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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**


Day was fine..Had trouble waking up on time..So by the time i woke up, i chiong-ed and chiong-ed..In the end i was late late la..but somehow, managed to be quite on time..haha.. :)

Math lect ended at around 4. Mr Tan covered like part of the next day's lecture lor..So i'm not going to go for tmr's lecture..cos it's like he only has like 6 pages to cover and he's not going to take more than an hour..My travelling time itself is gonna take like about 2 hours? So..it sound pretty logical to me not to go right.. besides, so many of us are ponning.. lol. i mean c'mon man..go to school for 6 pages of lecture notes. like hm?

After that was the fun part! met up with Mr. Tan together with the whole class lah..and we went to Chomp Chomp@ Serangoon Gardens to makan! wah! like totally pigging out session lor.. Let me list down what we ate in all:

1. 40 sticks of satay
2. 8 Ketupats
3. 2 $5 carrot cakes + 1 $3 carrot cake (i think it's 3)
4. 1 $5 Char Kuay Tiao
5. 1 Stingray
6. 20 chicken wings
7. Rojak
8. Beancurd (me and carrot)
9 15 cups of Sugar cane juice

And we gobbled them up in like about 40 minutes or so? All these ammounted to like near $100 lor.. hm. We really live up to our name can.. glutton
Esp me! Tt time Mag low was like " Ling Ying, carrying food AGAIN?" Paiseh can. wOops.

Oh ya, i still bought another $4 pack of carrot cake home to treat my family lor..In the end i so pigg still ate a few more mouthful. pigg lor ly..u pig. u glutton. u fatty. cut down la.

And ya, plannin to study at Starbucks tmr..sian. no khaki. sian. hais. nvm..smtimes gotta learn to live alone..hm.. see what time i can wake up lor. aiyo.... LY!

oh ya, visited Sock @ sweet secrets. Cool lor..haha. finally saw her there..lol.Funny lor..i go there my whole class followed ( oh man i almost typed 'phollowed' ) lor..and i bought this chocolate UFO thingy for my bro. and the whole crowd was there lookin and waiting for me to buy. lol.

Wah, must go back someday to try the untasted food lor! yea! Hm..CQ nominated me for the award..must thank her..regardless of whether i get it or not in the end.. thanks! ;) Thanks also for always accompanyin me to do things i volunteer. sometimes also feel bad lah..like dragging u into the waters like that. lol..but good memories right! hee.. k lah, gg to slp alr..nites everyone!

' Fly Away
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Saturday, May 28, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys i'm back.

Be yourself day on Friday was kinda fun in the beginning..when u start to see people wearing all sorts of wierd uniform..One of those were george's. It was like cool man.. haha...

My class was cool too. People were quite spontaneous lah.. some..and hm..ok.. grace looked so chio lah..as in tho it's obiang right..but it's like got style lor.. mine was crazy..wore like 3 layers or something..!! er..*ahem* FOUR. <-- joyce knows why.

Then it got boring..cos we were really desperately trying to find something to do till like 1015 cos that's when the Beauty Pageant's gonna start(dan and grace got thru!) and everythin... tho we din win the pageant, it was definitely a great and fun experience lah...had gd class spirit that day... Mr. Tan SL played a piece on the saxaphone and also dedicated to us..so sweet..almost cried lah..but as i was too busy tryin to record it on my cam.. hm. ya. So sad. he's leavin.. when school started i didn't really like him cos of his sacarstic remarks and everything..but then.. as time passes, he's really a very encouraging person and is a source of motivation..a really dedicated teacher lor..hm..happy for him tt he's leavin AJ..just like we really want to leave AJ too.. but also sad cos of the sweet, nice memories we had with him lah..

After that went out with dan, carrot, van, xw and han to makan.. very funny lor..when we were on the bus, we were already starting to decide where to eat..But we never agreed on one thing even when we reached J8. So we stood in a circle and tried to agree on something.. In the end..guess what..each of us represented a shop tt we can go.. and do open numbers. lol..in the end..it got to me and i represent....*drumrolls* Ya Kun! lol. so lame lah.. wa i was super full

Then abt 1+ i went hm..bathed washed my stuff..blah blah..watched tv..slack...den went out to meet clique at Marine Parade..with only like 6.20. haha..what lor..Then de chose to eat Suki Sushi..i was so full lah..ate like 3 plates..and also cos i got no money le..haha! went window shopping after that..On e way home i realised i have another 2 bucks in my bag.. -_-! oh ya..saw Eleen also..she's working at the choc shop outside Bata lah..haha..got a shock..i heard someone callin me but then dunno who..lol..

Whee~ GSS start already!!

uploaded pics.. here the web addie.

' Fly Away
Saturday, May 28, 2005

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hm..haven't blog for long.

Yea..Sandra's with another girl again.lol..actually.. i just feel that i'm just ba gua..not exactly jealous or what..cos i don't feel anything le. like what "stalker" said.. see see can already. hee. whatever..

Today was..hm..let's see.. i don't understand why i should be so tired lor..sometimes i just feel so piggish. 1. loves to eat.And have a big appetite 2.Tire easily. hm. LY! stop this lifestyle of yours!!! now!! -slaps-

Went down to Cheshire today.. Today only the JC2s came for CCA cos J1s had house meeting. So the manpower was very little today. that's not all. The daybreak peeps actually insisted on having 18 peeps over at their side can! and like w/o any proper and official instructions, so many Cheshire peeps went over to Daybreak lah! in the end only got 5 people who went down can.. and we all wanted to just go for beancurd than go off lor..But cos i told Stephen that i'll be going down and helping him with his new camera, i had to report there lor..Thanks to SIEW YEE.. who kindly accompanied me(cos no choice also..i/c mah..).So. only 2 reported. Anyway, went there,etc etc...then HENG> Stephen said he wanted to go out..(i was about to force him to go out la!)to buy cover for his Camera.. hee. So we just pushed him all the way to Maju Mall lor..

Walked to the Photo shop..hm..the lady was rather nice..cos there was no way i could get him into the shop.. that area is so wheelchair unfriendly lah! So I ran out to tell stephen about the price..then he wanted to take a look..Heng the lady agreed lor..hee. nice lady..thanks for being so patient.. Wanted to visit Sock..but then aiya.. in the end also cannot. lol.

Can see that Stephen's so happy with his new camera.. :) rich can. lols.

Anyway, as i was saying..It's not that i'm feeling very angry or pissed with them not turning up lor.. It's like even some Important EXCO members..also never show a good example lor..just take attendance during meeting in school..then all go off, go out, some said they will go later..in the end..when we tried contacting them and calling on their handphones a dozen times, no body picked up. NOBODY
Now..someone tell me how cool is that.. I think it's all a matter of responsibility lor..It's about being socially responsible. Oh..good ol' interactors huh.

Sigh. tmr's thurs. last official sch day...can't really wait for be-yourself-day...must take lots of photos! with CQ!XW!"stalker"! SY! etc etc!! yea..

sigh..my GP sucks.. how. die. die and die. oh no......... -scream-

can't wait for HOLS. jiayou guys..jiayou ly. nites. btw..tmr got A.I's results.. lol. take care buds..

' Fly Away
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Friday, May 20, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

School's ending soon..so i took my sis' camera..and went on a sPreE. hee.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

in the toilet.. hm.

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Siew Yee, Me ,Hanyi

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Sisters! i like this.. :)
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

oh no! muggers from 35?!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Interactors@Cheshire Home!

' Fly Away
Friday, May 20, 2005

Thursday, May 19, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hm..man..school com is really such a headache.. happily finished typing an entry when it suddenly couldn't detect any server..and yea..it's gone..just like that.
Couldn't even save my work lah..but nvm..got it done again.

PE was fun. Played Volleyball. man. how bad am i at ball games. but i enjoyed it thoroughly.. Hm..almost lost my watch today man..lol..it was being passed around through like 2-3 people before it landed safely back into my hands.. PheW~ Got sentimental value k..my mom bought it for me.. :)

Went out with Cai Qing and Xuan Wan just now. So fun!! can go again....to chomp chomp area! Maju mall rocks! lol..it's a simple place lah..but like if u go there and visit occasionally, u will still be able to find pleasures.. Soya beancurd+soya bean+rice balls is so nice!! whee! was kinda full after that..such a big bowl. lol.. and i missed meeting qi yu wu. what lor..first CQ was late for her date..then he went off.. den i was indulging in the varieties of the products in NTUC that i forgot the time and he went off already lor..sigh. nvm.. we were on the phone just now.

for those who are blur by now..: MS LEE! WAKE UP LAH!

saw him yesterday while running an errand for one of the residents.. lol. he dressed like some serial killer or rapist or what lor..lol..but still..woah~! hee. so fun!

sian. tmr got GP presentation. hope everything goes well. lol. like whatever. i'm beginning to dread it more and more. dunno why..sigh math was such a flop. a disappointment. sigh. this kinda feeling sucks.

jon seow borrowin tie from me tmr. lol can..haha. i put it like semi into my bag le. so hopefully tmr i don't shuang shuang den remove it. lol..!! hee.

yeah. i'm doin it. Ly good job. sigh..

i need to mugGgg...

take care peeps. yay! meeting veg clan tmr! i'll try uploading some photos later..:)

' Fly Away
Thursday, May 19, 2005

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hm..haven't blog for ages.. a bit sian. Everytime i'll just visit my blog then, visit others and that's that..haha.

Life's ok. Tiring as usual. Sigh. Studying for geog test was like..okay..but climo..i'm so dead. What the heaven is ITCZ stuff man..need help. Well,i'll catch up this coming hols. i'm like so looking forward to it can.. cos i really need to rest and do my own revsion man. Jiayou LY. jiayou. try hard. sigh.

Gp is depressing as usual. Think she kinda have somethng against me. whatever. my GP sucks.

Whatever. i hate to be accused lor. it;s like u don't blame others for it can. -whatever- shrugs.

Studyin with Anna at starbucks is like smthg i'm lookin forward to everytime..haha..lol. so fun! hope to meet up soon.. i need to buck up on so many things lah.. geog i need to seriously do my readings. econs is like..must understand, memorise and yea.. read. Math is like doing and banging on my tys lor. sigh. hope i'll have enough times. sucks. i can't wait to get out of JC. It's such a life-shortener. it's draining. sians. but that's life lah. can't deny the fact that i had fun times and met nice people over here in AJ.. :)

argh. i need to pack my math file. i haven't sorted anything..so can't photostat another stack for Enrique lol.. paiseh. drag till so long.

sigh............. i feel like a PIGgGGGggggGG. eat.sleep.eat.sleep.tv.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys..

geog tutorial was such a 'urgh' and 'eew'.
what lor..sorry ah..din really help in the presentation..sorry..hais. what's with MOng..what have we done to deserve such treatment from her lor..have u ever come across a teacher who dislikes students to ask questions and accuses them of not reading the 'oh-so-useful' notes? A teacher that pretends to be so organized and efficient when other teachers sit in for her lecture? A teacher who scolds her students stupid, lazy...etc..and is prejudiced against people who do not really do well? Terrorising me can. hais. what's her prob. man..she doesn't even know what or where are her lecture slides lah. and we just finished geog lect today.. so no more lectures..all revisions. chum. and the last lecture..i played bubble puzzle for half an hour..and for the next 15 mins. when i decided to listen, i fell asleep..while watching video. now how cool is that..

i'm so tired today..dunno why.. keep on dozing off. Slept on my way home, then reached home, bathed den slept again. that's why i'm still awake at this time.. sigh. *slaps* wake up LY!!!

hm..not bad. i think i'm making improvements. c'mon ly..u can do this.. :)

To mab: jiayou ok! :)
To da nu ren: hms..don't think too much le k..dun worry too much too.
To taz: in process of deleting.

gonna pon CCA tmr..cos i feel stupid sitting in doin nothing while watching the new exco selection..hee. den come home..den go out again..meet cousin and sis..go shopping. hee. yea.

a day to look forward tmr..

love the class photos. informal ones were so nice! will upload it when i have it.. ;)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

good and bad day..

i'll start with the bad.
-saw someone knocked down by a comfort bus early in the morning
-dropped pencil case 6 times.
-dropped two different pens at two different times.
-dropped 10cent coints 2 times.
-Bus zoomed past me when i was walking towards the bus stop.
-ate too much.
-mong's sudden demand for presentation on climatology tmr. or rather today.
-prob test. die-ded.

-photoshoot was successful
-starting to nt bother so much alr.
-just an okay day i guess.

seriously lor. what a day. right...

' Fly Away
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Sunday, May 08, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

sigh..why...why did i ever have to meet taz..

i don't understand.. really i don't.

i don't need an explaination..

i don't ask for much right..just a friendship..is it really so tough?

fine. maybe i'm scary. maybe u think i'm too aggressive? (er..). maybe the sight of me irks u.

i'm forgetting u..i want to erase TAZ for good. i seriously need to. to stop hurting myself..

what have i done.. to deserve this..

' Fly Away
Sunday, May 08, 2005

Saturday, May 07, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

mom bought me a pair of earings yesterday..hm.. this is like my second most ex earrings lor..thanks!! it's kinda nice. i like it! And i won't get any more infection.

Mong really terrorised and shocked me today lah.. this is like the most efficient tutorial ever, the most useful ever can. The tutorial w/o crap or chit chatting session. Dan was kinda funny. Mumbled some 'whatever lor' and she heard...den she started saying things like 'don't mumble to yourself etc....blah blah blah'. And when Daniel wanted to clarify certain things, she got rather impatient and everything..saying it was us who din do our readings and everything, that's why we don't understand. While she was explaining, Dan went, '...like duh, i know'..haha..woah man. gave me a shock. thought she would flare up or smthg..lol. what a jing xing dong po de ke. lols.

Yippee..No PE today..only got briefing. Tazmania man..haha. Think A LOT of CCAs have college day rehearsal today. Talking about this, Mr. Tan (mickey) was trying to be nice today during morning assembly..he like congratulated and consoled those SYF people lor..and also said he wanted to declare a half day which is oh-so-rare in AJ! but smhow, teachers reminded him that college day rehearsal was today...so it's either we have it another day or have some other forms of celebration. I certainly hope the half day won't be on MOnday. cos thats' my short day. Pls..gimme a thurs or Fri. PLEASE!! :(

Went out with Veg Clan to celebrate Mab's birthday. Had fun! Really miss the limited time we have together..BOught a taz for mab..took pictures..so fun! yea..glad that u liked the prez... hee. another taz to add to your collection. Bought a shirt.. tomatoes. haha..so cute. :) Joyce got the shop-a-thon 20% discount card lor! yay! haven't bought anything since dunno when..haha..yawns.

tired.. going to sleep alr! happy birthday Sis!! hope u like the prez. hee.

' Fly Away
Saturday, May 07, 2005

Thursday, May 05, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Bad day. din feel well in the morning.. and everything.. yes..Everything.

Thought the vball match for guys a bit wasted..cos they threw away some pts that shouldn't have lah..but then again..i bet they tried their best. As for the girls.. good fight put up by them lah..

i wanna get out of AJ. Everything. And when i do, everything will be erased. from my brains. from my life. forever.

I've had enough. and Enough means enough. of all these shit. why...why. and why. i just wanna have amnesia now. at this very moment..

i wanna meet MY tazmania. i'm jaded.

i want my hug...veg....hope i wun spoil ur mood tmr.....

' Fly Away
Thursday, May 05, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Had a good talk with Mab. Not exactly a good one lah..just finally thrashed some issues out lor.. sigh. Misery. Misery Misery. Sianified. yeah.

' Fly Away
Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wednesday, May 04, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

On this very day, four years ago.. something major happened in my life.

My life has changed forever since.

Life is, and will never be the same without you.

But your presence will always be felt. and all the good that you have done, all the

memories you have brought.. will never ever leave me.

You are my motivation.

Somehow, i wish to find someone like u to be my mentor. Some day.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan