. And all i hear is prejudice embedded deep in your heart. I don't blame you too... But this period of self-despair is too long.

you once said i always take you for granted. But i guess, you do take me for granted at times too. Why do i always allow you to have the upperhand in our relationship? Come and go as you wish, leaving my heart to crash. I thought my tears went dry... But your words today pierced my heart a thousand times, a million... It hurt so bad. so bad i could feel my heart wrenched and ripped apart.

Only blaming others and not wanting to see how you can improve the situation on your part, or even attempting to do so... I cannot accept this. You lost me, not because you have no money or that you don't have a degree. You lost me, because of your attitude towards this issues.

Perhaps i can never understand your pain. And perhaps YOU will never understand mine too.

I'm sorry for wasting 2 years of your life. I can never be the one that brings you happiness. For i have never seen or heard you laugh like you had before. When was the last time we had a nice date? When was the last time we had a nice dinner together? When was the last time you planned to bring me out? When was the last time you were interested to meet me? I'm sorry if you did but i didn't feel it.

That's great. 17th April. A great day for a great ending.

ling ying

' Fly Away
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

两年了。充满着快乐与悲伤。从陌生人到男女朋友,到知己。。。 时间过得很快。










' Fly Away
Friday, April 11, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I so love this! Can anyone offer to buy me this? (: hahaha.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

pretty sunrise. the next time i shall use the sunset/dusk feature to capture some more pretty sunrises. (:

' Fly Away
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Monday, April 07, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went to do interview with dor that day and i bought a new camera! NIkon Coolpix p50! It's really cool! sweet.

Finally! finished my presentation and also my 2 projects! one re and one geog. like WhopPeeY! (: cheers to doris dear for being so nice! haha.. and also my pretty RE group mates who are always so nice to me too! (:

My presentation that day i thought was alright.. but there are some cheaterbugs in class. HumPH! but guess what, they'll get their deserts man.

' Fly Away
Monday, April 07, 2008

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hey Check out this site! Please help to promote lo! haha.. just trying for fun to see how things goes!


Ling Ying

' Fly Away
Monday, April 07, 2008

Friday, April 04, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Finally! It's Friday! Thanks Doris dear for being so compromising! Hope the project turns out well! I'm quite happy with it leh. hahaha. Yep, we've slogged hard for it! So you better give us the grades! wahahaha. Anyway, thanks Doris cos i feel like she'd doing so many things!

Din go to school today cos I was so tired i fell asleep and didn't wake up in time to do my work. Jumped out of my bed at 6am and started chiong-ing. Glad i turned out alright! (: Managed to write the things i wanted to say. So i guess that's quite an achievement. Then started to do editing works with Doris through MSN! Sch's MSN super lousy. Can't send docs over! ):

I thought my heart was dead.

My tears fell again.

do you miss me?

' Fly Away
Friday, April 04, 2008

Thursday, April 03, 2008
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I hate this time of the semester. Where i will feel stressed and more stupid and slow than ever. This totally sucks. Why am i so slow?! I think i should just hide myself in a cave.

I'm so tired... thinking and knowing how stupid i am. and i'm really physically drained too. Can't wait for Fri. Damn tired.


' Fly Away
Thursday, April 03, 2008


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan