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Sunday, June 26, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys
thanks for all your encouragement. but i know it all too well.

Sigh. I guess i'll soon be in for another cycle of depressions-(den winds will come hur hur). sian ah. like whatever.

Sucks. and shucks. i'm so gonna die for midyrs. why...why is my brain capacity so small. my brains' network is so inefficient too. why.. why why! die. die die. die le. i'm in for it. die.

Like whatever.

u speak better lah huh.
u have better attitude lah
u r skinnier lah
u are taller lah
u are older lah.

whatever.some nonsense.


get the ph-a-t correct lor. sucks. damn.sian. sian sian sian.

such a loser.

' Fly Away
Sunday, June 26, 2005

Friday, June 24, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

die die die. i'm so dead. die. counting down to a few days to the exams and also to doom. die.

can't finish studying everything la!!! HELP!! how? Has anyone finished yet? die..stress!! stress!!!



just came back from cousin's dinner. had a rather pleasant time there. yep. haha. hai...DIE!

' Fly Away
Friday, June 24, 2005

Monday, June 20, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm..let's start with Saturday!


Went out with SY, HY, CQ,CLair(e), PL to East Coast! ya again..haha..But it was damn fun lor..Met up at 12 noon. Then we walked around first..cos HY not here yet..so we just walked around and took some 45 minutes to decide what we want to eat. Ended up at a Ramen Store..the Chinese kind. It was cool la..But the serving was apparently huge. Anyway, i ordered this 'suan la tang' - hot and spicy soup that was supposed to be vegetarian as it was stated there, and to my 'horror' , i seem to detect traces of pork in it. Hm.. I didn't know pork is a vegetable.
Anyway, we walked to ECP lor. Then CQ and cousin went to rent blades, PL brought her own. The 'Y's group aka. LY,HY,SY wanted to rent bicycles from the same shop, and er..the bicycles just looked as if they were untouched for years. So, we decided to go to the usual shop that i always patronize. Took a double bike with SY while HY took a single bike. Hm..Started quite badly cos initially, i couldn't balance the bike and the gear was so loose and like if u turn the steering a lil it'll make a drastic movement. But in the end, i still managed it la. So proud of myself can..driver.. -bows- Hm..then went to Skateline to look for SY's brother...cute can..lol... anyway...i'm so ANTI-FISHING..PLEASE PLEASE DON'T FISH! it just broke my heart when i saw how the man handled his catch.

CQ: sorry ah couldn't stay and play with u all!

Today.. k lah.. went for tuition in the morning..then after that, had a shower and a change of clothes and then went out shopping again..for the dinner i'm gonna attend this coming Thurs. Shopped and shopped, tried and tried. Finally lor..at City LInk..this shape store..yea..got a dress. :) it's such a good deal lah! had 70% off lor! from $65 to near $20 lah..wah..how cool is that? Then walk to and fro from taka to city link etc etc..finally decided to buy a pair of shoes from Charles and Keith. WheE~ Finally. i got it done.

Tired. gonna take a break now..seeya guys and take cares..i'm seriously stressed out. The signs are showing..

JOYCE(AJ): ur hair's nice lah! :) :) i support u!

' Fly Away
Monday, June 20, 2005

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went out studying with Anna today! wheE! at our most productive place! Starbucks! lol. When i'm with Cyn, we're more productive in the library. When i'm with Anna, we're much more productive at Starbucks! But a bit costly lah.lol. Well, both of us managed to keep our $10 budget thougH! Hm..a bit sleepy today and took a light nap on my notes. So hopefully, some info managed to diffused into my brains. ;) -smirks-

Anna and me were so bored, we walked around Starbucks and started to read some stuff and everything..Then the staff talked to us. So nice lor. I really like the environment there. The staff are very open, very interactive and nice. The girl that we spoke to was rather pretty also lor.. haha.. as in quite sun yan! then earlier on the Auntie was so kind also..very motherly. Wanted to treat us coffee when we were so tired..but too bad, the manager threw away the coffee le. lol. next time ba... wheE!~ Then the Malay staff also very farnie lor.. Humorous bunch of people.

Not bad.. i must continue to jiayou! LY! jiayoU! haha..sians..hopefully tmr i can get motivated enough to get to starbucks to study or smthg.lol.. :)

Hopefully i can read some econs later lah!

Take care guys!

' Fly Away
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh ya just rmbed..that day i saw my primary 1/2 classmate lah! Camy Lee~ we were the infamous people who are always late and end up sitting by the side of the hall. That probably explains our good friendship then.. The late Threesome: Camy, Candice and Me. Don't have any news of where candice is now..and i don't really rmb how she looks like..OopS. It's been a long time lah! Anyway, as i was saying..ya, i saw her and recognised her immediately lor..then i was in the Lib with cyn.Both of us ended up like looking at her..Then got once like got caught lah..and even when she looked at me, she couldn't recognise me at all.. lol. Until i msged her on friendster and told her that THAT was me..Haha! so cute. She reminded me of the girl who always appeared in our Health workbook (can't rmb the correct title now). haha. If u guys have it, can check it out.

Anyway, it's been a slacking day la.Actually, thought of going out to study, but nobody to accompany me so i a bit sian and lazy lah..Some more,bro's down with fever, and upcoming cough and flu. So decided to stay home also..cooked lunch and all. Yup. Anyway, i managed to finish (finally) my ROG. haha still got more to go.
Meeting Anna in a few hrs time! wheE~ Wishing for a pductive day!

Wanted to go shopping today. but due to unforseen circumstances, i couldn't sigh. i really dun know what to wear for the dinner. lol. nvm.. everything has a way out lah. :)

Hm..had a weird dream ytd..as in..i never thought of anything like that before... but it felt nice and real.. sigh. but it will never ever happen in reality..so sad. But at least, i had it in a dream lah.. It's really weird....... sweet.

Haha..sometimes, i think i look like li xiao long. lol.

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' Fly Away
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Monday, June 13, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys..it's like 2.10AM now and i'm still up. and blogging. like so dead can.

had a fun day yesterday at East Coast. A young 18 yr old lady finally learnt how to ride a bike! i'm pretty amazed at the speed she picked up this sport lah..cos i took like damn long.. don't deny the fact that she really has a thing for sports! jiayoU! don't be afraid of people man! Er... i was pretty amused. cos i was cycing behind the lady and her responses to the surroundings. poor gal. hope ur wound is alright now.

Met Eleen while i was walking around with THEM over @ PP (parkway parade). She's really very nice lor..and pretty. very sweet also. Anw, i'm not saying this all because she treated US chocolate coated stuff lor.. Hee. Though she's prolly nv gonna see this, but really THANK YOU! u made my day! :)

After that went over to Katong Mall where i met my mom to buy my mom's shoes. There's this shoe shop tt's really not bad..sells quality stuff and the owner really knows stuff about feets and shoes lor.. It's Pely's shoe company! cool. Mom bought 3. Pretty~~ THen we went to eat! at the usual Taiwanese food stall. great food and service as usual. hee. Went COld storage and went home.

whEe~ gg out next sat SY, HY, LY (all the Ys) and CQ~ whee!~ can't wait! at ECP agn! yea!

I'm so dead. i'm nv gonna finish studyin all that thick disgusting monsters terrorising my mind every sec. die. jiayou ly. jiayou.

take care guys. till then~~

and yea. like whatever. i love my hair. so cute. lol

' Fly Away
Monday, June 13, 2005

Saturday, June 11, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

such a pig lah

today slept till 12+ then i finally got out of bed..took my notes out to study and slacked around till it was time to go out. Shopped..bought a pair of levi's Jeans and bum top! haha..shall continue shopping again soon for the outfit i'm wearing for my cousin's wedding dinner..cool~

Come to think of it,i haven't attended any wedding dinner for a super ultra long time haha... ok.

Then, mom went to highlight her hair! nice colours lor! lol..cool makes her look so much more vibrant and youner..
sister cut hair too. shorten. not bad! look more youthful.
and me me me! i cut my hair too! still feeling happy abt it.

sigh i haven't bathed yet. argh! can't wait! weather's been killing me.

TIME!! i need more TIME!! somebody help me. i'm so not gg to finish my stuff lah..sians. jiayou ly jiayou! :)

tmr gg ECP cycling with Person 1, da nu ren and prob han. hee. after tuition(which i kinda dread) :(


' Fly Away
Saturday, June 11, 2005

Thursday, June 09, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh man i have 137 entries! haha!~

' Fly Away
Thursday, June 09, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm. Have been mugging and mugging non stop these few days. Econs. Really taking effort and time to understand and link everything as i go along. Love econs. What can be more interesting than that?

Sigh. I haven't really started on my mountainous GP hmwk. Somebody help. I've gotta start real soon. After i'm done with Econs. hee.

Life has been good. I hope it'll continue this way. Found my motivation. Jiayou LY.

And congrats to Sam who will soon be finding his one. :)



to joyce: nice blog. shift to blogspot lah.

' Fly Away
Thursday, June 09, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey i'm back in action agn. Woah. busy.

Shall talk about my 3 day holiday from last thurs to sat.

Thurs and Fri i was at Sentosa! haha. Had a free resort stay at Sijori. Hm.. what should i say. The condition of the rooms are er..not too good. Ended up complaining quite a lot lor..to the staff. But it's not our fault what. Can u imagine, a room with aircon on but no cold wind coming out of it? Made the room so hot and stuffy that i can like sweat in the middle of the night? kicked my blanket away?
And even when they personally come to repair it, it still wasn't very cool at all.

The insides of the kettle was amazingly brown, and the staff had insisted that that wasn't dirt. So can someone tell me what's that?

Over at the other room, the aircon was super cold. Freezing. It wasn't too bad lah. :)

Went swimming..didn't know swimming on your back can be so fun. lol. i'm like a swimming idiot can. LOL.

Then Migrated to Meritus Mandarin for a 2days 1 night stay. Cool can. The hotel totally rocks. It's so class lah! i really really enjoyed myself there man. Fully utilise everything..and they have got like iron, ironing board, weighing machine, bedroom slippers, two sinks, a good bath tub, a toilet bowl and a toilet bowl like thing which has a tap that like kinda cleans your butt. How cool is that?! And a staff specially brought a plate of fruits up and said, "this is complementary". And u get free papers in the morning.

The bed is a big single bed. Soft, cosy and totally comfortable. If time permits, i'll just rot my life away enjoing life just in the hotel room and going for shopping trips to taka, cine, heeren etc..just a few steps away. and literally a few steps.

Anyway, i came home with a bad headache lah. Throbbing pain. Lasted for 2 days. Ouch.
Had a good rest lah. and fun. but i still didn't get anything for myself.

i seriously need to shop for clothes and everything! and for the wedding dinner i'm about to attend! this sat! yes! Sis and i were supposed to shop for our stuff lor. in the end we shopped for the vase and plate for the fuo tai, and got my bro 4 tops. 3 polo tees from Fila and 1 timberland shirt. nice~

' Fly Away
Thursday, June 09, 2005


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan