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Sunday, August 12, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I miss the old me. Honestly.

where have the old LY gone?

Where have all the energy gone? Where have all that motivation gone?

Really miss those times where the friendships were so innocent, pure yet strong. The force that pushed me along so hard, so far.. The force that shaped the me today.. I miss them. No matter how silly were the things that we once went gaga about, or complained so much about or the things that we worried about.. How we might think them as utter rubbish now... have now become traces of youth and innocence to me.. Those were the days.. How free we were..

To think that we would gain more freedom when we grew up.. That's not all true.. We were once free in our own world of thoughts, fantasies and dreams. We were innocent naive young teens who could imagine the unimaginable and do the impossible though we might have been through all the grounding by our parents, restricting our movements.. But we were still free in our own world... in a sense.

When we grow up, we might have obtained freedom of our movements, more spending power, with supposed more resources to fufil all our dreams and fantasies.. that's not the case, it seems - to me. Exposed to the harsh reality and the 'cold, hard' world, would we be able to be free in our thoughts, fantasies and dreams? Are we able to think positively about our dreams? How often do dreams come true..? Hurray for those who have achieved their dreams but to the rest.. a dream might always just remain a dream.. It might be a very easy and realistic dream for some..but yet seems so difficult for others.. So..do we keep dreaming? Or should we succumb to this realistic world? Dreams serve as a motivation, but for some, it may just be more of a source of pain, or sadness or regret..

Hence!! We should live 'here and now'.. Live in the present. Of course not without a goal..For we still need to feed ourselves..
People like to force it down other's throat their own philosophy, dreams and expectations.. But i believe everyone is different.. Why don't we give them a chance? Should the majority be always right? Why can't we open up our hearts and admire those minority - who might be 'living their dreams'? Why do we have to fit in all one category?

Is being a PROFESSIONAL or an ELITE the only way to be considered as having a great achievement in life? of gaining success? Life is short, i'd rather choose to do something i love, and having enough money to meet up with the living requirements stay simple and happy, rather than be engaged with those entangled politics in those offices, having to deal with the workload and people so carefully everyday, to be so cautious not to step over the line.. I might be a sweeper or a garbage collector, but have a supportive and positive family or just a partner.. though we may not be rich to afford Billy Bombers all the time, or to even buy an LV or Gucci.. but can only squeeze into stores having sales or afford to eat only at a food court.. i'm sure there's pleasure in that as well, that may not be understood by others.. Those simple pleasures..

Ask a group of kids what they would want to be in the future, and you get assorted replies.. doctors, lawyers, teacher, nurse, police, fireman...etc etc..

Ask a group of adults what they would want to see their future to be like and you prob. get standard answers.. secure a job, stable pay, set up a family, pay rise.. etc..

As for me.. i just hope everyone will be healthy and well.. I just hope i will be able to stay positive all the way!!

' Fly Away
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**


school is starting soon and i'm so bored!!!!! hm.. feels a bit lonely.. wondering where are all my friends lo. Hai. Quite sad.. But it's ok.. i can take this time to rest.. ( :


i hate to face the computer all day man... hurrr.. the feeling's so... boring.

Talked to my aunt via her webcam and microphone. haha. so cool lah. gonna ask bro to install man. hehe. perhaps get one for my mac book if there is. Talking about my macbook!!!! argh. gotta send it down for repair soon. Been too lazy to make the call. Apparently now we have to make a free call to some Austrailia place or something, so they will record down the problems and issue a number which we have to produce when we send down to ANY mac centre for repair. How irritating. I love mac. i really love using MAC and prefer it over Windows/Microsoft. BUT!! School's mac is prob a lower grade MAC! This would be the 2nd time in a year lah. argh.

Hm..School's starting soon. Not too bad.. I had quite a fufilling holiday doing my internship, gone for a short holiday, continue working part-time for my cousin, going facial, shopped a bit, met up with friends.. ok lah..but i'm so bored now... i gotta catch up on my thai (sawatdii kha!!) lest i wanna fail thai 2. hahaha. argh stupid cors is down lah.. when close bidding is going to start. argh. i highly suspect it as the workings of the computer school pple lah. okay whatever. probably jammed up.

ah... i don't feel like a student anymore after the LONG LONG break!! argh. How irritating. but i must work hard!! and yea!!

really hope i can go for the student exchange and get away from all these. Hopefully, it;s something gd. ( :

perseverance, one sided perseverance?

perhaps the best things in life should remain as dreams.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Friday, August 03, 2007
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'll be there for you.

i'll keep my promise.

i'll cherish the precious friendship between us.

i'll promise not to cry so often.

i'll promise to take care of myself.

i'll promise......

please promise you'll be there too.

please promise me you'll take care of yourself.

please promise you'll be my best friend ever..

dreams will come true. for we are not too far from it afterall hun. (:

' Fly Away
Friday, August 03, 2007


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan