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Friday, January 27, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I just got home! is that late or what? lol.. Today i chiong-ed from work back home and i was caught in a jam! Luckily bro was at home, can help me carry stuff from the van if not i would have died carrying it myself. haha! Thanks bro and mingyang! =)

Took Han's and Joyce's presents, and chiong-ed off to the 16 bus stop. Since i didn't see my bro and his friend, i reckon i just missed the bus, luckily i didn't have to wait too long. Then met minah and company with Jieru and oh man, i forgot her name. oops.Ate at far east one of the halal stores. Ate Ipoh Hor fan! it's not bad lah! :) I miss these kind of days man.. Thanks everyone for the day.

WEnt to chill out at rouge just now..the acid bar area for a short while, saw a celebrity and experienced some pubbing life then. Er..drinks were super ex..i shared..haha.. and drank just a little of no alcohol content! i don't drink! haha..lol. TOok the last train home too.

Going of for holiday tomorrow. goodbye folks..till then..

' Fly Away
Friday, January 27, 2006

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

WEnt for a cool body wellness thing yesterday. Painful at times but i guess it's useful. I have faith that this works. As long as i put in some effort on my part i guess. Discipline.

I'm tired. Have serious panda eyes like anything.. my goodness. Thanks to the clearing of my body channels, i can sleep so much easier and without dreams. So to say i have peaceful, restful nights. :)

Being normal and being rich. Being spoilt and having a good "back-up". These totally don't give any reason at all to criticise and to insult someone. And the fact that you are younger, so much younger than that person agrees that the more you ought not to talk back about others. Such hurting words can pierce through the heart and stay deep rooted and be irreversible, like how nails make holes through the fences.

work tomorrow. TIRED. and i'm still awaiting for surprises in my life.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Monday, January 23, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Tiring day it is. Hit 18K plus today... BUT..my sales wasn't too good afterall. Because...

1.I was busy like putting the clothes back and all that, tidying up the shop as much as possible
2. People take so long to respond to my requests
3.Getting caught up with um... i can't put it in words

Sigh. I wish i could change this personality trait of mine. But i guess that's my good traits and faults at the same time.. I must learn to balance. I'm still learning...still adapting.. :) wish me luck.

I still haven't sold a pair of air max 360. For goodness sake..any kind soul, pls buy from Meeee. Thanks. :)

' Fly Away
Monday, January 23, 2006

Saturday, January 21, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**


1. I was so angry that i ate a whole 6" sub meal which i never thought i will ever finish it by myself.
2. Stayed out for the longest period of time cos i seriously needed to cool down before getting back to work.
3. Getting pissed twice a day though i've been pissed the whole day before.
4. Someone asked for my number and waited outside the storeroom for sometime.
5. I was teased by my colleagues about it!
6. I went to eat supper with lynn, reb, eleen,jeronme and derek.
7. someone stole my customer.
8. i bought a nike cap. Thanks to candy for helping me for the discount thingy.
9. my sista still nag at me when i reach home (zz write one yeah!!)
10. Getting pissed online..YET AGAIN. YET AGAAAAIIINN!

' Fly Away
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Today wasn't that bad.. Just that the morning um... Big bosses came over to our store. Quite stressful lah.. I was like thinking she's gone, and i was off doing my usual routine, then she suddenly walked back and i met her eye-to-eye..not knowing what to do, i gave a smile. diao..haha..gave me a shock! Luckily candy save me..she taught me how to do cashiering.. =) so fun! but needs more practice. =P yay! finally...

Did some replenishing of stock today and tidying up of some stuff..great..the equip section looks cool now..haha.. hope to keep it that way..lol. stocks really change quickly so need to adapt quickly also..shoes and apparels too...shad!! i will help you!!! =) get well soon!! =)

Day wasn't too bad. cool. I like it. If only all my days could be like that.. haha..actually, i do have a choice.. i'll work towards that.. HapPy~ went to eat good vegetarian food with sis at marina sq.. wah..it's really good man! saw the bird store also..looks good. ;)

going to meet mabs tmr for some shopping! yay! =) gd night folks..

by the way, really, thanks for making me wait and for saying the most appropriate things and remembering the correct info and!! seeing me in your eyes. THANKS man.

GET a life.

' Fly Away
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tuesday, January 17, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

IT WAS SUCH AN AWFUL DAY. almost died. really. i really felt like walking out of the store. What crap people. HURRR. URGH.

This morning in the store already very pek chek. Pls lah, if anyone's gonna do things half-heartedly, then might as well don't do right.. Have a mind of your own can..and of course do it well lah. Don't have a mind of your own to seek self convenience. Someone's gotta do it anyway... Then finally, i got out onto the sales floor..after a while, got to help take some stocks out for transfer. Came out and i was pissed again. kena teased. made fun. Whatever. Is it really THAT funny. Be sensible okay.. There's always a limit to my patience. Especially when the fact that my day didn't start of well didn't help at all.Freaks.


' Fly Away
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Came home real late today. Went to have "supper" with the marina crew together with leon, hadi and leen at the stores beside the Esplanade. At first it was really awkward cos me and leen didn't know like anyone and they didn't know us too. Think hadi, me and leen were a bit in our own world. But i guess it turned out fine.. :)

Today's sales was not bad considering i stayed in the store the whole time? There are plenty of equipments coming in!!!! LIke boxes and boxes!! i was just clearing the one that we have now. Mr IVAN, your packing is like not packing lor.. wa lau..just throw everything there.. URGHHH. you owe me one okay.. Luckily u always treat me nicely..if not ah.... HURRR. i'm basically done, Actually, progress wasn't that fast because...i was desperately looking for empty cartons!! haha..alamak. But okay lah..now i think can clear more..i'm not done yet..maybe i'll go early tomorrow to work on some stuff. Proud of my work today..lol. At least it's more organised.. :)) i'm still not done. okay, maybe i'm obsessed with packing. By the way..the store is super duper ultra extremely dirty. like eew. i swept out tons of balls of dust. eeww.

Sometimes, i really hate to be a libra-ian. yet i love it for the same reason. how contradictory. i'm glad i have some good brains to think, i think? do i? haha. oh well. we're young. Out to have some fun. ah!!! lylylylylylyly...!!!

oh yar, before i forget, i walked home with lynn today. Just when i was just whining about why lynn left early and not waiting for me...i saw her coming down the escalator!! haha! ok lah..lynn is really not fierce lah..misconception..But she seriously do have that ice-queen image..

Got to go now..working tomorrow!! like 5 days a week..must try to buck up on my salessss!! goodnight people. or rather, good morning. does it matter?

take care folks..

' Fly Away
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Monday, January 16, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Today was full of surprise. After like 4 days, i felt...um..kinda lost at first, like when it comes to dealing with customers and all that. That kind of feeling.. um..is not exactly lost..just a weird feeling but i got like warmed up in less than an hour lah. Business wasn't too bad today..i think i could have improved on my servicing skills! argh. I shouldn't neglect my customers. But well.. i served that same guy for like over an hour! cos he couldn't decide on which shoe to get..argh. But i don't know why..i'm in a patient mode today..i mean i have to right..bo bian..but it was quite pleasant serving him lah.. :) Byebye lynn and eileen. i will visit you guys at marina whenever i have the time..! :)

Saw track peepz also...diao..i was like walking past them going off for my break then i just waved and hello hello..haha..-_-!! that's just so....ly.

Like i said, it was a day filled with surprises..doing things that i have never done before and yup, enjoying the moment. THe day went perfectly well. Even busses that i have to wait for ages usually come the moment i reach the bus stop. How cool is that. Thanks..for all those who made my day! There was this little cute boy who is so adorable!!!!! So poor thing..he was like very small and queuing up to buy this water bottle but the adults missed him and cut his queue! so poor thing! but he always give people this blur blur look. aiyo!! candy was like "he's so cute!" haha!..if i had a kid like that.. heehee. pls lah ly you're only 1* years old.

Wah! i'm like working 5 days next week! like hello!!! last wk i was only given 2 days and now it's like 5 days!! best lah! ok i must grab the chance to like get more sales!! jiayou ly! buck uP!!! :)

I'm tired man.. U know, i think i used to be in a utopian world where everything was so beautiful and where everything seems so fine and easy.. When we get older and reality sets in.. I think i'm kinda lost. I'm adapting of course but oh well.. disappointed i am.

good night folks.. and to ms lee han and joyce tan, pls decide on where to go..you guys are the stars of the night man... :)
i'm still thinking about it. haha.

' Fly Away
Monday, January 16, 2006

Saturday, January 14, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I'm losing it. So fast and sudden that i don't know how to react well to it. I'm losing myself. I'm not me anymore. I'm a brand new me that i detest. I need someone to salvage me. Can someone call the old LY that i need her? Or anyone capable of the equivalent. Thanks.

' Fly Away
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

What a day. Thought things through..Perhaps it's when the things that i treasure the most and those that i care about the most do not live up to the expectations (well, not to say that i live it up to other's expectations all the time), i really get frustrated and pissed rather easily. However contradictory this case may seem, i guess it really was hurting to hear from someone that knew me for such a long time. Harmless as it may seem, lethal it maybe.

Going to borrow the zhen ming tian nu VCD from Alvin! yay! thanks brother..i'll go contact HUIWEN and then we'll meet up someday for dinner or gaigai. :)

Tired. Today wasn't an exactly good day. got into a minor car accident. I'm fine of course. but oh well. What a wet blanket it has been. Didnt get to see doc too. nvm lah.. i'll try to do some exercises myself. And it's been raining so much that it's deterring me from exercising! Don't worry. I'll have a good run with my new air max motto 4. whEeY~ try out the new shoe man. :)

Yawns. ouch.

' Fly Away
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

I seriously need some peace. some time off. Some wildness. Some escape. Some serious solid rest. Some one. some friends. :)

' Fly Away
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Monday, January 09, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

wa lau. wa lau. wa lau. wa lau and wa lau. just gimme a break. *SCREAMS*!!!!

Wa Lau.

Sorry for that. It's vulgur i know but i just needed to let some steam off my chest.

Thought my day went really well and the wonderful show started only at night. I'm not after like fame or that much credit but at least i should be given what i deserve lor. Okay, maybe i'm just being paranoid and stuff like that and should settle this with a logical and calmed mind. We'll see.

And!! i'm getting really irritated by people who don't mean what they say. Though they may do all sorts of things that make people feel they're really sincere but in the end, they don't mean what they say and they don't honour what they promise too. I mean seriously. And it really really is getting on my nerves. Like i feel they're like hypocrites man. Though they can be nice. While some whom i'm not so close to can be naggy and long-winded and like so KPO and want to probe into like details of my life.. Anna should know who this is (g*n*). like hello, i'm not very close to u lah. -_- HURRRR!!

Maybe LY should just go hide in any of the mountains in the world and just lead a quite and peaceful life. Maybe life would be so much better (minus the fact that i'll be missing my family and treasured friends). What a headache.

Bought Nike Motto4 shoe (is it this? i just erm..guessed) today together with my sis's and mom's. Yay. i like it. ARGH. U totally ruined my day. -wipes.

' Fly Away
Monday, January 09, 2006

living my dull life in a colourful world**

I can't bend my finger! I'm having such a hard time typing this cos i have to keep my index quite straight. Sigh. Maybe i should just go get an ice cream stick and tie it to my finger. may heal faster...Lol. :) Ouch

Wanted to go out early to Queensway but it was raining so heavily i decided not to go and to sleep longer. Went out to meet laoshi and group later at SRC at city hall. Guess what..i actually forgot to bring out my whole wallet out. Best. Luckily laoshi fetched us home..so i only spent $1.30 on the bus fare. heehee.

The "ren xing ci ai zhao wan qian" charity show was super nice lah! Was very touched by the overall performances but especially ming yi fa shi's. He's really a very benevolent person very ci bei.. Was very touched by his speech. We called 3 calls in total i think. Doing what we can. jiayou!!

Old habits die hard. Sigh Ly. You have done it again. Let's hope it's just like a "fling". lol. what a word to describe.

take care folks. I'll do my best in buddhism from now!

' Fly Away
Monday, January 09, 2006

Sunday, January 08, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Wah...Had store meeting today. Kena scolding. Okay, i have to admit that i'm guilty to certain charges...I'm still trying to improve..Got big room for improvement LY! jiayoU! Then after that went to buy breakfast. Wah..some people can really push the blame fast lor. But never mind LY, pls be forgiving and more understanding and more open-minded okayy..

Didn't even have time to drink my tea, just pour in the sugar and creamer and that's that. didn't even have time to drink and to eat my burger..just went to the sales floor for a while before going into the store to look for missing shoes on the rack while tidying them a bit. Then candy asked me to pack the equip section (cos ivan and i picked equip and are now 'in-charge') because stocks for equip will be coming in on Monday..Monday i won't be working so Ivan, all the best ah..Anyway, the equip section is quite cleared already. I'm still not done though.. Ouch man..i scraped off the skin at my joint and have so many other scratches and bruises. And as expected, my back is aching terribly now. Ouch. My poor injury at the joint was bleeding profusely just now..cos the skin there is very fragile and thin..That's why.

Thanks to David, bling bling got to eat her lunch to fill her very empty stomach. Though not very full, after eating that croisson 'wich, i went back to work - packing the store. Climb here and there up and down... haha..not bad lah..One thing good is you know what's left and where they are.. :) Yawns. I'm tired. Didn't know it can be so tiring.

They all keep calling me store (wo)man. That Ivan lah..say i can consider it as my future career..what crap lor so labourous! haha..not that i'm complaining but for life! goodness me. It'll shorten my life man. haha!

THen after that chiong-ed to jiang tang. Was late but not TOO late...still managed to play for the pre-school kids..They're really so adorable..innocent and cute!! haha! Was like in a daze lah..blur blur like that.. lol..too tired.

Gotta wake up early tmr..gg to queensway then meeting laoshi and deco group at 3pm. Whee! fun fun fun. but exhausted. haha!

You'll never understand! WHy don't you learn? It's driving me nuts. you're such a JERK. ARGH..disappointed. really. maybe, it's a blessing in disguise.

' Fly Away
Sunday, January 08, 2006

Thursday, January 05, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Learnt a lot today.. Just realised sometimes it's not the length of time that you know someone that you can get a very good/close friend..It's the attitude, the character and the nature of the person that really matters. Rather disappointed by something but oh well, i guess i should have expected it.. I was just being too naive i guess.

Shad is like my sister.. very nice person to talk to i guess. haha! And also one other thing that i must say, never let anyone else affect your judgement of another person's character/personality till you really experience it to feel it for yourself.. Like really. Anyway, i really appreciate all the nike staff who have been really patient and nice with me! :)) You guys make working so much more enjoyable and fun.. :))

I'm totally disappointed by your response. Totally. *bitch. (excuse me.)

And to mab.. I miss talking to you!! by the way, if you see this, this fri i won't be able to meet up...working@jurong... :(

' Fly Away
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Work today. Opened the shop only at 2Pm today because they were doing stock taking overnight and also changing the whole display of the panels outside and inside as well. It looks nice! The air max 360 thingy in our shop is really cool!! People, if you guys happen to past by the nike shop,do feel free to try out the air max 360 mat in our shop! :))

David came over today, for 2 weeks. Haha..he said i got AHS face. Lol..Actually, come to think of it. AHS people really got one look lor..Or rather it's the way they behave i guess.. haha! He's a nice guy anyway.. Today not bad..Relationship between my colleagues and i improved even more...haha..fun bunch of people coming from all walks of life.. Can't bear to leave them..Think i'm staying..unless i find anything totally unreasonable which i don't think will happen.. :)

Today business was kinda bad..probably cos school reopened and all... Leon, David and i went out for break not long after we opened the shop, then farah and eileen went off for their break. Like how often can you see this!Sales was totally bad. But well, we were like busy bonding..i.e. chit chatting. Haha..not bad lah..quite fun today.. Waited for Eileen to go buy Lynn's prez then we met up with Mus, farah and jeronme and wanted to eat gelare's ice cream. In the end only Mus, Me and Eileen went. But..Yummy....!!! Choc rocks!

Wow. Not bad. But it's always the case. So near yet so far. I need a rich ATM machine that i can cash out! exclusively for LY. :))

' Fly Away
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tuesday, January 03, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went down to Cheshire home today, like FINALLY..haha.. Actually wanted to chop chop and pass zainul (or however you spell his name) his socks and then go talk to stephen for a while, help him out and pass him the file and i'll leave..but then, firstly, when i stepped into cheshire, eileen called and i talked to her for like some 10 minutes or so..Then Zainul and Vicky came at the porch and i chatted with them for quite a long time before i excused myself.

Hm..Not bad lah, i can see some improvements over there. Firstly, they changed the bed sheets (prob because it's a new year) and changed to better blinds, cleaner toilets and less stinky toilets. Which is totally good. :) Stephen's friends came over to bring him out to get stuff and all so i left when they left..which wasn't too late. Can't really remember their names now..but their like pro lah..from NUS Medical faculty... Well, ARTS STUDENTS ARE EQUALLY GOOD, really. STephen took the MRT for the first time! quite an exciting thing to witness it also.. Public was rather kind to help out and give way while there were some "inevitable" curious stares from some. Took photos of his first time into the mrt and in the mrt and stuff..haha.. quite fun lah. Then, i went off to meet my bro to pass him his stuff.

Quite tired. Legs aching. From my run to work some 2 days ago. I think my muscles reacted quite slowly to that. Hm.. lol. Whatever. Working with Ivy tomorrow. Opening..wah..stress.. Then afterwards buying present for Lynn. Today they all do stocktaking till tomorrow! poor people..jiayoU! (well, not like they are gonna see this right..haha!) Ah well..

People can change so much huh... Was reading through my friends' blogs and wow. well well well... i've thought it through. and now i'm sure what i want. :))

' Fly Away
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sunday, January 01, 2006
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Wow wow wow. First and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR ! guys.. It's been so fast since i said this the last year. This year has been a super hectic and fast one, mainly occupied with studying, wallowing in self-pity and worrying. The best thing is, i have regained my freedom and quite enjoying my life now, slowly experiencing life. :)

Went to Jiang Tang just now..Proud of this year's "backdrop". This year's seem to have more meaning now (not that it wasn't meaningful before) but it's just that we participate in it and all, so naturally, we being more involved in it will feel more in it. HOpe everybody enjoyed it. hee.


I'll like to say this to:
1. my family
2. people whom i have hurt (it's not too late i hope)
3. People who have waited for me 'cos i was late for our appointments.


1. My family for always being there for me and accepting me as who i am
2. My dearest veges for staying by my side all these years giving me so many memorable and priceless memories
3. Friends who have been with me, giving me support and strength, guiding and shaping me into who i am, and for tolerating with my nonsense and senseless jokes.
4. Teachers from AJ - Mr Tan SL, Mrs Mag. Low, Mrs Michelle Ong, Mr Jonathan Seow for all the encouragement and entertainment that you have given, and all the love and support that came from your hearts.


1. For not being able to control my temper
2. For not doing enough for my friends and family
3. For not being able to sort out my thoughts fast enough
4. For not doing enough then.

It's a new year, and i shall throw all the unhappy thoughts all away and embrace 2006 with open arms and a wide smile. Just do it. (oops)

' Fly Away
Sunday, January 01, 2006


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan