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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

whee! k lah..CCA carnival is as sian as ever..very humid too. rained...so inconvenient..but then again..that made many people walk past the Interact Booth. lol. many people signed up. HEY GUYS OUT THERE! IT"S NOT A SLACK CCA LAH! better be serious about it. it's a responsibility and commitment u've made to the society man..

Wushu made a damn astounding performance. damn zai. was so stunned. sigh. make me feel like learning wushu even more..but think i so not flexible..sure cannot..sighs.

woah~ later gotta do econs.haha..i hope i'll be awake enough. k...life is getting on track. jiayou ly! jiayou!!!!!

amazing race...so sad..the brothers' car flipped. next episode..like become the old couples' turn. so sad!!! so fun! so exciting! haha..

i wan to shop. so sian.

yay! saw an Anglican today...had a nice chat with her..yay! yups. all anglicans in AJ should go and have meal together..meals maybe. hee..whee~~

world is so small. li chin knows mabel. and i know both of them. yay. can go out together!! haha..

*luP dUp*

' Fly Away
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

~*~ i really love this song~*~

Life is full of lots of up and downs,
but the distance feels further,
when it's headed for the ground,
and there's nothing more painful,
than to let your feeling take,
you down.

It's so hard to know,
the way you feel inside,
when there's many thoughts,
and feeling that you hide,
but you might feel better,
if you let me walk with you,
by your side,

And when you need,
A shoulder to cry on,
when you need,
a friend to rely on,
and when the whole world is gone,
you won't be alone,
cause i'll be there,

i'll be your shoulder to cry on,
i'll be there,
i'll be your friend to rely on,
when the whole world is gone,
you won't be alone cause i'll be there.

All of the times,
when everything is wrong,
and you're feeling like,
there's no use going on,
you can't give it up,
i'll help you work it out,
and carry on,

Side by side,
with you till the end,
i'll always be the one to firmly hold your hand,
no matter what there said or done,
our love will always continue on,

Everyone need a shoulder to cry on,
everyone need a friend to rely on,
when the whole world is gone,
you won't be alone,
cause i'll be there,
i'll be your shoulder to cry on,
i'll be there,i'll be your friend to rely on,
when the whole world is gone you won't be alone,
cause i'll be there,
you have my shoulder to cry on,
i'll be there ,
i'll be the one to rely on,
when the whole world is gone,you won't be alone,
cause i'll be there.

And when the whole world is gone,you always have my shoulder to cry on.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Monday, March 28, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

maybe...maybe things are just better the way it is this way.

Things will work out itself eventually.

Things will turn out fine. If it's not fine, it's not the end.

ps. there's no need to block yourself out totally when u're already together with another one right. wa laus. what are friends for. that's what u said.

ate Sakae buffet. whee. shiok. Mochi Ice cream damn nice.

Poor joyce..take care..of your sprained ankle.

we go shop for stuff again..soon i hope. with money. har har har.

' Fly Away
Monday, March 28, 2005

Sunday, March 27, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Not understanding it doesn't mean not being able to live with it.

Some times..people think too much into things.

Something that started off with a kind intention ends up bad.

Please. don't keep blaming on other people. It's high time we reflect upon ourselves and be truthful to ourselves too.

btw..it's so sian. tmr got school again. sigh. sakae buffet tmr or shopping tmr...?!

' Fly Away
Sunday, March 27, 2005

Friday, March 25, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went to airport to study with mabel today. Didn't do much anyway..but it was okay lah..if not i'll just sleep at home. lol. joyce met us later..went to eat Sakae. Whee~ no buffet though sad..go eat on MOnday with the rest. haha hopefully they will be able to make it.. think i'll consider lah.. must save money. Went Century Square and Tampines Mall just now..did a bit of shopping and found some stuff that i wanna buy. argh. i need cash. haha.

joyce! i feel like getting that bag man..hm.. discuss with you again on Monday.. must remember to bring Stephen's specs to repair man.. ya.. i've put it in my bag already anyway.. :)

Must go do my stuff later. sian..sunday think prob going out again...haha. so must chiong my stuff.. sigh.

another typical day.

' Fly Away
Friday, March 25, 2005

Thursday, March 24, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

i just wish i could drop dead this minute.

i'm suffering so much in within.

i'm tearing myself apart.

i think it's depression.

' Fly Away
Thursday, March 24, 2005

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm..today's a tiring day as usual...Cai qing was just telling me dunno why it's always Wednesday that we feel so lethargic..hm..and feel fine on Thursday.. Tmr got PE..dan..jiayou! u can't run awy..its for your own good after all la..though its xiong.. must exercise lah..cos it will lead to many health problems lor..dun moan and groan le.. just face it... optimistically. u might say that i don't understand..but that's probably because u're like sinking deeper and deeper into agony and pain mentally.


Biatched at Daniel in front of bitchy friend today..haha..think they a bit tio stunned. lol..but anyway..it was just biatching lah. so what..lol.. now like i totally bo chup funghi le..haha..hm..dunno why. haha. but it's quite natural afterall.. still..i cannot deny the fact that he's still my eye candy la..haha..

Went Cheshire today. Quite late....cos we had some reflection session. The rain that suddenly come didn't help lah. hm. Some bo liao pple go set up AJ interact sux friendster account and start going around to add people. initial analysis proves that the account master is someone from our batch..oh well..so..i went to set up a more positive account..AJ interact rOx account. hee.. well. i think everybody had something to think over today after the sharing session lor..which i think its good. hee. really hope to see some improvements around..

Bought tau huay for stephen today..and cos i arrived to late..he couldn't eat it already..so i left it in the fridge..lol..oopS~ Mended his clock for him..so funny..apparently some worker went to knock on his window and the clock just fell. woOps. haha..ok lah..fixed as much as i could. Ricky, his room mate had company from Kelvin, Chin Hao and Charles..played dai dee..lol.hm.. oh ya..have to rmb to help bring stephen's specs to optical shop to mend.

yawn i'm tired. still doing work. jaded.

think it's really super inefficient to work in school lor..really feel like ponning la..and doing more work, more efficiently. sounds logical right..aiyo. sian.

Sigh. Thanks for hurting me. It just made me a stronger person! ;)

-just a tin- hee hee.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Monday, March 21, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

You are a helpful maid. You are nice and kind and
bubbly! ^_^

What kind of maid would you be???? (anime pics)
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

L is for the way you look at me

O is for the only one i see

V is very very, extraordinary

E is even more than anyone that you can adore

*Love is all that i can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you!

' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

tired girl
You are a autum. You are a quiet person. You
really dont' have much to say about anything
unless you are spoken to. You are like the
season spring in your mellow ways. You really
don't get mad really easily. You are very laid
back and a mystery to most. Most men like it.

What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics)
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

water ballerina
You are a water girl. You are flexable and very
nice. You are quiet so people who don't know
you thnk you are weird or just mean and high
and mighty like. You aren't though. You like
to have a good time and you also just like to
relax and just enjoy the stars.

Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

You like the ones that understand you.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

You are a flute. You are social and like to take
your chances. You like to spread your wings and
expirience new things. You are high in spirit.
You also like to talk to many people about your

(BEAUTIFUL anime pics) What is your soft toned intrument?
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

kawaii, desu ne?
Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care
for others over yourself. However, many people
appreciate your caring side and would rather
stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a
downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and
take advantage of you. You always try to see
the good in everyone and try not to hate.
Also, you have sharp insight and a great
personality. Calm, serene, and understanding,
you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to
people in need. Don't change your sweet
nature, your constant being-there can save a

I suggest your go into a field that
centers around working with others such as a
doctor, baby-sitter, psychologist, lifeguard,
or Teacher. If none of these occupations
interest you, it is okay then. I am sure that
there are plenty of opportunities out there for

What type of teenager are you?
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

man... what's with it man. really seriously. is mugging all u care? Man. felt pissed today. very frustrating day. shan't elaborate in my blog. really i shouldn't.
super sian day..first day of school and we had math and econs test. how good is that. Thanks. really.

Day was better after school ended for me. Went to esplanade! so cool! i really love this shop that is a teddy bear concept shop where u can personalize your own teddy bear..how soft you want it, the heart(s) that gives the teddy bear life! the voice recordings..the t-shirts and shoes! so adorable! if anyone were to give me that..i'll just cry and be really really very touched. man..i'm a super teddy bear lover can. stop abusing teddybears! ;)

Then wanted to chiong kenny rogers with han..but ended up at the food fair which was much fruitful and filling than kenny rogers would be lah..haha. so cool! like pig lor..eat so much..haha..don't care...jian fei later. eat first then say..lol..

saw hui shen just now. so happy she spotted me! and we're in contact again! this sat's her birthday..hee..see how. cos she asked me to celebrate with her..but so long i nv see her le..ya..maybe a bit mo sheng. hee.still..so nice!

hee hee.



' Fly Away
Monday, March 21, 2005

Sunday, March 20, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went out with Anna and Zhang Yan last sat for our A.L.Z outing! haha... so fun! really feels great to go out with them man. it's such a joy.. ;) -hugs- thanks guys..

Anna and i met earlier..at about one o'clock if i never remember wrongly..to set up the cake stuff and to write on the mini PINK shirt we bought for him. hee..woke up late that morning lah..and i chiong-ed to the shop to buy the base pan and the box and everything..and chiong-ed to our meeting place:orchard MRT.

Zhang Yan was super late lah! alamak! haha..then we decided to go taka's delifrance.. To make him atone for his 'sins' we made him treat us to some food at delifrance. So while he was queueing, anna and me opened the box, set up the candles and everything..haha.. so sweet right..here's a picture of the cake!

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Then we walked around the area, with ZY carrying that big cake around..haha..lol..he looked like some potential suicide bomber or something..lol..So bored..walked and walked..then we went Far East.. So funny.. we really like went mad lor.. hilarious stuff always happen when the three of us are together.. Walked around in circles in Level One..cos we wanted to hint Zhang Yan that we want to take neoprint. haha..Reluctantly, he agreed lah. yay! lol..so funny. we queued at the wrong side somemore..and still happily count down. haha...

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Yay! chio right. as in the pictures.

Then walked to borders to meet the person from SIF. He passed anna the tix and everything...briefed her..etc.. ya.. haha..and hey! anyone wants to help the tsunami-reconstruction based projects by SIF? buy tix from me $10! it's a concert cum fun fair event on the 27th March at Fort Canning Green! please help!!! tag me if u want k..help me publisize..

Got no where to walk le..so went to meet sister at Suntec..Brought them to sky garden! nice place! hee.. took photos there.. '1,2,3 we are quishin-bo'! haha.. we sang that..lol...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

hee.. so fuN!

It started drizzling. so we went in to walk a bit more lor..and soon after, we made our way to city hall interchange le..cos i'm supposed to meet my sis there. Super crowded can..aiyo. Saw Sam on that day also! i was thinking in my heart earlier that day like dunno if i'll meet him..and i did..lol.. world is so small.

gtg..seeya guys.. ;) till the next A.L.Z meeting!!

' Fly Away
Sunday, March 20, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

hm...haven't blogged for long. nothing much lor...i've been doing work at NUS Central Library for the past few days.. hee. so fun.. not bad lah..can just hun4 jing4 qu4...haha..just blend in in other words..lol.. The canteen food is so nice! and cheap! haha..yay! That day met Van and Dan in NUS too. lol.

Yesterday i went Usana office (this health supplement company) to take my bone density test..sian.. my results quite lousy can.. oh no..must eat more calcium tablets already.. ;( hopefully the next time they come again to organize this test, it'll improve! i have faith in my health supplements!

Then there was this stupid man who came out of no where to cut my queue. My mom was pissed..and she overtook him. so the arrangement was like this.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

ya...and mom signaled to the two of us to come after her lah..so that man started to complain. Mom was like you're the one who cut my queue first. i'm kind enough to let you in and not report you to the manager. I just want my two daughters to come with me!

Then he was like you're not making sense..my friends are inside already you know. (does this make any sense to you?) and he kept arguing about it lah. when he was obviously in the wrong. I was so pissed i told my mom.' mi, bu yao guan ta la. zhe zhong nan ren.' (means: don't bother quarelling with him lah. This kind of man.) Then he turned back for a while then turned back. Please lor. irritating arse.

Anyway..ya..went off to the Army market with sis. Funny han. She thought my sis was going into the army or something. Lol..haha..it's okay..hm. Bought two pairs of teva slippers! so cheap lah! Bought a pair for 24 bucks only. The price tag there for sales outside wrote 34.65 can.. Uncle sell me so cheap..great.. i used to buy my school bags from there also..haha..want lobang tell me! ;) must go patronize the uncle k!

Then went off to Pasir Ris..Go mrs lim's house. Had BBQ at her condo yesterday! Hm..me anna and yisi were peng kang-ing the whole night lah..except for our dearest J3 seniors who offered their help, which we kindly refused, the NCCs just sat there and expected us to serve them lah. What the hell.. We're not servants lor. But we derived pleasure out of it lah. Made fondue too...yumMy! haha... the ah cha was nice too! haha..

feng diao! *run about* ! had so much fun with Zhang yan, Anna, and Feng quan yesterday. Think we went crazy. haha...Helped to clear up after that..thanks Mr. Lee for fetching me and us back lah..hm.. when i was about to reach my gate got one car stop there then wind down windown and 'eh!' . i quickly chiong in lah! cos sometimes there got some wierd cars parked outside and pple do dunno what inside lah. and after thinking for sometimes, i thought it might be Mr. lee leh..hm..oOps. dunno lah. =x.

anyway, gotta go pia econs now..sian..seeya guys around..

joyce! cheer up! sMile! ;)

' Fly Away
Sunday, March 20, 2005

Friday, March 18, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

sigh... i think it's pretty immature to say that no matter how sweet, nice and pleasant it had sounded to me. sigh.. sigh.. and i like the initiative-ness. But hm..i also dun understand enough though. too fast..not v.convincing lah..

the other one... got no reaction. Sigh. really lor..no reaction..if not he must think that i'm joking..haha.which i'm not..tired of waiting for things to happen..

sigh.. i'm lost. by choice. haha.

Departing. tee.tee.tee..door's closing.
Leaf's departure...is it because tree didn't ask leaf to stay or because of wind's pursuit?

' Fly Away
Friday, March 18, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

After some time
I´ve finally made up my mind
she is the girl and I really want to make her mine

I´m searching everywhere
to find her again
to tell her I love her
and I´m sorry ´bout the things I´ve done

I find her standing in front of the church
the only place in town where I didn´t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
but she´s crying while she´s saying this

Chorus: Boy I´ve missed your kisses
all the time but this is
twentyfive minutes too late
Though you travelled so far boy
I´m sorry your are
twentyfive minutes too late

Against the wind
I´m going home again
wishing me back
to the time when we were more than friends

But still I see her in front of the church
the only place in town where I didn´t search
She looked so happy in her weddingdress
but she cried while she was saying this

Chorus: Boy I´ve missed your kisses
all the time but this is
twentyfive minutes too late
Though you travelled so far boy
I´m sorry your are twentyfive minutes too late

Out in the streets places where hungry hearts
have nothing to eat
inside my head s
till I can hear the words she said

Chorus: Boy I´ve missed your kisses
all the time but this is
twentyfive minutes too late
Though you travelled so far
boy I´m sorry your are
twentyfive minutes too late

I can still hear her say...

' Fly Away
Friday, March 18, 2005

Thursday, March 17, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Damn tired.

i'm going off real soon. super exhausted.

Got interact games day today! so fun! haha..
though i had to go school early for prep, it was all worth it.. it was a total success i would say! hee...all thanks to the planning comm and the participants lah..

Had breakfast with the planning comm today at NYP macs. Super cheap can! and i like super long nv touch Macs already..tasted good! whee~ a bit a-a (attract attention) though..cos a bunch of us, wearing our blue-yellow tee..just walked in like that..haha..hm... just have to get use to it i guess..lol..

Did manual work today...carrying tables and chairs around myself sometimes lah..macho can..Muahahhaa...siao. haha.. can sun bian train arm muscles...

Had a good bonding session with fellow interactors..had a nice chat with Siew Yee just now.. also had a pleasant and enjoyable time with the exco (+non-exco peepz like teng jin, me, hui ching and shuling) peepz. haha. *ahem* guys who take bio can be quite dirty lah. hm..pple who were present in pasta mania would have agreed with me. haha.

What lor..Chin hao damn farnie lah. Cos we were on our way to take 'neo print' la..then the cinema there got show this poster..on some name which i forgot..it totally resembles the 'the ring' main character - the u-know-who. ya.. so Chin hao was like, ' what's the name ah..?'.. 'Sakura huh?'..and i just like reflex and nodded my head..and at that very moment, we realized it's 'Sadako' lah..and he denied lor. he said that i was the one who said sakura lah..haha lol..jun ming can be my witness! haha..

Came home super late lah..took like almost an hour taking neo prints..fun! whee~ tired..

saw 3 funghi today. haha..tmr waking up early. nitez pple...sigh..

one- a bit immature
second- lack of initiative and take things for granted?

i shall abstain from thinking such thoughts lah.. hee. some one guide me....e.e.e.

read xiaxue's blog..oh man..haha. hilarious. a bit long tho. hur hur.

take care guys.! ;)

' Fly Away
Thursday, March 17, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

I cry myself to sleep again tonight
'Cause I cannot hold you tight

I wish I could see you again tomorrow
To take all this sorrow, sorrow
I'm hollow

When I touch you
Can you feel it
When I need you
Can you give it
When I look in your eyes
Can you see me
When I fall, fall
Will you catch me, catch me, catch me

[Chorus:] Misery is what I feel
When you're not around
So I can't heal
Misery is what I feel
Is what I feel [Repeat]

These tears on my face
Are for you
I wish that I could hold you
Touch you,
feel you

My heart is bleeding
Can't you see
I wish that you could hold me Touch me, feel me

[Chorus (Repeat twice)]

' Fly Away
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

guitar concert last friday was great~! sorry ah joyce..made you walk all the way to the entrance..haha..by the way, another person just praised your hair again..lol... how's han... can't visit her today lah..they suddenly hold a meeting this morning..spoilt my plans..think prob go visit on sat with dan and van. hee. it rhymes..

ya..han got hospitalised..dengue fever..poor gal...oh man..i know i really feels terrible..jiayou!

in NUS now...with my sis, using my brother's laptop..lol. damn freaking cold in here... Bro treated me to lunch and a drink yesterday! ;) haha...super fat can..ate 3 slices of cake today can. super fattening. lol! yawn...actually..i just woke up not long ago.. haha...from reading geog..those notes can really cure insomnia man.. those notepad kind.. u know..

Hm... Thanks Timothy for that call on Friday. Came as a pleasant surprise..really nice of you lah.. sigh.. made me realise some other things too...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ---------------------------------------------

do you really care at all.
do you really bother at all.
do you really understand?
do you really meant what u've said.

luv, ly. ;)

tmr is games day! hee. hope everything goes well. yup! thanks guys..it really pleases me to see how the number of hugs i got escalated. lol. though it's only a virtual one..lol. silly isn't it?

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Friday, March 11, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Anna came over to my house yesterday!

So chiong yesterday can.. Mrs Ong suddenly changed today's double geog period to yesterday...What only..Now slacking lah..waiting 3 periods just for PE..Later rushing to mmet denise in Tamp at 6 after which we will go SRJC guitar concert together! haha...whee! Hope everything goes well later...

Oh ya, talkin about yesterday, lesson ended at what time ah? can't remember..then chiong all the way down to Taka...go buy a tile for de's prez and shirt and fabric marker for Zhang Yan's present..Then anna suddenly called to say she's early..sheesh.sorry ah..make u wait. hee..

Went giants to get the stuff..So big can..couldn't find the stuff..and the person's directions were like so clear..i went like 'do you all sell aluminium disposable trays?' the auntie 'over there. at the back'. ya. hahaha. what lor.

Went with anna to eat BK..haha..anna! got improvement! u eat veg now! whee! my lao gong changed for me! a vegetarian wife! lol...haha..lame can. chop off my legs..lol..oh well...

Went home and started preparing and baking. Went out to Sheng Shiong to buy stuff i forgot about..haha..Meanwhile baking the cake la..Came back..cake smelt nice. Then guess what..it was all water inside. only top part was cooked..so we started to empty some of the mix inside and eat it..haha..maybe that explains for my stomach ache today. lol... Then put it back in to bake again..it went well.. Baked a tray of Brownies for anna too. Some parts didn't seem cooked..hope it's ok..

Pe ytd was damn xiong la..run arnd ..not time to warm up..and stretch enough..now backache, thigh ache and ya..butt ache. lol. pain. Gg for PE now..raining soon! Yes! lol.. hope we're having a light one today! :)

' Fly Away
Friday, March 11, 2005

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Da nu ren! Nan ren! xiao nu ren! yea! :) when we taking our next set of 'neo prints'?

Lee han and joyce bully me :( They destroyed my tree.Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
It started with this cute little piece of paper. Nice drawing right. hee. :) My Tree! My apple! my Grass! :)

Er it's a little compressed though.. :(

' Fly Away
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Freak. Screw the damn day.

sigh. really feeling low recently. sorry for the occasional mood swings guys. sigh. demoralized.

Feel like quitting school..just leaving everything behind to have a break.

I need time.

seriously need time to study for everything! Sigh. I'm failing everything la. And how motivated can you get when your GP tutor says that u'll probably not make it for paper 2 if you carry on like this. Sigh. I'm pissed with myself..exhausted..really.

cos i'm not a person cut out for studying..really. not saying this because my results ain't good. it's true. i take a longer time to absorb and to do my work la. It's kinda pissing sometimes. wanna scream.

Shouldn't despair now. will try my best. strive to achieve.

if i have nine lives. i'll jump off the building and see how it feels. haha. but i don't.

Think committing suicides is so dumb la.. look at the murder cum suicide case that happened in Tampines..my hometown! So close to heart lah...All because of gambling debts..u kill your family and commit suicide. Perhaps this will tell the govt how destructive casinos can be. Seriously.

Life's so unpredictable. Live life to the max. kinda ironic though. life's so contradictory.

Many times, it's just like we're driving in a car with a location in mind and forgetting our initial purpose to go there in the mean time. Sigh.

It's really a joy to talk to you Timothy! :) you brighten up my days.


' Fly Away
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Tuesday, March 08, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Happy days by the beach! miss the good ol' days..

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

This is a test post from Photobucket.com

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hi all.. i'm back finally...

Have been rather busy with work and all..tired..exhausted. and today is only tuesday.
Going to eat and mug with Joyce later. Yawn...

Geog test today was horrendous. Hahaha. brain block. hate my brains man.

Tmr getting back math test. i am so dead. It's coming back. Wanna die!!!!! *sob*

Sian..yesterday took cab to school cos i was too late. only $8 bucks can..that means previously all the taxi drivers cheated my money lor... but hmph! now i know how to direct them already! HOPE i won't have to take cab ever again. It's a waste of money.

Actually, i'll have free transport every morning..cos i think he's staying in AJ. But well..it's kinda awkward lah. Sigh. Better than nothing right.. They saved me from doing Yeoman's again this term lor. yay. prob won't have to see Nelson again. LOl.

Though my class did well in the heats, we still didn't manage to make it for the finals. Kinda sad..but at least we've tried our best and ya..we were kinda happy with our results lah. That's all that matters anyway right..

Have to see Mr Lim KW some day. soon. Not today lah. too tired le. Probably tmr i guess. About the borrowing of standing broad jump mats. Haha. i haven't got my partner for games day can. die. sian. SIGH.
Go ask shaheeda later. i'll force her to agree. lol. fellow mina can.

Sigh. actually i hinted something but the person didn't get it. Might be a blessing in disguise anyway.. Just realized that looks DO matter quite a bit. haha. Pending... following my brains. not mind. though i hate my brains. aiya. not talking sense. somebody GuiDeeeee meeeeeeeeee~~

luv, Ling yIng

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Thursday, March 03, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Just realised i didn't explain why it was a tissue-y tuesday. Thanks joyce for reminding me. haha.. It's because..my tissue supply depleted very quickly today.

Oh well..went to NUS for some Geog Career Talk today...WOw man..they have been doing it for the past 12 years. But it got quite boring..so we left when the third speaker was talking and when we went out, the v.lame guy actually waved, smiled and said 'bye!'. Haha..that was kinda funny. Saw Sherry and Clarissa and Mrs Chua today! haha..First three months Civics Tutor and classmates..quite exciting lah! haha.. Then after that..met my sister for dinner and went Central Library to study before going home.

No appetite. Sigh. History is repeating itself. I think it's coming back. Anyways. didn't really feel hungry. Drank Milo and ate veg. bao in school. then ate rice in NUS. still feel bloated.

I'm tired. Really. Waiting for my mom to come out of the bathroom so i can bathe..and sleep. Shall attempt to study geog later..but i think i can just hit the sack lah..haha..no point trying..i'll sleep on my notes. hurhur.

I'm feeling lost..sian..i dunno. So many things. Aiya. I need some peace. I wanna be alone. At least for a period of time. I really need some peace. Real peace. Inner peace.

Thanks han for helping me check out. Sorry if i sound...er..whatever u call it.

I think i'm complaining too much nowadays. What's with me. HIt me..somebody.

I need help.


' Fly Away
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh well.. feeling damn tired now. Haven't touched AQ. Oh man..i have to start immediately after this..If not i don't need to sleep already..Anyways, we're supposed to finish AQ within 15 minutes right..haha..

Bad day.

Morning started in a tiring manner. So tired that i so shuang..just sat there and slept....even when the final bell rang and george gave the command. Joyce like quickly.. 'ooi ooi qi lai!'. Gave me a shock. hurhur. so paiseh lah.

Went NYP with van, wan wan and cai qing during our 2 periods break to makan and shop and shopping arcade. Kinda fun. Actually if we have such shops around in school also not bad lor. hee.
But it'll never ever happen in AJ lah.

Went out with Stephen till about 8+. Sent him back to Cheshire in a taxi. Many thoughts flushed through my mind ...even till now.. i really am fortunate. Simple things like having the ability to drink water and eat myself, to go toilet myself.. i really appreciate the fact that i am a healthy being.... really. Watched Million Dollar baby. Wa. Super nice can..damn touching and sad at some scenes..i cried lor.. as usual. haha.. Glad Stephen and Carrot enjoyed it...

Thanks and sorry Han and JOyce..for neglecting u and all.. Thanks really..for accompanying me.. :) Really really appreciate the effort. ya..joyce is right..we should engage ourselves more in such activities... But then again, we're talking about sustainability and that's pretty difficult lah. What Service learning man... Just do a project and a one-time off event..is a service learning project?! Stupid form to fill up as a class reflection?! oh please. There's a greater THING behind S-L la.

I was right after all...seems like i'm beginning to be forgotten. feeling's forgotten. too.

yawn. off to my AQ. sigh.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan