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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

my blog is lying dormant now.

wait for the coming explosion. It will be activated in due time.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sunday, August 28, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

some times..wo hen2 xiang3 hui2 dao4 guo4 qu4.

But everyone knows that's not possible.. Browsed through some things today..

Friendships long forgotten, the 'forbidden' love. The close relationships with people..

all gone. all gone. the feeling's just now there anymore..

We all have to move on.. i know. It's hard to not regret what i had not done..not done enough. not done right. but it's long gone..

take care pals.
all the best. :_)

i'm feeling at peace.

' Fly Away
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thursday, August 25, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm.. went science centre yesterday to watch the 'Mystery of the River Nile' and 'Mystic India'.. I tell you man..it's damn cool. It's really very very interesting and informative! Learnt much from the two omnimax shows..cool. :)
Went to meet cousin and mom..went West Mall to eat at Bali Thai..Not bad leh the food. first time trying that..hee..but too bad it was too rushed.. no choice..

Finally got back my phone today. :) k lah..living a life w/o technology is not that difficult afterall. :)

Tired..gtg now. take care folks.

' Fly Away
Thursday, August 25, 2005

Saturday, August 20, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall.
Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall.
All the King's Horses and All the King's Men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty Together Again.

I was humpty dumpty yesterday.

Was washing some clothes yesterday in the bathroom. Then i was wondering how come the water didn't go down lah..So i wanted to use my leg to sweep the water lor.. Then the first action..WooH~ i slipped. wanted to grap the basin and i didn't managed to, then i fell to my left, my chest area hit the ma tong aka the toilet bowl and i flew off it onto the ground and my toe CRASHED into the wall and my hand hit dunno where. I lay there motionlessly for quite a while before i could have enough strength to at least sit up straight. damn. Damn pain. now my left arm there like got internal blue-black. and it hurts when i just slightly exert a little more pressure on it. My knee also got blue black. Sometimes when i walk it'll hurt.
As for my chest. Wa lau. It's the worse.
It's painful lah! my bone there. wa lau. like when i pick up things, when i bend down, when i try to come out from my seat on the sofa, it hurts!!! And i had such a bad sleep last night. Cos as you know, normally people sleep will like have movements right. And every little movement yesterday hurts.

Besides, my back hurts (prob cos of all the washing yesterday) and my whole shoulder area hurts too. Feelin not too comfortable now lor.. Ouch. Aye. What a bad day. :(

When i try to blow my nose, it's horrible too. argh. I hope i'll recover soon. Ouch.Sigh.

Someone asked me yesterday why i looked so sian nowadays. It's not sian lah. I just don't feel like talking much nowadays lor. ya..

My gosh. 2 wks. 2 wks! 2 wks. 2 wks. 2 wks. 2 wks.

take care guys. And help me pray that i'll get well soon. haha. hope i haven't broken a bone or what. lol.

' Fly Away
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

It's you isn't it?

' Fly Away
Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm..been busy. and tired. Yay! APTS is over already.. :) So no need to clock 15 hours per wk IN SCHOOL. yea..haha.. and short timetable starts next week!!! how cool is that.. my earliest day should be 1130am..but got assigned days for time practices for various subjects lor.. hm..wonder how the plans are..

Lost my water bottle yesterday!! I put it outside the library..but when i came out it was gone.. Speculated that someone must have taken it by mistake lor..then true enough! just received a call from Shaheeda..she found it!! yIpeE!!!! haha..so happY! i love my Nalgene. ;)

Made Koniyaku jelly today..hm. didn't turn out as desirable but thought it was fine..lol.. yawns. doing geog term assignment now..feeling bored so thought of blogging since i've MIA-ed for some time lor..Sigh

Many things really just come and go in one's life ya.. Including friends. Things can change so rapidly, so quickly.. so suddenly. But well..i guess that's life.

sorry ah..my entry abit like got disconnected thoughts.. take care folks...

' Fly Away
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Monday, August 15, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**


Mom's super powerful. She got rid of a live cockrach yet again. Hm..Sometimes very frustrating lor.. My religion believe in "bu sha sheng" ( don't kill ). This is to like pei yang us to become compassionate lah..in a sense.. So it's difficult to get rid of it.. But..we must love all beings and be compassionate to them no matter how small..so it's like we should make the effort lor.. Ants are also a problematic one..sigh.

yawn. Tired. Tmr still got math test. hahaha..hahaha. ha. ha. ha. oh well.. jiayou LY!! hee.

Hey anonymous..thanks for hugging me. lol.

take care guys..yawn.

' Fly Away
Monday, August 15, 2005

Sunday, August 14, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hi guys..been busy so didn't update..

i know this is kinda late but...


yea.. Anyway..i had quite an enjoyable National day lah..cos i went in to Johor with my mom and sis, together with two aunties from jiang tang. :) Malaysia's having sale! haha..Though i only like bought only 3 pairs of socks and a top, i feel very happy already! My sis bought a pair of shorts and a top..a cute purse, settled some birthday presents too! so fun! We spent like less than S$60 lor..haha..whee! so fun.. haha..k whatever. Wanted to buy slippers..at first spotted like 2 unique pairs @ East India..then when i tried them on, er..there was this extra large space infront..made my toes look so short lah.. haha..den wanted to find others..but couldn't find any suitable ones..so..yea..nvm...can save money..heehee.

Met up with joyce earlier to get cyn's present. chop chop. we walked around the 4th level..den walked into Ice lemon tee, got her a pencil case (which cyn commented that it's too small for her) and stuffed a top we got for her @ flower power same level. So fast lor..we were damn efficient. pHeW~ cool..glad she liked it! hee. Kelly came too!!! haha..finally i got to see her. Anyway, joyce had to go off early..so when we went to take "neo prints" she wasn't around lor..then got one of the pictures that we took, we all pointed upwards and when we decorated it, we drew her face. like so lame lor..lol. i will miss u guys man. 24th September is important ok.. by the way, let's settle our vege item soon yea?


Went jiang tang just now..hm..cool. got new ti hui.. jiayou ly.. :)

gtg alr guys..take care! ;)

' Fly Away
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i forgot to thank my sis...




' Fly Away
Monday, August 08, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Back from school.. Shouldn't have gone lah..really.

Supposed to have a picnic right in the middle of the track, aka the field. But then, it rained, so we had to switch to the wet weather plan, which was to have our picnic in our home rooms. like haha lah..but then our food decoration wasn't too bad at all. HOpe we can win something as a class now! can't wait. LOL. I'll upload some photos in a little while lah..

Then we proceeded to the auditorium to watch this film made by Tan Pin Pin named Singapore Gaga. I think it's quite a nice film..very interesting..and to some extent, thought provoking..

After watching this show, i really feel that Sg'reans don't really have the big heart as we have claimed to have.. In our daily lives, there are so many people who needs charity, yet we ignore them, deny them of their existence and only to donate when they are being promoted like a commercial product.Is that true compassion? it makes me wonder..

Also, i feel that there are many many talented individuals out there waiting to be discovered! These individuals are also trying to promote their skill..struggling to promote.. Perhaps it's because of the rigidity of the society now at this point of time, it actually impedes the development of Arts in Sg. QUite sad..it must feel terrible for true musicians, true enthusiasts, to see the skills that they possess slowly fade away..

Anyway, i think many teenagers nowadays really don't know how to appreciate art. However, even if you don't appreciate it, please do not laugh or criticise it..cos these people deserve much more respect for their passion and their bravery for choosing this path to help promote as well as to preserve the importance of Arts in our society today. Their spirit is indeed commendable.. :)

' Fly Away
Monday, August 08, 2005

Sunday, August 07, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm..just came back from the jiang3 tang2..

Suddenly felt a vv.strong sense of guilt. I must hao hao de xiu.. must really xiu hao. so i can encourage my friends to go and learn buddhism @ our place. Buddhism has really played a big part in my life lor..It gave me(and still giving) the courage to move on, to understand many many things and also to shaped me into who i am today.. Learning buddhism and going to the jiang3 tang2 every wk or as often as possible always like makes me very happy. As in not those superficial happiness when i pick up some money or what. It's happiness from w/in i guess. I really really think it's a v.gd place lor..and that i'm very lucky to be able to have the ying1 yuan2 to go there.. haha..really hope i can persuade some of my friends to join me. :) :) anyone interested?

Anyway, mrs lim is just so lame. Sigh. I must learn to be as lame as her. Lol..

I'm (still) thinking of..... but nah, nth's gonna happen. never. haha.


Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness.
Learn to be your one companion
Life can be lived alone
Life...can be loved alone.


' Fly Away
Sunday, August 07, 2005

Saturday, August 06, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Image hosted by Photobucket.com 
This is me.

' Fly Away
Saturday, August 06, 2005

Friday, August 05, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Busy day.. was so tired yesterday and i slept quite early..at about early 1 plus. But was still feeling v.tired this morning.. slept and slept..and slept. Econs essay was disastrous..like huh?! As usual, i dropped my stuff and everything..

Chiong-ed home after geog lessons..then made two new slides.. then went out to meet anna and yisi..But then..i was late..and we didn't know where to go and eat cos everywhere didn't allow reservations. So they went to book seat while i went to Bencoolen street to go print the "mag". In the end cos the designs were rather layman, the person say cannot print into a mag..so ended up printing A4 size.. double side and everything..THen after that brought it to Peace Centre to bind. Then chionged back to Bugis MRT..walked pass all the smoke and everything from the burning of incense. Yea.. Guess what lor..i don't know why but i didn't include Yisi's lah..and kok yiang's couldn't appear..while i didn't received Hubert's one. Whatever lor..haha..but there's gonna be addition to it..cos i'm printing again.. :)

Tired.. Tired.. Just knew today Swensen's cater for strict vegetarians, which is good. tried it today..it's sauteed mushroom burger..think it's not bad lor..but waited for super long..Then the rest all waited for me too lah..Felt so bad..haha..Then shared Ice-cream with Yisi..Yummy. The cookie's nice man! Bought a cake for mrs lim, then they also provide complimentary sunday for birthday "girl". not bad lah..it came with a candle some more lor..

As i was walking home, i got those bei1 chong2 zhong1 lai2 de4 gan3 jue2. (somehow i wished i could blog in chinese sometimes) Almost cried on e journey. in fact tears were alr at the brink le. Don't know why. Sadness fills me from within.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Everything has changed. I wished everything could be the same again. Is it just me? Am i the only one feeling like this? I don't know. I hope history will never repeat itself. I really don't wish to see it occuring again. I think it's me. Like seriously. Something's seriously wrong.

I've lost my courage, my confidence and my cheeriness. I think i'm beginning to lose hope.. I think i'm really not good enough to even think about "that" (special matter)..

I think i'm losing myself. Breaking down.

' Fly Away
Friday, August 05, 2005

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Tired.. Haven't been blogging cos i've been stayin in school till pretty late..And i'm usually very tired by the time i reach home.. yea..


Everything's pretty fine..At least i got closer to some people during APTS..lol..actually the APTS thing isn't that bad la..but there are big rooms for improvements though.. yea..

I hope i can make it...:)

Thought i got over it completely le..but then..sigh. I don't know how to describe that feeling..haha.. loner la.

Everyone must take care k.. got cough and flu bug around...

stress man! i hope i can manage everything this wk! got to clock 15 hrs..den need to go down to the shop to print the mag with Anna and everything..ah!! k, i shall tell myself that i can do it! haha..

By the way, thanks to Enrique who kindly donated a phantom of the opera CD..really enjoyed it thoroughly.. :)

till then..cya guys..

' Fly Away
Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan