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Friday, March 31, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I finally went to do some shopping today. Wasn't a very very fruitful day but it was not bad. At least i got the chance to walk around. And keep in touch with the world. Or else i would have just died. Thanks to Cynthia and Joyce for the wonderful shopping session!! =) We certainly had fun in Pure Milk "aHem" (i'm no teenage anymore) and also in the "victorian shop"!! Fun can!!

Visited shaw in the morning and bought baos and oreo biscuits for them. =) Wanted to drop by to visit derek but then it was raining so heavily and i was without a brolly. And somemore we were going to rush down to PS to makan as well as to accompany Cyn there. Took a photo of us in all black!! It was so so so coincidental! All of us came in black!! And we didn't even mention anything to each other at alL!! haha! And when we took the photo, our acions was also similar!! COol!! hahaha~ Gd daY! Sorry mabs and De, we had to leave so early, like so fast have to go home..sorry mannn.. Next Tues! =)

Went SMU today also to submit my application fee and also to submit my documents. The people there not very very friendly leh. Too commercialised. I still like my old NUS. I hope it likes me too. =) wahhaa..

Spent the most i had ever in a day! minus those days i have to buy a new pair of shoes. But it's still below $150 lah..haha! i still have things to buyy. just couldn't find them yet.. i'll keep on searchingg! i haven finish walking far east lor..wahaha..woohoo!

blocked nose. haven't had this feeling for so long! argh!!

' Fly Away
Friday, March 31, 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

We are in such a refined and gracious society with people...

1.Picking their noses so vigorously in public
2.Quarreling over things for close to an hour that costs S$30
3.Who leaves without a sign while sales associates are helping them search in store
4.Who blames other people without reflecting on their own behaviour and actions
5.open mouth and everything that comes out starts with F, Wa lA*, CHeE, etc..
6.not understanding what they mean when scolding bItch..by the way, it means..

A female canine animal, especially a dog.
A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.
A lewd woman.
A man considered to be weak or contemptible.
Slang. A complaint.
Slang. Something very unpleasant or difficult.

especially the third and forth one.

7.refuses to give up their seat for the elderly or people who needs it. In fact, some can just shut their eye and happily pretend to sleep.
8.smokes even in crowded areas (for goodness sake)
9.Spits, and throws rubbish just on the floor.
10.Don't flush the toilets, squats on them and not WASHING their hands after use.
11. Dines and dirties the whole area around it.
12. being so devious and backstabs other people.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I am nerdier than 14% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

' Fly Away
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Saturday, March 25, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Sales driven is definitely not equivalent to sales hungry. Fancy fighting over a 14.70 bottle. how amusing. And to think that he's not the person to attend to the customer first. And fancy snatching the bottle right in my face. But oh well, whatever. I'm sales driven but not sales hungry alright.

Whatever. Being "SENIOR" doesn't mean anything much. It doesn't give one a reason to do all these demoralising things to your fellow colleagues. And it doesn't give one a reason to litter in the store and then critisize others of not throwing their trash.

I'm sorry i'm mean. but i'm just waiting to watch you fall.

' Fly Away
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Things that has happened.

1. I met desmond koh and lee chuang rui (son of liang zi qiang in the i not stupid show). And they turned out to be this lady from NIke sg whom i have served several times! and oh man, lee chuang rui's eyes have voltage can..wahaha..not bad lah..wahaha. ok stop it ly.

2. I had two new colleagues. both part timers. One came first (Fab) also known as fabby. lol.. whatever..he got some great results, completed NS and now waiting for entry to uni too. The other is Jasper..er..i have some comments that i will save for later days because i don't want to judge a person in just a day.

3. Jeronme's gone. He's back to school..will miss you man..awww.. Thanks for cheering me up with all your jokes and for your help in the store with the shoes!!

4. I had a dream that night that was so real!! i Could just feel it. Which made working the next day more awkward cos the person in my dreams was working with me too. And somehow, it's either i'm ultra sensitive or he had the same dream/feeling too. Weird. argh.. but it's quite a sudden thing to dream of lahh. haha. that's what i call sweet dreams can..=)

yawn. i need some life. meeting my sis tomorrow after work and after her school to go shopping for a while. =)

I forgot to bring socks today!! and ended up having to buy a pair..but oh well, it might just be a blessing in disguise..cos they were comfortable. did you guys hear that? NIKE SOCKS ARE V.COMFORTABLE AND LASTING!

see you guys around.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

There's nothing for me to say anymore.

in mourning for the passing of the old ly.

Life's not that simple is it?

I just couldn't control my glands today. I just couldn't. and i don't understand why.

perhaps, i'll never know why.


and did i mention i hate uncertainties?

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Saturday, March 11, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I'm back. My eczema is seriously getting worse? Day was fine. MOre relaxed. Thought that today being a Friday would be a hectic one..but i managed to stay in store and tidied the bball section and the woman's section and also did some minor replenishing. Fine sebas. I am a auntie aka senior "store" manager. Store as in storeroom. wahaha. whatever. hmph!

Sales was the lowest today! didn't really bother doing much sales.. cos i was kinda sian and was mostly doing the store stuff..so when i come out to take a breather and stuff like that, it's usually the customers who come up to me.. Oh well.. perhaps when things are neater inside then i'll have the mood to do more sales i guess.

There's seriously too many things in the store to sell man. So people, quickly help to grab them off the shelves okayy!! wahaha. Everywhere got sale! now that i'm supposed to have more time, i am so busy and tired to go shopping! Joyce chan!! Cyn Lee! Mab Thng!! let's go shopping!! haha!

To all my lovely caring friends, thanks for all the encouragement. I guess i drift in and out of phases like that.. I just need to build up that confidence level and trust in me. To mab: I'm not feeling unsatisfied with how my life is!

and i will learn to carry that motto with me. Everything happens for a reason.

' Fly Away
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Woke up at like 6.25am this morning! because we were supposed to meet up to celebrate de's birthday! at the macdonalds right outside shaw nike by bird. Because our dearest joyce has to start work at 9am. Lucky her can, got company.. WAHAHA..and i finally visited shaw's branch for the first time in months. hm..

I'm really proud of what we got for de. We got her a size 1 soccer ball, a pooh mug, and a "scroll" mab designed. cool.

By the way, pigeons are really disgusting can. I was in the shaw store exploring while the rest of the veges were waiting for me outside and also taking some photos. Then there was this lady who bought a hotcakes meal and sat alone at a table. She hardly finished her one hotcake and a pigeon came flapping at her. THen she was like "surrounded" by the pigeons that she felt so disgusted and "surrendered" her foold. The moment she left the pigeons just attacked the food!! so disgusting okayy! eew. so never sit alone alright.

Made a blunder at work..keyed in the wrong amount to charge. paiseh ivy. wahaha.. Sigh.

i'm in a state of low self esteem and of low self confidence. Buck up ly. stop being so w.o.l.s. you're too slow.

i feel like i'm a perfectionist who can never reach my own targets. And that's really making my life miserable.

' Fly Away
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

It's just so heart-warming to know of friends who really care, who really wants the best for you and who are always there for you. I'm really glad to have you guys in my life and for being my pillar of strength. For letting me know that i have some people to depend on even if everything else fails.

To you: The feeling has always been there but i have never had the courage to take this up cos i just couldn't feel the concern and the extent of your care. I know what i say may be hurting but at least i just wanna tell you how i really feel. Perhaps it was a wrong move to click on your name to talk to you, which lead to the conversation that we had,because you would have moved on well with your life. And i need a person who would appreciate me more and also to cherish me more.

And i can't get any clumsier can i?

' Fly Away
Monday, March 06, 2006

Saturday, March 04, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i just can't help but feel i'm always not good enough for anything.

' Fly Away
Saturday, March 04, 2006

Thursday, March 02, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Everything i do is so wrong.

wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.


just wrong.

just want to run.

run to a place faraway.

away from this.

away from this.

this tragedy.

' Fly Away
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Nothing can calm my unsettled heart.

It just keeps coming.

just keeps coming.


' Fly Away
Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan