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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm back. with my rantings..

Oh man, finally submitteds the Geography project after much and i really mean MUCH time and effort! Besides the time and effort put in for the project, i spend like a really long time trying to print that out! Cos i did my stuff on my macbook..everything looked so wonderful, ready to print. went to configure my computer for the printer at the library and happily waited so long for it to finish spooling. In the end, the thing kept getting mixed up and i was so irritated! Even email-ed the lecturer to ask for slight extention of time. Thank god he was so understanding!! :) Really appreciated it.. Special thanks to my sister who helped me a great deal, though in the end i think we were quite tired and pissed off by the whole thing.. to Michael, whom i asked an persuaded to stay but in the end had to spend his time alone in the library for 3 odd hours.. haha..sorry...and thanks for all your care and concern... :)

now, i've gotta buck up and work hard for my following 2 assignments. GO for it ling ying. Go for it! believe and it can be done. :)

just talked to Mabel about this sem. It's been quite bad actually. Serious. I really regretted taking TS1101 module. It's totally not my cup of tea. As in it is, but i'm seriously confused, lost and lonely in this module! Implications..complex relationships..oh well, perhaps things are just as simple as they seem, i think too much. but i can't help but feel that way. You never know how devious one can be..and how dangerous..

Project mates are another thing. Like seriously...Aren't we suposed to act like responsible adults? No matter how good your results may be, it really reflects badly on a person's EQ and character through ________________________________. a number of things which i shall not mention. Everyone has a part to play so just do your part and make each other's life easier. If anyone's not interested, just say so... Don't practice Taichi.

I question about the term friends. In CHinese, we have a phrase that goes like this. "Peng you dou shi ying gai hu xiang bang mang de", meaning, friends should always help one another. HOwever, can one draw the line between helping and being used? Sometimes i really feel bad for thinking this way, but i can't help it at times..Just feel so used and all.. I don't even consider myself a friend but just another person who can help you along the way, or to kill time, or to be a companion for a period of time..or...... There are just thousands of other reasons. So..are we really friends??? Someone once told me that his dad told him that in this life, you don't need to have plenty of friends, at the end of the day, be contented to have just 5 good friends around you. And i totally agree with that. HOwever, that does not mean we should not socialise. In this society, we still need to get along with other people, in order for us to progress and move on. It's this kind of mutual-beneficial relationship, which i wouldn't really classify as real 'friends'. oh well..

life still goes on. The above reflects on what's going on in my life now and what i've been hearing from my friends.. the above report is made by yours sincerely.

andi'mjustgladyou(all)arethereforme. :)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

In school now. Trying to do my Social Work project now.. Reading up the article afterwhich i'll have to write it's significance and relation to the module and why we chose it. haha.. :) jiayou LY! aiya, my hopes of chiong-ing my assignment is gone..but oh well..shall work on it later on at night when i get home..using the...DESKTOP! i haven't been using it for ages and it really takes time to get used to using Microsoft again. I tend to press F9. haha.. see how the convenience of technology harms me. hehe.

Oh man, the reading week is going to start in about 5 wk's time? It's so fast! THe exams are coming! and i'm just getting used to school..Having fun actually. The stress level is definitely low right now..I mean though i have to rush my projects and assignments, i feel more relaxed studying things i have interest in. Really appreciate the life in here man.

Hope i'll have more time for myself, my family and my prince though. I guess that'll only happen when my exam finishes. hurhur. :) work for it LY, perservere and strive for the best!! :) I'm pretty worried about exams..Because i'm kinda competing with a larger pool of elites and smarter people..but i'll never know.. Hardwork does pay off, i guess. :) Go for it LY.

Dar gave a very very very surprising and very sweet surprise to me last Friday! oh man..haha..silly..always have such creative ideas.. :) My designer wu. Met up with Daniel (his bro) and their secondary mentor/teacher! He was really nice and all.. haha.. And someone refused to tell me who we were meeting until the last minute!! scary..haha.. lol..

I'm a happy girl. at least for now. :)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

living my dull life in a colourful world**

I've been busy!! ah!!

But as compared to other friends who have tons of mid-term tests and never ending projects and assignments, i'm considered lucky. But that doesn't mean i don't have less things to do you know! Geog project's due this coming Monday..almost done..handed over to Ke Xin to edit and add on.. and i've got a major SW project coming right up. haha. And i still don't exactly know the percentage of the assignment! It states 80% but that sounds absolutely crazy. argh. shall ask him on Thursday itself. Buck up LY. CHIONG!!

shall continue again. cos my laptop battery is dying. haha. take care folks. :)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan