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Saturday, December 31, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

went out with veg yesterday! um..we had our usual attendance yesterday! like finally..it's been eons since we managed to gather together.. :)All the others brought presents to exchange except for mabs and me. cos we didn't really go anywhere. Nevermind, i shall get them new year presents when i go bangkok..haha! :) Thanks kel for the treat also. haha.

Thanks joyce for the delicious cookies..so maybe your sore throat is a blessing in disguise. Anyway, like what you said, it may be a brand new (good) start to go over to marina..! haha...hopefully you'll meet nicer people there too! Still waiting for news.. If i go over then i can accompany you..if not, we can still meet, cos we're so near to each other! haha! hm... I'm seriously starting to reconsider if i should quit cos of what someone said. And also...argh..i don't know lah! This job is flexible i have to agree... Just that there's little incentives to work i guess...

I'm broke..people who owe me money or want to give me money or a treat or a whatever, please return and whatever as appropriate! haha! no lah..i'm not so despo yet. lol.

My room's still messy! actually there aren't a lot of things left..just that i have to take a day and seriously wipe my tables and all that and throw somemore (hopefully) and get it all packed properly! before my sis starts school.. :) i will, and i have to.

Didn't go down cheshire this morning..will go down on tues or something.. too tired lah. haha..lazy.. but i must! stop procrastinating ly!

' Fly Away
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Friday, December 30, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went to catch a movie with sis today at PS.. the curse of the were-rabbiT. Actually it's really quite a cute show, but i wouldn't exactly watch it if i had to pay for it. Not that it's not good, but it's just not worth the money. It was still quite enjoyable though, really. :) -cheese-!

Did like some little little packing today, it looks better. Actually, i just need to re-organize my stuff properly and sort them out. It's not a lot actually. Just that i've been procrastinating too much and thus, there it is, in a mess. I will do it soon. I promise.

I'm working tomorrow. When i get back from Thailand, i'm gonna fire my boss. wow. sounds cool huh. No lah, will see how. Gimme another month to decide. Hm... Farah's organizing an outing for the staff (mini one) to Sento and bird park. I don't mind the Sento but not the bird park! and i just remembered i promised my cousin to start work next week so i'm not sure if i can really make it. Will see how.. haha. Gotta check my timetable tomorrow. There's been changes.

Saw a pair of slippers that i like..Maybe i'll get it, when i get my pay. But i must save up also. Cannot be so extravagant. meetings and reunions are really money-draining sometimes but it's kinda unavoidable at times too. Never mind, finish meeting already then i'll have to wait for a long time before i have to spend again. haha! :)

yawns. i'm tired. off to bed now.

' Fly Away
Friday, December 30, 2005

Thursday, December 29, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Today's not exactly a good day. But it still is nevertheless. No matter how contradictory and unconvincing it sounds, please believe me that it is, still.

1. woke up late and ended up rushing for work.
2. bought breakfast at delifrance and the people there were taking their own sweet time when i had barely time to eat already.
3. the same customer's bag beeped like a zillion times because i didn't realise there was the sensor tag in the jersey..
4. Sales was damn bad because there were really pathetic number of people around..
5. My colleague.....( fill in the blanks to those who know )
6. Realised i won't get the Staff discount till 5 mths later!!! (cheated, in a sense yes)
6. Late for class outing

Yawns. i'm tired. really tired. gonna go sleep soon... Sometimes i wonder why i'm so tired despite sleeping so much, perhaps i'm like making up for the sleep i lost over the two years. haha. okay, that's pretty lame. I'm not working tomorrow..on friday..argh..means i'll be meeting veg late.. provided we are even meeting.. i hope we are!

I may just go search for better job opportunities! haha.. It's not confirmed. Will work for another month to see how things are first.. :) argh. it's all so ironic/contradictory. Aiya, any rich good man to marry? 1. good character 2. not stingy but not extravagant 3.sweet talking needed at appropriate times 4. good sense of humour 5.easy-going 6. it would be good to show some cash.

Went to sing Kbox with colleagues just now. Wah.. not bad lah..quite shuang.. One thing is that i think they should have better sound proof rooms w/o increase the charges..haha! like seriously, i could hear the people shouting over at the next door..not that i didn't but well.. Quite fun..Thanks to lao ban who had the discount voucher! haha..thanks thanks thanks. i enjoyed myself.. hor joyce. :)

what a christmas.

' Fly Away
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Self-pity. I can't help but wallow in it sometimes. It's not that i keep looking on the bad side of things or be over-sensitive about things..Many things just fall nicely into place.

If someone would ask me to choose between being a loner or being in a group, i'll most likely to choose the former. For perhaps i'm more of a thinking person. Like what my mates in AJ would say, "we being the ones always cheering others up and acting like the whole world is such a lovely place, are the ones who are the most upset within". Then again, i'll start to think, are they feeling more upset and helpless than i am?

I mean, many people do feel emotionally unstable, upset and like depressed over superficial things or somethings that aren't really of great importance. Maybe to them, those things may mean a whole lot to them that's why.

Hm.. sometimes, i get really irritated by things very easily..like when people talk to me (some, and only i know who). It's like i just get turned off when they talk to me. Maybe part of it is fear? Because of something only i know. And i totally hate it when people who just got to know me, or only know the surface of what's the real me who want to dig into my life, thinking they really understand me!! Like totally.


"I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend."
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

' Fly Away
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went out with some guides today.. Um..hm. Atmosphere was kinda weird. I don't know how to explain but ya.. It went well anyway.. Went to eat at pepper lunch (i mean they) i just got a drink because..firstly, i wasn't that hungry..and secondly, i had nothing to eat there. Haha..anyway, i ate sub later on so it was not too bad. :)

Argh..saw a $75 Levis leh! :( alamak. I think it's not bad leh..alamak.

Hm..working tomorrow.Hope tomorrow's a good day..

Steamboat-ing with 4L people tomorrow. haaha..i think at least got about 10 attending lah..so not too bad.. :)

Take care pals.

It's too late i guess.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Monday, December 26, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

shopping, shopping and more shopping.

Woke up late and then went out for dinner and some shopping at Suntec. Showed sis the lumina M grip and the cap that i thought was quite nice. I still think it's nice. Think i'm gonna get those if mom approves when she visits Suntec to look at the bag that we think it's suitable for her. :) HOpefully by then there's still stock! argh.. there's just a few more pieces..if i reach early tomorrow i'll go and ask about the reservation... hee.

Bought shirt for bro from NB and socks toO! It's rather value-for-money i think. Too early to tell but well, they're kinda inexpensive. :) good. very.

The chicken wing rice from the Kingdom vegetarian store is super super cuteee!! haha! It's like eating boneless chicken wings and the feeling, taste and the shape of the wing is super super cute lah..One day shall drag people to eat also..the store beside it looks cool too..Shall get veg clan to meet there one day.. :)

Yawns. Tired. Waiting for the time to wash off that mask on my face..yawns.

Some christmas.

Happy boxing day people. :)

' Fly Away
Monday, December 26, 2005

Sunday, December 25, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**


Luckily i'm not working today..i'll die man. Slept like some 12 hours or so.. haha...and guess what? sis is still sleeping...-__-!!

Met a very nice customer...In the end, he still shook my hand and wished me Merry Christmas..and he praised me too.."Thanks for your excellent service". Haha..shy..actually..he's just a very easy-going and someone that i can clique with. He's so nice!! He made me think that the bag that i thought was awful seems better now.. hm..

The green tank top that i like is only left with a few more pieces!! argh......must try again to see if i really like it man.. :( haha... It costs almost as much as a sports bra leh...

ah well.

am i disappointed?

' Fly Away
Sunday, December 25, 2005

Saturday, December 24, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

busy day today! but do OT until very shuang today..haha..it always happens.. haha..tired..so tired!!! argh..heard they closed v.late cos there were too many customers around..die..tomorrow will be worse..haha but never mind..i'll learn to enjoy the experience..haha! :)

Candy and Ivy gave christmas presents..so sweet of them!! THANKS A LOT!!don't know what to get for them..discussing with joyce now.. haha..

yawns. tired..plain tired..had a very enjoyable dinner with sharon and mabs just now..so coincidental, sharon was just in front of me..haha! nice nice nice..AHS people rock man..especially those from our batch and before..heehee.

Thanks joyce (um..xie) for the presents! haha... jiayou on your adventure lor! ;)

gotta go now.. i'm waiting...!

' Fly Away
Saturday, December 24, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

busy day today! but do OT until very shuang today..haha..it always happens.. haha..tired..so tired!!! argh..heard they closed v.late cos there were too many customers around..die..tomorrow will be worse..haha but never mind..i'll learn to enjoy the experience..haha! :)

Candy and Ivy gave christmas presents..so sweet of them!! THANKS A LOT!!don't know what to get for them..discussing with joyce now.. haha..

yawns. tired..plain tired..had a very enjoyable dinner with sharon and mabs just now..so coincidental, sharon was just in front of me..haha! nice nice nice..AHS people rock man..especially those from our batch and before..heehee.

Thanks joyce (um..xie) for the presents! haha... jiayou on your adventure lor! ;)

gotta go now.. i'm waiting...!

' Fly Away
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Friday, December 23, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i need money!!! haha... okay lah, somehow i think if i had the money i'll spend lavishly and perhaps on more extravagant stuff..but the shirts looked really cool man..argh..-control- ly.

Mom bought stuff that looked really good..very happy!! :) haha! Though the price was like more expensive than we had expected but it's really difficult to find such suitable clothings for her! So v.happy. :)

Bought bro shorts too..

And i bought myself a puma pink shirt that day..I like wide collared shirts nowadays.. haha.. ;) I want this. i want that. Ly, you think u v.rich ah.

I miss my mates...Haven't seem them for ages.. argh..hope we can meet up tomorrow and hopefully perhaps the guides meeting will be on some how... :)

take care folks.

Nike by b.i.r.d. visit meee. ;)

' Fly Away
Friday, December 23, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

yawn. I'm tired. Slept at like 0500 this morning cos i was rushing some work that was quite urgent. Somehow, i didn't really feel that i was that tired till i sat down and settled down at home. Waiting for sis to come out of the bathroom. yawn..I still gotta do some more work later on..unless i fall asleep. haha!

In the morning, went to meet HY and sock to do our hair...! i like my hairrr!! haha... whee! here's the photo..

This photo's not really like a very good one to show my new haircut and hair colour but it's to keep you guys in suspense. I like it! haha! :) And i mended my shoe at the cobbler in Simei..for $6..so i have a non-hua si ni shoe to wear for work tomorrow! heehee. ;)

Went to meet my mom after that for late lunch and to help her run some errands and she accompanied me to take 10 all the way!! It was such a super duper long long long long rideee! Haiyo..So pek chek taking the bus. :( But i kept on talking to my mom the whole journey..don't know why i'm so chatty today also..

Dropped at Suntec while mom sat to her destination. While waiting for sis to come, i went to drop my shoes in the store first..so tomorrow no need to carry all the way. :) Smart right. Then went shopping! found this Puma shirt that i grew to like though it was like okay when i first saw it.. Haha..Gonna try with my jeans tomorrow to see if it really looked as good. If it looks good i'll get it man.. whee!! Tried out other clothes but i think for today, the best was still the Puma shirt.. :)

tired..gotta go for now..take care guys..

can't wait.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Monday, December 19, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Oh and to add on, i think his name is brendan (or however you spell it). from shaw came over today. Haha..Not bad lah..but super paiseh..cos i dao-ed him in the morning..haha! okay, another nice colleague. and the second or first to call me LY in Nike. Shad called me that but uh..she asked but didn't call. haha.. okay, i'm like blabbering stuff that little would be interested in but it's MY blog okayyy..haha..okay, that sounds..um.

Suddenly came into my mind.. all time fav.. ;)

Only you
Can do make all this world seem right,
Only you
Can do make the darkness bright,
Only you, and you alone
Can feel me like you do
And do fill my heart with love for only you.

Only you
Can do make all this change in me,
For it's true
You are my destiny.
When you hold my hand, I understand
The magic that you do,
You're my dream come true,
My one and only you.

Only you
Can do make all this change in me,
For it's true
You are my destiny.
When you hold my hand, I understand
The magic that you do,
You're my dream come true,
My one and only you.

' Fly Away
Monday, December 19, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Work went well today..Second time doing YZ shift. Not bad lah..Did the vaccuming today. Ivan told me that "zuo ren bu yong na me you yuan ze" (uh, someone come up with a good translation in english pls). Because i was like vaccuming every single corner and everything.Haha..I mean, well, that's my job what. Anyway, if i don't clean it now, someday, someone will still have to clean it up what. Isn't that right?
Sis went to wait for me to end work after her clique outing.haha. So paiseh...actually wanted to call her to tell her not to come 'cos i had a bad feeling about the time that we were going to knock off.. But i was too occupied with the enormous crowd today (probably 'cos it's a Sunday) that i didn't have time to do so.

Went shopping during break today at Hush Hush (50% storewide) and OP etc...Then i went back to work. It was so busy that it's like the moment you step out of the store, people start like bombarding you with requests like, "hey do you have this in size * and can you help me check this/that, Can i try this?, how much is this? this one got new piece?" haha..

But well, it's been an experience and i'm really really getting used to the job and yea, doing it quick, in my humble opinion. haha.. But it really feels when you "clinch the deal". Though there's no commision..haha! Feels good when you keep helping people to check sizes, and they buy it and ah..i can't really put it in words. Maybe it's just me. Being contented by this kind of little things. But it all helps in boosting my confidence and enhancing my performance i guess.

Things are going well between my colleagues and i also i guess. Though sometimes i still feel like a little um..odd esp with the non-chinese..but they're all nice people. The Nike by b.i.r.d team rocks. :)

Oh well, does that mean that my perception of Nike is changing? :O

I have to say something....!!

I CAN'T STAND THAT TRAINEE SUPERVISOR FROM CINE!! EEEEEEEEEEW. WHat the. His attitude is real bad. YEEEKS. I wonder how his colleagues work with him man. SUCKS. STOP mumbling over the phone and i was just being polite and your response was like..Shi*t. Brush up on your damn courtesy man. Fancy being a trainee SUPERVISOR. LOUSY ATTITUDE!
Candy, Lynn and Ivy is so much better. I'll appreciate them...a LOT!

One night stand
I don't think she's coming
Back for more
She was only looking
For a night stand
I don't think she's coming
Back for more
No no

' Fly Away
Monday, December 19, 2005

Friday, December 16, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Last christmas, i gave you my heart

But the very next day, you gave it away.

This christmas, to save me from tears,

I'll give it to someone special.

' Fly Away
Friday, December 16, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm... Work was okay...It always happens. When i get into the mood and then i have to knock off..what only..Perhaps it's because towards the end of my shift, there are usually more people coming in and everything... Yea.. but oh well, i do enjoy my job. Just that i do feel a teeny weeny bit of stress when Ivy's around but she's a pretty nice lady i would say. Quiet tho.. :) Nike's team is great man..Maybe i'll change my perception of Nike slowly.. However, i still don't really understand how some people can just buy...Gimme the cash man.. I want to shoppp! i want to change my wardrobe..Like totally! i'm like...argh. deprived. no clothes!! Now got so many sales..maybe i can like shop a little before i go Bangkok..already dying..

Well Well Well... Ly, i'm so proud of you! You managed to get yourself out of the Quicksand before anything else happened. *pops* okay, that sounds fake but well, i think i did convince myself to pull myself out of it..by sheer determination and willpower..

Couldn't get to sleep yesternight. tossed and turned...tossed and turned. Finally drifted into sleep. Which probably explains why i'm feeling so tired now. Think i have the garfield eye syndrome. haha! Lz knows what..

My working days are cut short! We have more part timers coming in..so sad!!! :( My money is like flying away or what lor..argh..but well, i can take the time to...cook dinner and nutritious soups for my family and to work at my cousin's! take a break and rely on admin work for a while.. heehee.

Shahida's really a nice person a friend and a colleague.Though we just met, but i feel we do have a lot in common! And she has this aura around her that makes her so...i would say attractive.As in not the usual kind, those very pretty ones..but she's a really mature and responsible, dependable person..kind hearted one..haha..QUite fun working today lah.. :)

people, buy from meee. We're having a storewide 10% off with some shoes and apparels up to 40%. COme okay..suntec nike by b.i.r.d.

Sweet dreams.. *muacks

' Fly Away
Friday, December 16, 2005

Thursday, December 15, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com

' Fly Away
Thursday, December 15, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

' Fly Away
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went to check my eyes today with my sister and mom.

Firstly, there's a weird change in the type and degree. Initially,i had a natural long sightedness due to weak development of the eyes. And i was suffering from astigmatism . Then now, i am myopic! as in i recovered from the long sightedness and astigmatism, but suffering from myopia now..slightly lah..but i will continue to eat visionex(this eye supplement) and see if i can cure it. :)

Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Someone help!!! argh. but no body can help except myself and maybe the truth. lol. Am i talking sense here? argh. WHy ly..why.. believe in what you have been believing so strongly in..! sigh. self-decieving. self denial.

Ly..u shouldn't have. But it wasn't totally my fault. Maybe i was just a shadow. maybe. but i seriously hope not. I think i choose to give it up. So i'll erase it bit by bit. This worm that has been in my mind all these time. It's time ly.


' Fly Away
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Was i mistaken? was i wrong? Was i too naive to jump into that conclusion?

But it all seems so real. It feels real. And i really believed it was real.

Now, maybe i hope it's real.

I need a more definite sign. To tell me the direction. Or maybe, there ought not be any direction. I should just stand still at where i am. Just stand still.But the problem is, there's quicksand beneath my feet. Someone, save me please.

I don't wanna go through this over again. Alone.

But in any case, thanks a lot. It was a totally enjoyable experience. :)


Being a librian doesn't help does it?

' Fly Away
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sunday, December 11, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm...Finally, i can get some rest.

Have had a rather taxing day. Went to work with a full stomach filled with the delicious and nutritious breakfast that mom made for me..Avocado as the spread on the softmeal bread toppled with alfafa sprouts. Yummy. :) and the unhealthy part comes next, which is fried "dao kua" (tofu). heehee. Still, thanks. And i'm really glad i had that meal because we were kinda short handed in the shop today and i was like running all over the place. Many thanks to my colleagues who helped me out with everything! :)

Guess what? i saw a cockroach today running across the row of shoeboxes today in the store!!! like eewww!! Luckily it didn't like run across my hand or something.... i would have died-ed.

Day didn't start quite well...cos of this "ang mor" customer! Well, firstly, i had such a difficult time searching for the shoe..Secondly, her request was like..um..dots. But on the other hand, i can't really blame her because she doesn't know what's behind the scenes..but she was kinda hot-tempered..Thanks thanks thanks to Joyce and my supervisor for helping me out with her..if not i would have been at a total lost and yea.. :) *cheers

Suddenly, i have no idea why but there was this non-stop everflowing crowd that just keeps coming, which is not a bad thing..cos i experienced how it's like in a crowded store and to pace myself to work faster and improve! I think i've made like improvements in my speed and accuracy and how i serve my customer..I must improve further..More rooms for improvement. :)

Tired...Either the aircon in bird wasn't strong enough or i was too hot. (um pun unintended?) hurhur. But one of my customers commented that the air con was too small and it was really hot.. So i guess, it's not really me. It was the aircon. I think getting this job has made me experience and learnt much more and continue to develop me into a better person (i hope). Sounds rather exaggerated but that's how i feel now..

It was so busy that i didn't realise i was late. I had to rush to go jiang tang. Then i just told the supervisor i needed to go and chiong-ed all the way to the station. Wah..it's really quite a long distance! i was like brisk walking all the way..and i was like sweating like anything. The worst thing was, i actually forgot to refill my bottle and i had no water!! So i ordered soupy noodles and just gulped down the soup when i got to ci hang to eat. Okay, i sound really unglam here but who cares. LY was thirsty.

haha. We came to life with nothing. In our short lifespan,we managed to grab so much of these materialistic/non-materialistic stuff and we must understand that ultimately, we should learn to treasure our "hui4 ming4" more than our "sheng1 ming4". Because after our life ends, the soul lives on..

take care folks. and remember. it's a nike swoosh. buy from...LY.

' Fly Away
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Friday, December 09, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went to visit Joyce at the store today. They seem busy. I so wanted to try that green tank top lah..but then.... like it was quite crowded and i still felt a bit weird. Tried on the shoes that i wanted to buy. They look good leh..aiya..but it's so exxxx.... crap man..sigh.

Heard so many things from joyce. Why wasn't i told!!! It's so..it's not that i really mind a lot but then again it's like sian lah..if i didn't know joyce, i probably won't know about all these? ;( *sigh* Really lor. Unfairrr. argh.

19K. It's so unattainable huh! :( Must come and buy from me okayy... :):) i'm at suntec nike by bird. :)

I'm going to buy that top i saw at Dorothy perkins. firstly, there's a sale lah! minus $13 bucks leh..then secondly, my sis likes that too. haha!! grreeat! wheE~ But i still like that sunglasses. hm...

Today went to Suntec to walk three rounds at the fountain. Hope it'll come true! haha! :)argh. Maybe i'll switch to full time. hee. Yay..tomorrow i'll be working with joyce. :)

kenny rogers still rocks.
mabel's hair rocks too.

take care folks.

' Fly Away
Friday, December 09, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

hi guys. I kinda like this.

Actually, i was just browsing blogskin.com to see if there were suitable nice skins. THen, i decided to try out this precious moments one. I was happily trying out the colours and wanted to preview the change, when i so accidentally pressed the save template changes. Great. So i got to find this one, which i quite like. Simple and nice. Simple. and Nice. Great. It's back to the basics now. black and white. When i have time, and have the mood, maybe i'll change to more colourful fonts. :)

Pls leave your blog add if i missed out on yours because i didn't have time to save them due to my accidental click.

helped my sis changed her layout too. :) mission accomplished.


Not bad. Not bad. Today just when i thought i wouldn't close any sales, i made it. Thanks colleague(s)!! i really appreciate your help. Thanks for helping me boost my sales!!! I must work harder! Ly jiayou!! :) Supervisor asked me to smile more. uh..okay lah..Today i wasn't really in the best of mood. i'm still learning to provide good service. Like to put aside all emotions and smile. :)) :) :). Try try try. Lynn was quite nice towards the end of the day.. i also more relaxed le. stresss.haha.. Come visit me people. And purchase stuff from me. :)

Suntec. Nike by b.i.r.d.

' Fly Away
Friday, December 09, 2005

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm going to change my skin soon. No, don't get me wrong. it's my blog skin.


just helped my sis to revamp her blog. i shall do that to mine soon. getting bored with this skin. haha.. Are you guys bored of my skin? Comments please.

Gotta iron clothings later. yawns. Tmr i'm working!! hah! Hopefully it'll be an easier day (dream on) and yup, hopefully things will be better. "ming tian hui geng hao". :)

Probably going to interact's party tomorrow. Get reply from sis also.. haha..i don't know leh..all the exco pple going then i'll be quite extra to go also right..i'm like not close to anybody in particular..except SY and CQ ba.. yup..Will see how. I'll probably dine elsewhere too which is so duh~ haha.. maybe i'll meet up with sis and go for a meal. :)

Thing's weird. The friendship is fading. Well, it's all expected. It's hard to find true friendship between the different sexes.

Love ya all. take care..

' Fly Away
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Today's my first day at work!! Nike by bird. Suntec. Yup.

Hm. Was a little lost. Tried to navigate myself around but there were instances that i felt like v.v.v.v. lost. Didn't know what to do..Luckily the colleagues were very nice to help me out with the customers..First time doing sales...Not bad lah..quite an experience. I kinda dread it when the customers ask me to check sizes for shirts!!!!! very chum..and tiring.Cos firstly, you'll have to find the number labelled outside the many boxes. Then sometimes, it's like the bottom most box and you'll have to shift it all away first..And it get heavy..and yea..not too easy.

Shoe boxes flew down from the second storey too. Special effects courtesy of Ling Ying. Heng my colleague Ivan helped me put it back while i can get back to the customer..THANKS THANKS THANKS!! okay, he doesn't know my blog. lol. that's lame. but i'm still grateful. And of course to the many colleagues.

So coincidental! Saw Lee Han's striking pink-purple hair! And tada! well, she earned herself a nike badge lor..today my supervisor passed it to me..it's very nice leh! i'm regretting. haha. no lah! :) Oh ya, and the top they gave me was S. What lor. Don't have XS already. i'm not implying i'm small here..but it's like the size of the S is not very small also lah.. but still, i guess it's fine. My shoes are like dying. If got staff discount then i wanna buy!!! urgh. can see cannot buy. alamak.

can't wait for wed. well..actually. am i looking forward to it? hm..*ponders* Should i go for interact bbq?

2C guys okay prob mab and jocye: Sara chong is back..shall meet up someday. discuss when we meet up. And mab, i can't wait for you to shock me. :)

' Fly Away
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Monday, December 05, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm tired. real tired. don't know why. Haven't been able to sleep well cos i've been dreaming too much i don't get enough sleep. Hm.. How do i stop myself from dreaming? lol.

Found a job! They called me up today..YipPee..!! but i'll be alone...hope i can gum with everybody lor..haha.. Hopefully i'll be able to get a discount on the items den i can buy a new pair of shoes... :) I need to find a cobbler tmr too..to mend my old sports shoe..cos it's still good just that the sole is worn out. HOPE I WON"T BE LATE!! i'm like the late queen lah. lol. yay! i've got income!

Went out with Anna, ZY and SQ today..to celebrate Anna's belated birthday.. haha! I hope she likes the gift lah.. hee. And i ate my first at NYDC! lol! sounds so sua ku lah..but well, it's like..i haven't had the chance to dine there yet then. It's really not bad lah..At least they're vegetarian friendly. :)) so i give them extra stars for that. ***

Hm. to you: Welcome back to sg. :)

' Fly Away
Monday, December 05, 2005

Saturday, December 03, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'm a happy single. :) really.

i'm irritated by people trying to probe into my life, pretending they know all about me. Like really, how well do you know me. It probably took my good friends and best friend(s) years to find out after going through so much together. So, don't act smart and try to probe into my life. I detest it. A lot.

Thanks. End of speech.

Life is so unpredictable. Really. Treasure what you have now. Sounds cliche but it's really the truth! You'll never know the importance of something or someone until you lose it. Like health! Youngsters, never take health for granted. I can't stress enough the importance of a healthy lifestyle and good diet (with adequate minerals and vitamins). I know i sound like some old naggy woman but well, just some serious thoughts and advice.. Cut down on fried and preserved food. Go green. Make it a point to eat a fruit or two or a serving of vege or two. :)

Call me man. i need to worrkkk. joyce(cucumber): i think i'm more broke than you! :( alright, we're poor. nvm..jiayou!! :)

' Fly Away
Saturday, December 03, 2005

Thursday, December 01, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Cousin offered me a job..But then, i decided to reject that offer cos of roaches. The supersized kind. Eew. Big turnoff..haha! Well, anyway, i just feel bad in a sense cos that will mean that my cousin would have to source elsewhere but like what sis said, it's like they're making use of me lah.. in a sense. okay, this may not make sense to some but well, just some rantings.

Gonna job hunt tomorrow. LY, pls don't be lazy and stay at home to eat.watch.sleep okay. must go must go. lazy piggy ly. *oinks.

Tidied up more of my room..GOod..slowly it'll all be gone. need to get to popular to get brown paper to wrap up my books and archive them. haha.until i feel i can throw them away. Notes taking up large bulk of the limited space i have. can't wait for results to be out so i can decide if i CAN throw them away or not. i hope i can. Nope, have confidence. i WILL throw them away.haha. okay...whatever..

Maybe for once again after so long, i feel some happiness coming back. The orginal Ly is coming back. Let's hope.

People, stay healthy okay.. don't take health for granted even though you're young..Age's not a good excuse to not take care of your health. Reduce fast food, go for subway,salads and reduce intake of soft drinks and junk food. Fried food are ranked FIRST in the WHO's list of the most cancer causing food. Followed by preserved food. So yup, do take care... That's what we can do to cherish the life given unto us.

take care..:)

' Fly Away
Thursday, December 01, 2005


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan