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Saturday, December 22, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

back from taaiiwaan!!!

hai. damn sian. i didn't have my camera with me throughout my 11 days in Taiwan! and i didn't even know i was supposed to be the photographer for the trip. Though i was holding the JT camera.. i mean i really didn't know.. cos during briefing they said they will assign photographers.. and i didn't know la.. hai.. really felt so disappointed and really felt v.bad!! cried lo. silly me. haha..

Been busy with JT since i'm back in Sg.. doing notice board! Looks kinda good! Hopefully it will turn out well! and it must! it's the main board lo.. (: feel honoured that i can join in the 'committee' for this notice board! (: will do my best de!Worked till late today.. i think 10+ or 11+.. and my phone went dead. Hopefully my battery is OK. the Voltage in Taiwan is diff from Sg's and though i charged my phone in Taiwan but it runs out really fast.. yea.. so i'm charging it now in Sg.. hopefully it's gd!
Was quite fun today tho.. went out to bugis 'bras basah complex' and fancy paper to get stuff.. in the end still didn't get enough.. so tmr nai min will be gg down..! (: things look good man! ((:


Felt alot when i was in Taiwan..

1. How foolish can human beings get... thinking they could conquer nature, the entire universe... I don't think it's ever possible.. Nature provides sufficiently for it's inhabitants, and sovereignty over resources within the boundaries that human marked out only gives them the right to exploit the resources.. but not FULL sovereignty over them such that they over-exploit them.. The mightiness of nature should not be neglected... Nature is so beautiful.. something to be admired and feared at the same time.. but men's short-sightedness, foolishness, greed, blinds them from understanding the importance of nature.. Really felt very relaxed and at peace during the whole trip

2. Really felt very blessed that i can get to hear such great dharma, meet such great teachers.. Really have got to thank my parents so much.. Especially after my Dad's death, it really struck to me that life is so fragile, and is something that is often out of your control.. I'm glad i can get to be at Jen Chen Buddhist Centre at such a young age.. like what chen lao shi always tells us.. 'being young is an asset'. (nian qing jiu shi ben qian) How true.. I must not waste this great and rare opportunity.. Being in the 'MO FA shiqi', to be able to hear of such dharma is really a fortune..

3. Nobody can help you live your life.. Ultimately, everyone has to walk his/her own life till the end alone.. So no matter how much money you have, how much feelings u have for your family and friends, you can never bring them along.. So why don't be more generous and be more able to let go.. It's easy to say but often very difficult to follow.. Humans really bring themselves alot of misery..

4. I've never heard such 'perfect' and 'all-comprising' dharma other than that i heard from my teachers..

5. I really wanna do well and encourage my friends to come to Jen Chen.. It really takes fate.. and the person's merits to be able to really come and embrace the teachings of a particular group.. be in religion or not.. But i will try my best.. Will try to change my attitude towards life.. and be a role model.. Still a long way to go but yes, i'm confident i can..

6. Understood what constitutes a family.. blood ties, don't exactly mean anything much..

7. Really felt the deep compassion for all living beings from chen laoshi... really very touched.. somethings are better left in the heart.. i'm really really touched..

8. I can be anti-social, but can be left alone, yet not feel left out/lonely!

GUys, if any of you are keen to know more about Buddhism, still wondering what it really is, or any myths to clear, or interested in MUSIC, Teen Activities, Listening to dharma, prayers.. just let me know.. i really will be more than glad...

Daniel bro: if you are reading this.. i love the song you sent me. (: hope u are gd. take care!

ling ying

' Fly Away
Saturday, December 22, 2007


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan