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Friday, June 30, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Lee Ling Ying!

  1. Lee Ling Ying can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid!
  2. Lee Ling Ying cannot be detected by infrared cameras.
  3. Lee Ling Ying is the only king without a moustache on the standard pack of cards.
  4. More people are killed by Lee Ling Ying each year than die in aeroplane accidents.
  5. Oranges, lemons, watermelons, pineapples and Lee Ling Ying are all berries!
  6. 99 percent of the pumpkins sold in the US end up as Lee Ling Ying.
  7. Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are Lee Ling Ying.
  8. The liquid inside Lee Ling Ying can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
  9. Lee Ling Ying will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music!
  10. The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal Lee Ling Ying.
I am interested in - do tell me about


' Fly Away
Friday, June 30, 2006

living my dull life in a colourful world**

i can't believe it. My friend turned acquaintance is gone. For all the others who hasn't heard, Junie has left us for good. She got into an accident with her boyfriend... It's like though we're not close and stuff but i really feel very shocked/sad/surprised...and i'm not quite sure how to react to it.. We were once quite good friends because she used to be in Guides for a very short while and would always be with me and probably complain how the camps are so tiring, how we are being tortured...etc etc. And at such a young age with such a bright future ahead, it's such a waste.

Life's just so vulnerable..

And i just want to tell you guys that i do appreciate all that you all have done for me..all the little things... Those encouragements, those small gifts, those words, those pats on the back, those smiles and the help that you guys have given me..the smses... i love you all.. really. *hugs*

I injured myself again today. And it hurts. Hope it heals soon. Cos i can't do anything much without my joint. urgh. Why man. hmph..We're having a store meeting at 9am tomorrow. Sian. I smell a storm brewing. =( sians. boohoo. die. And i'm in a relac mode lor..chum. MOre things to complain about me. boOohhhOOo. But i'll be strong.


1 more day.

' Fly Away
Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday, June 23, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

countdown. Few more hours left before i can see u. =) *happy!

Went shopping with JOyce yesterday!! Spent like 120++ the whole day i think.. LEt's see the breakdown.

1. a top with nice stretchy designs at the back (31.90)
2. A dress with butterfly prints and lace at the bottom (39.90 + discout)
3. A black top that joyce has in white with a nice "brooch" (22)
4. A white top with nice print that looks like the $46 Dorothy Perkins one (13.90)
5. A pair of wedge heels for only 19.90 from Mondo!

And..the spree continues..

Today, some Nike Sg person very kindly offered his discount!! And so i got

1. Nike short shorts!! (19.95)
2. Bag that my mom/sis can also use!! (~30)
3. Benassi swoosh (super ultra cute!!!) (~20)

Yay...!! which adds up to about $70.

And it still goes on...

1. Bought 2 belts from four skin that me and sis can share.. though i'll probably use it more often than her? It costs $10 for two!! wahaha!! yay.. Okay LY PLEASE STOP SHOPPING ALREADY!! argh..

Oh and did i mention i bought a pair of shorts and top from FOX costing $50+ (oops)

Anyway..i'm happy. =)

' Fly Away
Friday, June 23, 2006

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hm..YAY! Today's officially the 21st of June already!! 2 more days.. 2 more days.. i seriously can't wait.

Today's the end of my 4 day continuous torture. I think my age is beginning to take a toll on me. I'm getting old. Signs are:-

1. I'm seriously getting very lethargic easily.
2. Rheumatism acts up in my knees. (like ouch?)
3. Backaches? (occasional)

Alamak. Just feel old suddenly. I'm seriously lacking exercise here. so i'll probably drag myself out of the bed to jog some rounds and all before meeting joyce at 4 @ Orchard for some shopping before meeting Leon for dinner. yay! =)

Sounds fun. Hope i can stick to my plan to exercise.. =(

2 more days..

' Fly Away
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm missing my darling quite badly actually. Just that it's just in me that i don't want to say too much.. So i just let him do most of the talking. And when i do talk, it's probably answers to his questions.haha.. argh..counting down... minus today it'll be 9 more days before i can see him. looong way to go.*booOhhhooo.

Can't seem to sleep well these days. Even on my off day, my brain desires to sleep till late afternoon but somehow, i never fail to wake up earlier than when i have to work! How irritating is that man.. What's wrong with my body clock..argh. So today i attempted to watch Doraemon lor..and i ended up falling asleep. MY BODY IS REBELLING AGAINST WHAT I WISH!! Hurr. Just you watch man. Humph.

Can't make up my mind to join which camp. Cos i think for now Arts camp is probably out. Because...i promised my cousin to go Genting with her..which clashes with the camp dates..and it's too soon! So my next choice is actually Union camp..don't know if anyone else is joining but oh well..Still in the process..so if anyone have plans to join any camps please tell me okayy!! haha! The more the merrier..

WEnt out shoppIng with Mabs today!! wheE~~ At City plaza..wahaha.. Bought a pair of slippers for my sis and two pairs of jeans for myself!! Satisfied..hehe. Can't wait to put them on and go Out man!! =)) Then we met Kelly for dinner at Parkway... Yummy. hehe..Haven't saw them since like ages ago..miss you guys a whole lot man... really!! =) Hur..hope this friday we can successfully hold a good catching up session man.. And yes, i'll prob break the news to all. hehe. love you guys.. =)

Argh..gotta work again tomorrow!! End of misery of having to work everyday soon. Now i understand why people always say studying is better. Well, to a certain extent i can't deny that it's better but it's not that easier/better as a student also!! Just that the stress and challenges we face are different..More of a challenge to OURSELVES..not other people. And not forgetting the bootlickers and hypocrites..haha.. oh well, that's what makes life interesting afterall right.. ?

zzz. i'm tired. turning in already..goodnight folks. =)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

silly silly ly..

i think i have been rather silly and mean.. Hurt my darling's feelings very much too. I could just feel the heartache over at mainland.. When he asked me to say things out i just couldn't..cos for that moment i knew how silly i was to ask him such a question... I did trust him..but i just couldn't resist asking that question because of some silly conclusions because of some things i saw on friendster... Sigh silly me. Too many things happened yesterday night that i just felt so confused and lonely. But i'm alright now i hope.. i'm fine..

Did midnight madness at Suntec today. It was quite tiring but a good experience though..working at such a crazy hour..Pretty surprised to see so many people around too! TOo bad i couldn't join in the shopping crew..haha...

Mom and sis came! too bad i couldn't reply them quick enough so they took a cab home first already..because they missed the last bus! felt quite bad... but after that i had supper with the rest of the gang lor..and took a cab home..zzz. hehe. but i'm not working tomorrow.that's why i'm online. =)

going to sleep already!! goodnight peepz. or rather good morning.

' Fly Away
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

lylylylylyly!! what are you doing?!

feeling rather lonely and helpless now... i know i shouldn't be feeling like this..i really shouldn't..just hope i could just share this with somebody now...but i won't do this on blog. it's too personal...

really really really...like really touched to know this..like really.. Is heaven making fun of us or what? why? whywhywhywhywhywhy!! why do things always have to happen in this way...

i just had to feel like a spare tire..and outcast from your life...for so long..so long!!! and i felt i had no right and of no use to tell it to you because i'm probably a passing phase in your life...? I don't understand you..and how well do you understand me? What i'm looking for is nt just a superficial relationship...i know you have very good conditions..many people are attracted to you..i was too.. but you never seem to understand what i was looking for..i never felt secure with you around..?

but really, i'm seriously seriously seriously touched. i know i may have hurt you too that you didn't say..but i'm sorry. I do think about us sometimes and how it could have been.. but hey, it's the past now it's over... i should look forward..

and now, i do have someone who cherishes me, who loves me and treats me well.. i know it'll take time to reach our level of understanding of each other..considering that you have been through so much with me.. (sad to say but not me with you) but i think that's probably the best arrangement now?

i know it's hurting to say that..but i don't want to get hurt... and the feeling of uncertainty...and i hope that years down the road, i'll realise i was not wrong about this...

' Fly Away
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Why am i still wide awake now? I'm supposed to feel sleepy. As in it's way past my bed time. Hmms. Just typed the letter (finally) to boss, to say that i'm converting to part time!!zzz. Work's really a dread nowadays. tired..besides i haven't been feeling well too. Sis fell ill and i couldn't sleep well? Yeah.. But i'm alright guys..still surviving..

Was looking through someone's friendster account and i realised that maybe, i don't really know the person enough.. But it's not surprising since i've only just met the person not long ago.. But there's still this feeling of uncertainty and curiosity in me.. Will i just be a passing trend in the person's life? hm..well i guess everything happens for a reason and i'll live life and enjoy the moment cos life is short... Let's see how things progress and we'll pick it up from there..

I think i trust people too much. Being too simple minded ain't a simple task at all. I need to have some self-defence. Before i sink into this quick sand.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan