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Thursday, September 28, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Had i known that this year's birthday would be so unpleasant, i'll rather not have any birthdays at all. Had i know what a hassle it'll be to grow up, i wouldn't have grown up at all. Had i known that things would turn out like this after 19, i'd rather i not grow 19 at all. Had i known that what i say wouldn't make an impact or to get into anyone's ears, i'd rather be mute. Had i known i wouldn't be clever, i'd rather not do what i had done and chose something esle that would make my life easier. Had i known that anyone would treat me bad, i wouldn't get acquainted with them in the first place.

Had i known, had i known. Voluntary or involuntary, it has already happened.

i'm talking to the air i'm talking to the air.

I've never felt so stupid before. But then again, since when was i clever?

I've never felt so selfish before. But do we have a choice?

i've never felt so lost before. never felt so used before. never felt so uncertain before. never faced this and that before.

Many regrets in life. But i learn to live with them.

i'm talking to the air..screamin' in my heart.

and nobody hears. and nobody knows.

and i'll be silent.

i'll be silent.

be still.

' Fly Away
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hi all.. i'm in school now! it's our mid-sem break now..for one week. It's not really a break considering the number of things that i have to do by this week. Plenty of readings to catch up and also assignments and projects. It's not exactly THAT stressful but it ain't that easy either. Hm.

Supposed to come to school to celebrate my birthday with fellow Psychotic mates but as usual i was late and everyone else didn't seem like they could make it so we called it off. Anyways, it's lucky i have things to do in school. Just printed a whole stack of notes and got to help sis get stuff out from the locker too. Got to chiong and pia already! It's already Tues! Can't believe time just flew like that. C'mon Ly..you can do it.

Yays, just bought the Mac office yesterday! finally i can use mac word/excel/ppt etc on my macbook! wahaha! It's super cool lo!! haha.. yays! Went to do voluntary work with sis yesterday at the world bank and it was boring as usual. Saw huiwen yesterday at SMU while i was waiting for sis to come back from collecting some magazines from her friend. So coincidental! Anyways, back to the voluntary work, i'm so glad i'm only left with one last shift on Fri!! So boring!! urgh..haha..but oh well, it was quite interesting to go and experience.. :)

Went shopping too! But didn't really buy anything except for some necessities at watsons. Ate at Mos too! drank my favourite Corn soup! whee~ yummy. Can't wait to feast on Jap food later on..whahaha..:)

Sigh. The society forces us to be pragmatic and practical huh.. =( i just hope everything will turn out fine and that everything gets accepted and all. It'll be quite sad to quit under such circumstances. oh well. we'll be strong won't we?

Birthday celebrations still going on..haha..For the past few days', it was alright. But things just had to go wrong on my birthday. Never felt so upset on my birthday before. oh well. Tragedies do happen sometimes. Still feeling the after effects. hurhur. it's alright. it's alright..

be strong, ly.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm in school now! finally got time to blog again. actually i'm busy but just felt like updating my stagnant blog..been so busy! I don't know why but i've been rather lethargic these days.. Despite sleeping till quite late already.. Hm..what's happening. Just recovered for some throat infection, throat ulcer a few days back. Finally, can eat some unhealthy food already..hehe. I've yet to eat my curry puff! hurr. Hee..thanks to my family who helped me to recover quickly, also special thanks to Josh who brought me to the doc.. Hm.. =) It's great to be healthy.

I've a malay test later. supposed to be on Monday but i had to go watch "Fundamentally happy" on monday so i had to push it back to today. No class except that! 6-8. haha.. :) whee! Studying for my test now.. actually not now lah..as in after i blog. zzz. haha. i'm interested in Malay but i don't think i'm zai. and there are so many other zai people around! hurr. but it's okay, it's my interest.. And i love geog! seriously. BUT!! i was clearing my table and flipping through some notes and i realised!! i forgot to..1)do readings for some topics, 2)forgot some topics and what i read! hur. how smart. and i realised i've been neglecting my soci and complementary health and med.. =( attempted to read some complementary health and med..but zzz.. needs mood to read lo.. and as for soci..i nv do readings..it's high time i get that book out of my locker and start flipping. hai. It's so busy. Maybe i'm stressing myself too much. But it's good. gets me busy..and on track.

Thanks to friends, family, my vitamin J, my angel and my handsome boy for all the love and support!

ok it's back to mugging. take care folks. will keep u guys updating..hope all's doing well.. drop me a msg or smthg..to scream that u're alive. =)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan