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Saturday, May 27, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Lots of stuff happened these few days. Been too overwhelmed and busy to keep you guys updated. Hee. Well well well.

been busy with work too. Finally, i'm quite done with packing the store. Spent a whole lot of time clearing up the mess in the store, sweeping out huge gigantic never seen before dust balls and also trash. Feels quite good though. to know that the store is neat and clean! Can you imagine, that's like a place where we breathe, where we eat and drink! Hee. Okay okay, i'm not maria okay (no offence).

Oh, and i finally received the BIG BROWN package that my dream school sent me. Oh well, thank you so much to the interviewers and to the people who decided to give me a chance! Yipee!! Extremely thrilled to know that i'll be joining my sis and bro in school. How cool is that!! =)

Been having a headache these days too. Don't exactly know why. Shall rest early and drink more water..My eczema is getting from bad to worse these days. Super itchy and dry! SO i shan't be lazy and start applying some of that Dermaveen on my skin. Guess what, i've got rashes on my elbow too! Oh gosh.And oh no, there's like work tomorrow...sians. Gonna be another busy day tomorrow. Cos it's the GSS PEOPLE!!!!



' Fly Away
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Friday, May 19, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

HI guys, i'm back.

I think i've decided not to attend the NUS Open House tomorrow. Because..i realised i know nothing about what's going on. Firstly, i have not received anything from NUS at all and secondly, i don't even know what's going on at what time and where. Will probably feel out of place there tomorrow. So.. might as well don't go. But then, i just find it weird to let those who went through the interview know the outcome of the application only at the end of MAY which is after the open house! It's not really fair huh. Unless they have something else arranged specially for us huh. Let's just hope. Just hope that i'll get some good news really soon. Haha.

Wasn't feeling well today. This morning i woke up feeling super ultra weak and warm. Signs of a fever but i couldn't feel myself and was too lazy to take my temperature. So i just prepared for work. cos anyway i doing A even if i taking MC also cannot pang se. Haha. Who knows...we were short handed today. So..i didn't take MC. Couldn't even do the store stuff. So just did sales and wiped the racks and counter with magic clean. REally felt like vomitting but i just couldn't produce any output. Stomach was weird too. Just felt like everything was turned upside down. Argh. So i decided to take a half hr break instead and left at 8. REached home earlier and i'm glad.

Cooked myself miso+noodles. Hee. Yummy. I bathed in hot water and drank hot soup. REally an enjoyment cos i really enjoy drinking hot soup!! haha! And also i've been feeling extremely cold in the store nowadays. Either i'm falling ill or the crowd's too little. Ha..

I'm a little tired. yea.. Thanks angel. =)

' Fly Away
Friday, May 19, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Now, the thing that i hate to hear most is the, "customers are always right!". Yea right.

Like seriously, whatever. Maybe as a consumer u feel you have the right to do everything you like because those people standing on the sales floor are paid to, firstly, clear up the mess you've made by making "rojak" with clothes, secondly, to bear with all your complains about how pathetic the variety we have in the store, or how come this top doesn't have a matching bottom and even things like why display your shoes out when you guys don't even have my size.

Yes, i agree that many come to shop after a long day at work. But it doesn't give the the right to be so unreasonable and over-demanding to the sales associates. Somehow, it doesn't cross their mind at all that the sales associates have also been working for a long time, maybe even longer than their working hours! And not all shops are commission based, so don't see us as people who are depending on you guys to earn a living. Seriously, we don't owe u anything.

It's not like we don't put in our best to serve customers.. we do try. But it's like there ought to be a form of basic respect for the sales person too. We are not like slaves who have to do whatever you demand us to do at the top speed even with a big crowd around. I've met many rude customers around already.. and also many others who are really polite and patient. I really appreciate them. If you just give me that basic respect, i'll give you 10 times more. It's simple. I don't need you to bow and greet me and like beg me to help you but at the very least you can be more understanding and yes, POLITE.

Anyway, i'm really thankful for so many of the customers i've served for being so nice, patient and understanding, Thanks so much for the praises cos that's what keeps me motivated when i'm down. =) I know it's an abrupt ending but i'm tired!! haha sleeping soon..

take care folks. So apologetic to my friends whom i haven't met for ages. I MISS u guys so much!


' Fly Away
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Monday, May 15, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Ling Ying is a happy girl.

1.She is beginning to sleep early.
2.She bathes in cold water nowadays which makes her feel good.
3.She eats well. (probably translating to turning fat)
4.Begins to find new excitement and commitment at work.
5.Have great working partners. (tho i probably bring trouble too)
6.Found out that she's really silly at times.
7.She laughs at the slightest things. and yes, do silly things.
8.FOund great friends!
9.Got lots of OT to earn i hope.
10. She's enjoying life now. really. tiring but yes.
11.Found nachos and nice cheese and nice nachos+cheese lover.

' Fly Away
Monday, May 15, 2006

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Maybe sometimes love just ain't enough.

when can i ever see that peaceful place of my own.

Somewhere i belong.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm back. Have been mia-ing for quite some time. Been busy with work lately. So busy that i get so tired that i don't even have the energy to come online. zzz. I'm still tired. Today's my off day! Planned to sleep till late afternoon. And alas, i was awaken by my "bi poh bi poh" message tone. Wanted to get back to sleep then "ting tong", my doorbell rang. And i felt i had a bit of stomachache so i decided to go toilet. Been slacking the whole day and was so lazy to pull myself out of that sofa to do stuff. But!! i managed to complete the following tasks.

1.Mended the hollister cap
2.Soaked and washed the hollister cap
3.Cleared a bit of my cupboard
4.Went sheng shiong to buy groceries to prepare dinner!! (yummy)
5.Wiped the whole floor! (it's squeaking clean)
6.Opened the letter box!

Haha! Cooked fried rice today. Was a bit different from my usual.. I put long beans, carrot, baby corn and fresh mushrooms. Haha..and cooked soup too! A twisted version of ABC soup. But it's still quite nice..haha! =)

shall continue some other time. my mom's nagging. =(

happy! yet sad.

I'm not a clown.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan