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Sunday, October 28, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

The human mind is so hard to read. One moment they can be so nice and then suddenly, they turn their backs on u. How evil can the human mind be.. Terrible, terrible.. Do human relationships exists because of that 'usability' of each other? That's a tragedy, really...

Unlike Buddha's love which is full of compassion and wisdom.. I guess nobody can ever love one another without any conditions.

Finished my part ( hopefully ), yea.. just wanna get over things fast!! esp thai hmwk. argh. *bangs*

' Fly Away
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I forgot to say.. really felt so much like the character in the channel 8, 9pm show.. The situation is so similar.. I hope things do work out eventually.. Really must jiayou ah b..

I only know u really are my pillar of support.. Wouldn't have been able to perservere up till now without you.. Thanks for lending me your support b.. Somethings are better left unsaid and kept in the heart. (:


' Fly Away
Thursday, October 25, 2007

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Finally. Done with my 2 projects!! congrats and great work to all my lovely group mates. Really met alot of fellow geog majors this sem! (: Jas, Mel, Huishi, PQ, Ervin, Winnie, and the stalker Doris! hahaha. yea.. Done with the Nat. Resource (grp), and cities! Also got back my cities term paper which wasn't as bad!! whipPee! Confidence booster. Just in tine.. really needed that now so thanks Dr. Pow!

Poor Dr. Pow. All the groups practically exceeded so much time lah! I mean hello, it's not as if they don't know we have 6 groups in a class and only have 2 hours and they can still argue that they thought they were given like 20-30minutes. like hello?! Uni students can do simple math right.. -_- ok i've been complaining for days so this will put an end to it. YipPee. Giving myself a gd break today.. and from tomorrow onwards.. i gotta work hard on Migration. *shucks* so dead... argh. c'mon LY!!

Recently met some really weird people on the bus. Remember i was talking about that guy who came to seat beside me when there were so many empty seats, i met one more today. There were so many empty seats after everyone alighted at CBD and all.. I don't see a reason why anyone wouldn't want to move to the empty spaces. -_-. I wanted to get down the bus so i excused myself.. and later to find that.. he got off the same stop as me.. how come all the weird people appear this wk?!

I'm so tired.. My neck almost chou jing today.. really damn scary.. haha. better go off to rest now.. seeya guys..

i need to survive over the wkend!! afterwhich i need to work on Carl's. Oh shucks. When will all these gonna end?!?!?!?!

' Fly Away
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

wah my hands, thighs and back are aching so badly! can't even walk properly!! Ouch. But i feel really proud of myself! i managed to conquer 5KM run! in a spectacular timing of roughly 31 minutes! well done to me and sis! haha.. very funny.. both of us had wanted to stop to walk for a long time but we both thought that we wanted to carry on with the run when we both were struggling! cos my sis was still looking out for me, asking if i was ok.. so i was like wah she so power! so i just kept running!! lols. And at last, i overtook my sis abit..wanted to turn back but was too exhausted to stop and go back..so just headed straight towards the finishing line and yea! sis was just a few seconds behind me (:

Thing is.. she's not even aching! and i'm aching so badly.. argh crap haha.

after conquering the 5Km! we went for isotonic drinks, offered water and tissue to a neighbour, ate bananas, ate cereal and went for the OSIM iSqueeze! super shiok.. haha.. and went for nice Cedele's soup and bread set!! haha. cool. (: shall train and go for it again next year.. Oh ya, and there was this group of SCGS girls who participated this together.. and just before the race started.. they actually sung the school song... -_-
haha.. but well..those were the days... secondary is the best time of everyone's life man! ok generalizing by yea i guess its true for most. (:

Today's a really strange day.. hm. Had lunch alone in school just before migration, and this guy came to seat in front of me..when there were other empty tables downstairs.. but he's a rather nice man i suppose.. can't judge one person by just a 15 min conversation right? He's a phD student from SOC! SOC! like oh man... that's like the total opposite of me can.. computer!!?? haha. yea and he's from france, but half french-half jap.. this is the first time i came across this combi.. lols.. yea..

Then... was on the way back and then there was this guy that boarded from don't know where.. and sat beside me when there were so many empty seats! What's wrong with people nowadays!! argh. whatever. yea but i managed to finish reading my stuff! (: (:

k, gotta go check out my discussion forum now.. (: take care folks..

*baby, it was so nice to hear u call me **** again..*

' Fly Away
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh my dear projects! when will you be gone?!

suddenly ain't feeling well.. probably too tired.. will go to bed soon!! (: i'm so tired! argh so irritating!! Really tired man!!

i'm too tired to blog.. be back agn soon.. when time permits.


' Fly Away
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

don't test my patience please. Not saying anything doesn't mean that i don't know what you all have been doing behind my back. Just stop it okay.

i'll never trust anyone again..
Just such a big big disappointment. I'm disappointed. I just don't know how to react.. when will you guys leave my alone?! Just so tired of this damn issue. I'm just plain disappointed... not angry.. more of being upset.. Just too disappointing...

don't push your luck too far.

' Fly Away
Friday, October 12, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

It's really cold tonight..

Went out the whole day, which i hadn't exactly expected, but i guess it was a day quite well spent. Went for my facial in the morning.. I think the previous session was better? I think the previous beautician was a bit more skillful but today's was nice. (: Cos she didn't push products! yay.. i hate that part.. cos i don't find anything fantastic abt their products mah.. but oh well, the most painful part was the squeezing of pimples and whiteheads! like OUCH!! but i was brave enough to divert my attention which helped lessen my pain.. ouch man.

Then met Ke xin.. luckily i went for my facial..cos i ended/reached early and she was super early too! so we didn't waste time! so happy.. Walked arnd to look for a wallet for so long.. until.. we stepped into Esprit.. And was already deciding on a wallet.. till we saw this super gd steal lah! Esprit got sale! quick go buy..not all. u gotta check one by one.. the bag we bought her was like half price! just like ~$30. And i got one for myself too, in a different shade though.. So super happy.

Went to meet Ivy for Cheng Tng just now. The aunty seemed to be in a bad mood. One had too much ice that was spilling over, and the other had too much soup that was spilling over too. -_-! Anyway, never ever trust anyone 100% or rather, i would say.. never have any expectations of anyone to do/not do anything so you won't get hurt.. It's so true.. My friend asked me what i would wish for if i were granted one wish.. i told him.. to wish for nothing is happiness.. i really think so.. Went Nike, bought a boys t-shirt for sis (iloveittoo!), a pair of socks..and a 3/4 sleeve top for myself.. that was on 40% so happY! really love it. (: haha. I know i spent too much today.. but i really felt alright.. hm.. will save up from now..!! i have been, actually.

walking to the bus stop from Suntec today.. So many sweet memories came to my mind.. But at the same time, my heart seemed to ached so much though i was smiling.. Just wish to have you back in my life again, dear.


' Fly Away
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**


Finally can take a breather off work. Self-declared a holiday from readings today..and just relax..really tired chiong-ing all the projects... especially when you're getting so little percentage for all the effort put in.. But oh well, we do learn from the process and make new nice friends like PQ, Doris, Ervin etc.. Can't imagine i actually signed up for this week's computing project presentation lah.. gosh..that's super scary..and super fast.. Especially when it's a computer idiot talking here.. haha.. Just hope things will turn out fine in the end.. yea it well.. i'm sure.. (:

Still worried for my Cities Assignment cos it's just 1200 words which is very little!! didn't have time to properly explain things.. and to give more evidences.. Argh.. Still feeling really worried..though i have told myself not to think about it anymore..help!!! Just wish to get a B+ and above.. hai.. too long never write essays already.. a bit rusty.. Argh.. Don't know if what i write is what he is expecting!! boOhoO. Shan't think too much ya?! HURR!!

Meeting Ke xin tmr to get Glo's prezzie in town.. Just nice..i managed to book my long-awaited facial session tmr! so yipee.. kill two birds with one stone.. and ya might be meeting Ivy at Suntec.. to dring Cheng Tng..so better still..3 birds with one stone!! hahaaha.. ok lame. whatever~

i'm so tired! but i promise i will continue the chiong-ing tmr!! Still gotta chiong for my forum.. Thank got after this there's just 2 more.. hai... Just hope things will move faster sometimes.. I seriously need to touch on Migration lest i die.. haha.. HELP!!! Was just telling my proj. mates.. it's really alot of effort for a 25% but oh well, i guess it was supposed to be 'Fun'.

I so wanna go to the Thailand field trip!! But it's like 1-5 Nov! argh!! Dr. CARL!!!! Watched a 'gruesome yet so true' film about the Karenni people and what they experience in their daily lives.. It's really sad. No day with peace and security.. They seem to be left on their own.. with no means to seek appropriate help.. They are constantly in fear.. How bad can it get right? Even big organizations from the UN etc can't do/ aren't doing anything much to help them.. Who are those really in need? Why isn't anyone doing anything? I know the issue is complex, but it ain't that complex if u think of it carefully.. If only people would be more generous, more helpful, more compassionate, less selfish, less greedy... The world would be a much better place.. Really feel alot when i watch that film - it's the second time for me.

Had a thought today on the bus.. Really wanna get a car.. so i can bring everyone in your family out.. so silly but the thought came across my mind on the way to school today..

thai lesson was super duper fun today.. love the song!! LISTEN!

' Fly Away
Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan