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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Oh my.. Lost touch with the world for several days already. Been in a daze. In and out of consciousness. Just came back from Union Camp on Saturday afternoon, after which some very sweet person met me to go for lunch and took away lunch for mom too. Went home to bathe and washed all of my dirty laundry, dressed up and went out to meet darling again. Sorry i took like x hours to prepare lor..! hehe.. Oops. Feeling guilty about it still. =) Anyway, the night out was great.. got a nice necklace at a good deal to suit my dress. =) My designer chose it lor.

oh well. The camp was pretty fun. Just that there were some times i felt erm..lost/left out. Probably cos the camp is too big already? Maybe it's just me. Cos i have been working hard for the past few weeks, chiong-ing work and all..Didn't have enough rest and plus over at the camp, we slept like only a couple of hours per night. So..yaya.. But one thing i'm impressed is they never forgot my vegetarian menu. hehe. Thanks a lot guys for the effort. I never like the idea of troubling others but yea..thanks for the effort ya..Thanks to people like Kai wei, cynthia and my SP who helped me ask for my vegetarian meals all the time. hehe.

REalised a lot of things also. At certain times i do feel afraid of the big world out there. Maybe i am really innocent. And naive. Ly, you ought to learn how to be brave and face whatever that is to come your way.

Fell sick. Been several days. Just that condition aggravated. My fever hit at least 40degrees. I literally felt like i was fuming. Even when i didn't feel that warm, i measured like a 39.8. wow. And it just won't drop. NOw finally, it dropped. Going back to work tomorrow.Feel sorry for taking 2 days Mc..but i just couldn't take it.

gg to rest now so seeya guys. =)

hope i won't be too drowsy tmr.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Haven been blogging for sometime. Been busy guys. With work as usual and some other things. Life's good, enjoying the moment and appreciating every second that passes by. Saw an improvement in myself and i'm glad i improved! yeah!! so i'm quite proud of myself now.. but i shan't get arrogant which will put me back to where i was.

Well well well, it's not hard to see through some people but it's not easy either. The world seriously ain't that innocent and pure as i thought it was. Cheat, lies, whatever. But most importantly, always stand to what you believe and never forget what you once were. Of course, always be true to yourself.


Feeling so argh now.. DOn't know what to do. Loving Nike more and more as the days go by but yet feeling pressured to quit. I know i should but there's something holding me back. Definitely not the pay and ahem the boss. But the fellow colleagues that i've been working with! Especially Ivy and Candy whom i have known for 7 mths since i started work!! The kind of worklife is not easy to find elsewhere lor..No where but Suntec Nike by bird. Then again, things do change. Somethings don't but other things do. Like __________________________. sians.

Counting down to camp. Can say i'm excited yet not. I'm not sure. Just make sure it isn't boring and i'll be glad. =) Haven't gone for a camp for years. Wonder how is it like to have my first leisure camp in Uni. hehe. will be back on Sat..special day too. hehe.

till then take care folks.. anything just gimme a ring or a msg ya..

to han/joyce:meet up soon.

' Fly Away
Monday, July 10, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan