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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh gosh, just dig me a hole.


never ever felt so lost before...

all i can do is to no think so much and just chiong aimlessly.

Will i reach a destination eventually? i'm not too sure too.

what the..


i just can't/maybe i can/yes i can't/no u can

blah blah blah!(*&$@(&*@_()!#

spinning. head's spinning.

who am i? what am i? who will i be? what will i become? why am i here..?


' Fly Away
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Nothing seems right.

I thought I recovered from it. I thought I'd bid it goodbye forever.. seems like it's back to haunt me.

This time, even worse.

Almost defeated. Silently it creeped in.

And seems like it's here to stay. I'm quite certain.

Nobody knows.nobody understands,nobody'll care.

all the better.

I'm losing it. I'm losing it.

As I cower in fear and uncertainty, the monster shall be allowed to engulf my soul.

breaking down. into small little pieces.

with the wind may i leave...

just to leave everything behind.


imafool. afooliam.

in search of that small little....world.

' Fly Away
Friday, November 03, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

HI all!! i'm back again! haha..feeling a little tired now..I didn't exactly study that much today, but it seems like a long long time already because of its context! Never mind, i'll perservere. Anyway, no matter what, this is definitely a much needed revision for TS-Theatre Studies. I'm having a 25% test tomorrow, which was only told to us last thursday! Argh. It's ok ling ying.. Jia yoU!! :) Hee. Snacked on bebe snack (the squarish one for the first time), and it was very very prductive!! :) happy. At least the snack was worth my dollar. haha! unhealthy though. A bad habit. But i promised to kick this habit away if someone does something. *hinthint* hee.

i'maluckygirl. iknow.

Been having really silly thoughts, drifting in and out of 'doldrums' (have been a while since i used this term in Geography)...I guess it's unavoidable. It hasn't been a smooth journey, and having come so far... i just don't wish to see myself fail yet again..Have been wishing for that miracle to come since years ago.. and still waiting quite patiently (well, maybe not). Just wish to taste that sweet victory and breakthrough in this new phase of life. It ain't easy but i'll try. A little more to go... just a little more ly..

obstacles after obstacles. hurdles after hurdles. It seems like a never-ending task. but i'll be strong. perhaps it'll make me treasure what i have right now.. to come this far, to have what i'm having..it all didn't come easy.. just hope to have a bit of oil to lubricate this life journey of mine... i know what comes around goes around..perhaps it's my guo bao from past lives. haha.. you'll never know...

We'll be strong too darling. :) *hand-in-hand*

' Fly Away
Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan