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Monday, February 28, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Yawn....Math test was horrendous. Oh my goodness me. i feel so disappointed. so lost. so angry. Really felt like jumping down and banging my head against the wall. wanted to give up. so much. someone. please. help.

Tmr bringing Stephen out. Pu sa bless me tmr all things go well.haha. :)

yawn. i'm tired. really am.

Just now went to Aljunied library with Cyn to do Comm. serv. Thanks Cyn. We are hungry people. hurhur. doubt u wun see this lah. cos u don't read my blog. sad. haha.

must rmb to bring glue for stephen tmr..apparently some worker broke his clock. go bookshop buy uhu. haha.

Thanks Cai qing for agreeing and compromising k..i'm really really thankful!

Wonder why games committee till now no meeting.Sigh.. Alamak.
waiting to bathe.

No homework today. Tmr slack day. Whee.

nite. :)))))

' Fly Away
Monday, February 28, 2005

Sunday, February 27, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

my whole shoulder and the whatever area u call it.. it aches. din wanna wake up to go for tuition today. bo bian.

teacher released late..so msged cynthia..cos i was supposed to meet her at 2 but i ended tuition about like 1.30 or something..in the end..she very kind. i didn't have to go out. yawn. tired.

Shall go pia some math. nite

' Fly Away
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Friday, February 25, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Went so many places yesterday! with han..to find agencies going to kukup..

Firstly, we went go Goldenmile complex..Wah..it's super infested with Thais can...Everywhere! they're everywhere! Went to ask every agency..and none of them provides transport or tours to kukup.. Then got one kind auntie asked us to try our luck at People's Park..and so...zoOm..we went to board bus 100.

It landed us in Suntec.. in Kenny Rogers.. Had a super FULL meal. and it was really super...b. haha. nice~ BUt had to leave cos the place was mosquito infested..eEw.. didn't kNow mOsquitOes weRe attracted to Kenny Rogers' foOd also. hm..

Off we went to Outram. Went to find at Pearl's Centre..but couldn't find..Watched the news when i got home and found out that there was a murder there can..so scary..and we just walked as if nothing has happened..kinda creepy now that i've think of it. Then walked over to People's park..Asked the agencies..then one agency directed us to the next building. And so we went over.

Saw this Singatours agency i think. And yes!!! it was the one! They had kukup trips! haha..whee~~ and then the woman recommended Desaru's trip too..Both look pretty nice..hm..er..but i haven't asked my mom yet..haha..see how it goes lah.. :) Ya! That was the agency man.. whee~~~

THen went to walk in Chinatown..very nice!! It feLt goOd man..so cultural! niceee. Got chance must walk slowly along the whole stretch of road again man..hee.

Stephen called me. couldn't hear him properly..Then he asked me to call him tmr morning after 10. In the end he asked me to call him when i was at home..at about 10pm. Bringing him out to Bishan Junction 8 on Tuesday. Stupid Civics. Pushed back to 1455 hrs. Sigh.Hope i can manage till Han and JOyce comes..oh ya..guys..pls remember to bring extra clothings..and right..he's planning to watch i do i do leh. er.. lemme check out the timing first..cos he say if not enough time then don't watch le.. If you all mind going then tell me again ok?

' Fly Away
Friday, February 25, 2005

Thursday, February 24, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

tiring day.

I'm going to die for Gp after hearing what's required of the AQ during Bridge session. Sigh. I am so dead.

Haven't studied for the Econs test tmr. MOney supply..sian..gotta chiong later. Hope i won't fall asleep later..while studying..sigh..

Had PE..super weak and wobbly legs today.. sian.. pissed with my legs today. Did 10 i-pull today..nt bad lah..and ran 2 rounds for warm up and 3 rounds as fast as possible. :)

Ate Pao in the morning. whee~ v.long nv eat pao already...After bathing went to eat kuey chap..NIce!! yummy..very thirsty today..like a super big water tank that's empty..and i'm still drinking right now...hm..why huh..

Finished geog presentation for tmr in school library while waiting for Joyce's Chinese lesson to end..ok lah..borrowed the super thick David Waugh's book. mugger lee here. hurhur.

super exhausted.. lesson ended at 1830hrs cos got GP remedial aka bridge. yawn...

Hope brandon's feeling better.

Hope Lee Han will feel better... -hugx- sorry..i'm not a person who knows how to an wei people..cos i'd just keep quiet and be by your side.. it's ok...but don't let this drag on...it ain't healthy..

Anna! capable woman! my husband! jiayou! u're a natural leader man..don't worry too much..u have the capabilities..absolutely. if u need help PLS feel free to look for me okay..i'll try my best to help.. see u soon! -hugx-

Replied my aunt living in England just now..it's snowing there..super cool. i wanna save up and go there for a holiday!!!!

Sigh..i'm deliberately forcing myself into it..but i guess it's gd and a choice well-made.


luv, ly.

' Fly Away
Thursday, February 24, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

I'm not a perfect person
there are many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
to change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
it's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
that's why I need you to hear

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
to change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
a side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
and the reason is you

my all-time favourite~

' Fly Away
Thursday, February 24, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

If only i could have a special eraser now..to erase IT.

i know i shouldn't be thinking about it anymore..but it just popped up again tonight...

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up late and think of you
and I wish on a star
That somewhere you are thinking of me too

'Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight
'Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

Wonder if you ever see me
and I wonder if you know I'm there
If you looked in my eyes would you see what's inside
Would you even care

I just wanna hold you close
but so far All I have are dreams of you
So I wait for the day and the courage to say
How much I love you

I'll be dreaming of you tonight
'Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world that I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

(Bridge) Ahh Ahh I can't stop dreaming of you
I can't stop dreaming I
can't stop dreaming of you

Late at night when all the world is sleeping I stay up and think of you And I still can't believe that You came up to me and said I love you I love you too

(Repeat Chorus)


' Fly Away
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh ya forgot to say something...haha...when ying saw kenny she was really excited..and kept on walking to the mirror to look at herself..haha! oh well..and when she saw samuel the other day..she cried. er...what does this imply? i'll eave it up to you guys to decide. ;)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Yawn. i'm still feeling tired despite the fact that i slept so early yesterday..at like 12? i'm such a pig.... hm...

Managed to keep awake in lessons today though i almost dozed off during GP reading period and Geog lecture.. Today's a super short day lah...lessons end at 1215. Now in the school library blogging etc..and reading a book on Martin Luther King Jr. Man with a great vision we're talking here...

Heng later got no Hedge trail..cos i'm quite lazy to go for it..haha.. Going over to Cheshire later for Interact..Bet it's gonna be real crowded..cos Day Break side is not ready yet..Think the administrative work is really alot lor..sigh.. i wanna get my wheelchair license! so i can push Stephen out..haha..if not everytime stay in the home also a bit zuo bo can..and actually..wheelchair this kind of thing..use your common sense can already..haha..but like ya..must play save mah..

Going to have a light dinner today..Tofu burger that i bought from school and soup that my mom's cooking..yep! yIpeE! haha..jian fei..Today ate Tau huay and fruits..not bad lah..quite light..cos i'm actually feeling like quite 'bloated'.. sigh..PMS-ed in the morning. hurhur. i'm fine now..

going off already..gotta do some work..take care~

and i think i know who u are anonymous.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

yawn..as tired as ever.. a rather slack day today...had two periods of civics lor..

Waited for han and joyce's chinese lesson to end after school till about 4. Cos i wanted to study with joyce lor..yup..and Han jio us to go gym..so ya...Then we asked Kenny along to study..Since he said that he doesn't like the school library, we decided to go to Buddy Hoagies! haha..while waiting for han.. and han really best lor..just went off without her bag..and left ME carrying the bag for her lor..wa lau. zhong se qing you...wa lau.

Went Buddy Hoagies and drank mushroom soup. They changed the kind of mushroom soup already...from the more liquid one to the thicker and creamy one..thought it was not bad..er..but joyce didn't like it..haha..maybe we could give them some feedbacks. :)

Waited for HOURS for han..meanwhile, we were doing work..sian..i do so long for only do a bit of stuff only.. hm..low efficiency? but i thought i was thinking fast enough..haha..whatever..maybe i'm too tired..that's why my thinking was a bit retarded. yups.

Went han's house cos we had to borrow towels and shirts. ya...Ended up played with small ying ying for so long can....and er..she got a new 'boyfriend' hurhur.. oh well..mom called at 1905 and i was at han's house..told her i'm gg off soon..and only left her house for the stadium at like 1945 or something?! haha..oops~ Ran 6 rounds with joyce.. thanks for accompanying me even though you weren't exactly feeling well..hee..thanks for being my motivator! haha.. yup.. sorry for leaving you at the bus stop too..oh ya..left the stadium only at like 2030..super chum..while waiting for bus, my mom called..but i was too scared to answer..cos i'm supposed to have reached home by then..and i was still at Khatib..oops~ haha..

But luckily, heaven was kind..cos my bus came relatively quickly and they chiong-ed..haha..so i reached home at about 2115 lor..mom scolded me while i was on the bus when i was reaching..sad. sorry la... anyways. when i reached home, everything seemed fine..i just went to bathe immediately and everything lor. Came out then went to eat dinner..

wah! super a lot can! i felt like a fan4 tong3 lor..so much rice!!!!! alamak..and the food also so much.. hm..while eating, i watched pi li huo..it's getting more and more exciting..and though i like it, i really hope it'll end soon. haha..

well..going off now...take care~~

' Fly Away
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Monday, February 21, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

yawn... had a super tiring day today..yesterday already didn't manage to sleep well..so ended up i was really really sleepy today..

Reached school at seven today to practice our geog skit..first time ever.. haha..pro right..On that day perform then on that day have our first full rehearsal..Thank goodnses, everything went pretty well lah..J1s and J2s of arts classes came into LT4 to watch us. So jing zhang! haha..but ya...i forgot one line..but went on..hoped nobody noticed it..haha.. oh man..just when i was looking out of the window by the door, i saw my eye candy walking in can! so coincidental..haha...and ya..wei rui was there too. (some family friend lah) haha..so paiseh can..lol. OH YA. eyesore was there too. like whatever..don't care.

Celebrated Mel's and Yeok's birthday today during second break. Cake was actually quite nice lah! haha..so rush..Han went to buy it early in the morning..Thanks~ we always do sai kang. maybe we should rename our group as the sai kang group. haha.. oh ya! and on the cake there was a doraemon figurine..so cute! so i 'koped' it. hee.

Was feeling rather lethargic and crazy the whole day..and i kept on forgetting to take back my masking tape in LT4..when i went in, han and joyce locked me in the LT lah..luckily..i was finally quick enough to get out...haha.. 'nenenipupu'!

Sian..had econs essay test on keynsian theory and GP compre test..sigh..think i screwed it up again...SIGH..pls teachers..don't scream at me..i know it's horrible... =( what to do... I only had like what less than 15 minutes to do part b which was a 15 marks question out of 25 marks lah..see...and GP was like..hello...what are the questions talking about..think mrs tan will probably puke blood or something when she marks my paper..haha........................... not funny.

Went NTUC at marine parade with my sis..i msged her the bus number and she boarded the same bus as me lor..haha.. Tired..but ok lah..cos i wanted to walk around...Went home at about 9 p.m. Mom cooked mee..so piggish lor! felt so full yesterday..oh no..must control diet already!!!! haha..somebody save meeee!!! oh well. shall stop being so paranoid for a while. Then watched pi li huo! so exciting can! but it seems like a very shakespear-ean show to me..cos everyone seems to be dying in the show..haha..rubbish lor..i wanna watch the ending! can it end sooN? haha.. lalalal~ went to bathe..and then fell aslept on the toilet bowl in there. for almost 15 minutes lor...

Mei yi ge ma tong dou shi ying xiong! so like what how yuin said, i sat on ying xiong..and i do that every morning can..haha... hao wei da de ma tong!! i'm so tired. yawn.

ok. guess that's pretty lame..shall sign off here..

' Fly Away
Monday, February 21, 2005

Sunday, February 20, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

what only..com got something on..hope i'll be able to post this up.

tired. came home late from Chingay yesterday...woke up early for math tuition. was so tired i just put my head on the table, wanting to skive for a while but i got caught..my teacher was understanding though..not bad lah..slow but got more understanding about things already..

wanted to chiong home to sleep but had to entertain my cousins and her family cos they came over to 'bai nian'. ya..my niece and nephew are so cute! but super naughty..kept on screaming.haha..lol.kids...

sian...tmr got two test lah..econs and GP...and i'm just starting on econs..Gp no need to study.. tmr early morning have to go LT4 to rehearse our Geog skit on Tsunami for humanities wk...so fun! can' t wait and i hope everything turns out well cos we haven't had a full rehearsal before..best right..ya..lol..hope monday will be a better day.. haha....

Just woke up at about nine and had my dinner..so hot now..going to bathe after blogging..just now i wanted to find my sister's old econs TYS in the store room and it was super infested with mosquitoes..gross...eew... sigh..feel handicapped w/o TYS..thought we needed to do TYS but seems like no body is doing so dun care...


' Fly Away
Sunday, February 20, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

PASSIONATE LOVER. You love to love, always looking
for a relationship. You cannot live without it.
Your lover must be passionate and you want
that you and your partner melt into each other.
He/She should not try to take the domination .
You dont want a relationship without passion,
and the sexuality plays a big part. The first
moment you meet him/her is one of the most
important. There has to be something between
you , you cannot explain. From the first moment
on everything must fix. But when this passion
disappears you disappear to. For you it is
better to leave than to see your love
PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my
quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always
message me or tell me how I can improve that
quiz. Ill sure write back.

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Sunday, February 20, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Your soul is STEADFAST. You are a fiercely loyal
person who would never cross a loved one.
People always know they can rely on you and
your dependability is well-known. You're
probably a little on the quiet side, but your
faithfulness is never doubted, and you always
back up your kith and kin whether they want or
need it or not. You are a dependable and
trusted soul.

What Is Your Soul's Trait?
brought to you by

' Fly Away
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Saturday, February 19, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Super tiring!

Had Aj fun fair in the morning..Was supposed to reach school at 0825 but guess what? i woke up at 0745 can..i was like ' mi, why u never wake me up!!!' Then she was like ' i did. i asked if u need to wake up and u said no..when i said 'comfirmed mah?' u said yes.' so that's why she didn't pull me out of bed.. AND I DUN REMEMBER ME WAKING up and YAKKING all these at all!! she should have known better to trust those words man. And she even asked what time i needed to get out of the house today..oh pls..but...

That was a blessing in disguise! Cos it didn't really matter if i arrived later..They were doing some mass dance around track and apparently it was sucky cos no body danced..haha..that's so AJ..lol.. Ya, and i lost my handphone pouch! the one that my brother bought for me leh! so sad..but ya, it's over. be glad i didn't lose my handphone and have my pouch! haha..

Sprayed, braided and glittered my hair! had such a hard time trying to clean my hair when i got home man. Thought my scalp was peeling off.. so hard! and painfuL! but fuN! yep! After joyce helped me to braid my hair, it sort of attracted many people to braid too. Business was fine. many came for glitter..

Went to sit Viking with nan ren and da nu ren! the teachers cut our queue! but after that we got the viking to just the three of us. We sat at the end.. sat with da nu ren and nan ren sat opposite. Wah, screamed like mad and sang like mad..totally turned crazy madness..but v.enjoyable! luv ya guys! we'll take on the bigger ones! haha! fly away~~~

Wushu had performance right in front of our stall.not on purpose but cos our stall was near the stage..haha..so i just bio-ed..nothin lah..oh ya, I'm over him. pls believe me. haha...ya.. don't ask me why...it's a good thing anyway..i guess. :)

Chiong off to SAJC with grace and abandoned the class.haha..did so much yesterday le..i don't wanna care too much anymore..Woah..queued for more that 1 and a half hours for the haunted house lor! CYn!! mUst thank me leh! haha..treat me ice-cream next time..saw u combing your hair..thought it was rather funny instead..screamed like crazy..!!! Went home and went out again to meet han and ying

Went Chingay! so fun. Actually we only had 2 tickets but the three of us managed to get in..oOps~ sh.....haha..it was enjoyable and *ahem* someone there was chee hong-ing so many girls at one time..me and ying were utterly embarrassed can..haha..are u mad.likes.u. haha...
han should know what it means. the bucket...lol.. Made a guy jealous also..keep on giving that kind of look. haha! well....han is the board of directors for the school of chee hong in ITE. :P. Went out with han and ying to walk around in search of food..but then all close. Decided to go Newton..Just when we reached the MRT stn..ying's mom asked her to go home..so i waited for da nu ren and went to eat ice-jelly with longan. Sorry for making you rush..poor gal. eat so little. no wonder so skinny. haha. next time must go eat there ok? hee. Luckily..managed to catch the last train and i met mabel! so coincidental! glad to see u mabel and u look like u're in better shape now.. must rest well and don't be too stressed ok? see u on Fri! whee~

gtg now...gotta study econs..and SLEEp. yes.

pig out.

' Fly Away
Saturday, February 19, 2005

Friday, February 18, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm..lessons were supposed to end at 1215 today..was supposed to have- econs tutorial, econs lect, break, double GP den math. But fortunately (or unfortunately), my GP teacher didn't come today..so we pushed forward the math tutorial and was dismissed earlier.. Han, Da nu ren and me went to get money from Ms winnie tan then went down to the bookshop to buy materials needed to make our banners and fliers etc. Then we all proceeded to Nexus to do lah. Wa lau. Attendance was so sucky can. Even some people who were there were not even bothering to help with anything can..just sat there..till 1215 then bye bye. all those 'attached' were also gone.. whatever..in the end, left me, shaheeda, han, keewei and yeoks. Then yeoks went AMK to buy the hair spray, glitter etc lah..Super lor. Didn't know it will amt to so much. i shall not elaborate on this..Then keewei didn't do much cos we were all drawing! haha. so he volunteered to put up the posters etc. Shaheeda did the cutting of the special offer durian-shaped paper-tedious.. then han and i were drawing. In the end, shaheeda went off for CCA then keewei yeoks dunno go where le.

Suvin said that he'll go and shift the tables and chairs lah..but in the end he didn't can. Luckily han and i went to check lor. Wa lAu. i mean u've already gave your assurance and promised to do something, you should do it lah. Then han and i shifted the canteen table..bench she took, 3 chairs from hall i went. Suddenly it rained and i had to take a long way to like minimise the effects of being a drenched chicken. Saw 3 funghi. So heavy can.. So in conclusion..only left with the pathetic 2 of us lah. hello..2 out of the 14 in our class. is that pathetic or is that pathetic. Then couldn't get out of school..so took cab and went to J8 to buy the polaroid film and ate to reward ourselves! yup! whee~ eating rocks

Woah~ close shave man..day was already frustrating enOugh lor..Then i thOught i lOst mY phOne. cOs i didn't see it with me. and i walked a dozen rounds about the places i walked before lor..in the end i went to the MRT station..(cos i walked in earlier on) and i saw my pouch in there. The person also rather wierd la. Ying called 3/4 times on my phone and he didn't bother to pick up. i mean it's normal reaction for a person who just lost her phone to call right..alamak. But i was so glad i got it back.

After that i went to meet de and cyn. supposed to be a clique outing..but ya..anw, it was good. went BIlly Bombers! wah. almost exploded..literally. De ate some sandwich that was of such a HUGE portion..that she had to pack it..and Cyn at betty's roasted Chicken.. i ordered cheese fries and onion rings and all three of us shared cos i wasn't exactly hungry. wah..so full.. But had a great time. haven't seen them for at least 2 weeks man! miss them!

Saw something really cute last night..shall end with this quote.

"They are living in a small GREEN house happily. Although it is slightly narrow, comfort of living is wonderful"

' Fly Away
Friday, February 18, 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

StOrmY daY. jUst imaGinE thoSe fRigHteNinG lighTenIngs, and dEafEnIng ThuNdeRs.. that's my day.

Whatever lah..feeling pissed now. seriously. And i thought i was the one having PMS and everything..but it turned out that it isn't the case.

Just did Econs online test. my shoulders are aching terribly.

Math lect.. was chit chatting all the way. abt my bro and his girl. whatever. i just can't stand the fact that he can spend so much and we are here, scrimping on stuff. WHy is having a relationship so expensive? (for his case lah) I mean i think it's actually perfectly fine lor..IF U CAN AFFORD IT. but prob is, he can't.

Slept in Geog lecture again. sian..must really rest well le..can't sleep anymore..i feel bad. and i need to catch up on 2 days' lectures..sigh..hope i'll have the time to do it.

Went out with nan ren and da nu ren today to J8. tell u lor. it was damn funny..haha..our joke about the 'da BUS'. haha..bendy bus, expose....etc..lol. damn farnie. really enjoyed it lah..haven't had a good laugh for ages. YAY! then nan ren went to eat ban mian while joyce drank some grass pwer thingy.not bad la..got fei yu qing's face..haha.i went to eat korochan! whee!~ stupid keewei..make me feel so guilty can..it's oily. well..thanks for sharing my fats anw.. din eat dinner le..too sian..too tired..can't be bothered.
went to take 'neo print' (or whatever u call it) with both of them! tho we only managed to take a pathetic no. of 4, but it was good alright..pretty photos!! Thanks guYs! rMb our yue ding ah..nxt time go cafe cartel and take again! whee~

_sian_ played piano in school..felt good playing it..like a lot of emotions and everything..wonder why..haha. wierd. anw, i just motivated myself to go learn more songs to play.cos i realised my music 'vocab' is super lousy.

yay! tmr no pE. anws, need to go off alr. must mark AQ by tmr's GP lesson sian. so double periody tmr. sigh..i hope i can stay awke..so i better go zzz. take care guys.

sigh, ly.

' Fly Away
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Wednesday, February 16, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys! i'm back

yes..and today..i felt that my plan is working out! and ya! i'm feeling good about it..haha. finally. oh well..i have a weak heart (not literally lah).

Was really sleepy today. I went into the LT for geog lecture and i was only there for 15 minutes and i started to fall asleep. Sleep till very no xing xiang i guess..but who cares..as long as i have my beauty sleep...hee hee.Then Mrs Ong kept on asking Brandon to wake up throughout the period..and everytime she does that, i'll just jump out of my dream.. ;) Really very tired lor.dunno why. Must make it a point to sleep earlier tonight.. if not tmr sure die..got PE tmr too! yay! ok, whatever..i hope we're not going to go outside school..i dunno.. ya..

Day was pretty fine la..forgot to bring the sweets and John Seow's present again. yes..AGAIN. i had better remember man, before some wierd looking stuff grows onto them. oh gross. did i have to mention that? no. ok, that sounds pretty lame..Think everyone went mad today..Suvin came in and was obviously drowned in *aHem* SaRsi..and Joyce also..had super same frequency as suvin can.. Han went mad also..haha..so..basically, everyone was like in a crazy mode..

Had CCA today..New Year Celebrations over at Cheshire home..joint project with 20/04, cos they're doing it as their S-L project. Hm..was asked to distribute flowers and this person from 20/04 just like look at me and held the stalk of carnation and like just said, 'pass it to the residents when our teacher (shuai ge lao shi) start singing the second song'. Well i thought her tone and attitude wasn't really good can..Firstly, it's your own S-L project lor..U're like asking a favour from some one..pls be more polite lah. wa lau. we're not under u all can. Ok, it's actually just a small matter lah..but just had to let it out lah. Then they all started tying purple heart-shaped balloons onto their wheel chairs..and it just blocked the view of some residents..Many found it rather irritating and i had to go and help them sometimes to adjust the balloon to make it stay there and not block other people's view. tsk tsk tsk. They didn't have much interaction also la, (with the residents)..and then, they had harmonica, WUSHU team to come down to perform, then they sang 4 songs in total. and that's about it. Thought it was rather slack. Sigh. what is this man..this is totally not a desired S-L project lah..so actually, i don't see a point why AJ makes it compulsory to all classes to do it.. As in it's set with the good intentions..but what's the point. Actually, S-L projects should also be sustained..one time off events can also be very detrimental to organisations sometimes lah..and how much do u actually serve, and learn, w/o having much interactions with them at all lor..see my point.. But it's like somethings in life just don't go the way people expect or desire it to be..so just have to bear with it i guess.

Was glad to be of service to Stephen today, a resident in Cheshire..My sis was attached to him when she was in NYJC still..and now still keeping contact lah..so i just continue lor. Oh ya, haven gotten my wheelchair license..if not i'll be able to push him out of Cheshire..But anyway, it's really warm today..buey tahan. Anyway, when we reached there, it was already like 2+ and they just had their lunch. And they have their dinner at like 4.45p.m.! that's like a super short interval man! woah..Fed stephen and he was like 'da da kou'! cos everyone else usually finishes very quickly (which i dun really understand why they can eat so fast) and he doesn't like to be the last. haha..After that, went back to his room, packed his bag and everything. So he was like saying that his remote control is very dirty, and we attempted to ask some 'spirit' from the nurse to clean it..but it was already 1730 hrs lah..and the nurse was like ,'don't be selfish, everyone already go home at about 5 and now it's already 5.30.' I was like never mind, i have time, and like showed i was willing to do it..but she kept saying as if Stephen forced me to stay lah..Then Stephen kept on complaining like..i'm doing it as a friend, like i myself already say i can stay and willing to help but she still refuses..So i was like, 'it's okay la, i help u do it next week' and everything... yup. Hope we're going back next week. :)

must remember to bring photo of me and sister next week, provided i can find it la..cos he wants it.. haha..and ya..must think of ways to help him label the different compartments of his bag..cos they keep dropping off..oh well..feeling tired already man..yawn.. take care guys..

luv, ly
*i'm so dead for next week. help.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys! today's ren ri and i didn't know until just now when i was happily chatting with my fellow vege mates man..haha. so..i hope it's not too late but happy birthday to all! :)

Tiring day...wanted to do work while waiting for han and joyce..ended up sleeping on my work..as in literally can..for like 1 hour..haha..got woken up by the vibration of my phone.. cos joyce called. thank goodness..if not lib close already i still inside sleeping can..haha..

feel like a pig. ate so much today...sian..my diet's failing..lol...anyways..ya..think PMS sucks. cos i think i'm having it now.hurhur..oh well...whatever.

Geog test today..ok lor..i practically crapped my way through again..sian..what little stuff i studied also never come out lor..sigh..i hope i can pull through this again...I HOPE! ya..anws..it's over..should concentrate on preparing for econs tests! keyns! and ya..got online test and essay test coming up..SIAN!! but ya. no choice.. wish me luck.,..

dunno why but suddenly feel SOME sense of belonging to AJ nowadays..been feeling rather happy nowadays..nv felt like this before in AJ..hee..anyway, i'm just so grateful to have 35/04 as my class with a huge bunch of good friends..! :)

gtg already..will ATTEMPT some math later..hopefully with my eyes wide open..tmr got interact activity at Cheshire..new year performance..ya..think it's gonna be busy..so..gtg rest early already...

yay! fri going billy bombers! hee. anyway, take care Everybody!
and nan ren..the testimonial...wa lau..ur second sentence..can delete not.

luv, ly

' Fly Away
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Monday, February 14, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh ya.i'm finally back again..have been rather tired..oh well..this new year ah..it has been so so so so super ultra boring! first day went out, second day stayed at home the whole day lah...den sad case, Friday got school.. den sat think i rot at home huh..den sun my relatives come and visit..sian! haha..was really looking forward to new year..but some how, over the years, the feeling's fading..quickly. quite sad lah..sigh..but what to do? it's not within my means to do anything much...

ya..and i keep on cutting myself can..this new yr period already have like6 cuts can... what only...haix..,no lor is 6 small cuts and one big cut can..:( haha...haix.

Today is valentine's day! Happy Valentine's Day! hm..k lah, gave away my brownies..quite happy..as in the joy of giving lor..and i've got very positive comments so far! yay! so happy. cheng jiu gan. That's like my first successful attempt out of the 2 times i've tried so far..thanks to my cousin who passed me this recipe..whEe~~ Haha..quite farnie..today passed 3 to samuel. One for him, one for bitchy friend and one for Zheng yun..haha... and "ah guan' was like kinda shocked when i said it was for him..haha..actually..i decided to give him cos i find him amusing..haha...right joyce..oh well..anyway, valentine's day is like day that everyone boldly express their love mah..not only to valentines..but also to friends what! must treasure all the time we have left! :) yup! thanks for all the roses and all..love u guys man..u guys rock! John seow and guys in our class actually ordered roses for all the girls in class can..kinda touched.. thank you so much! ya! once again!

John seow wasn't in class today btw..so math lesson was practically crap. And ya! joyce and i went to find Mr. Tan SL..but he wasn't around..so we went down to the foyer..and the SAF guys in GREEN! (yes green!) were damn good! and the guy in the middle is actually quite cute lor..but got outbreak..so sad..wa..their voices rocks! love it man! and they sang all my fav. songs! so sweet right..haha..ok whatever..i know it wasn't like meant for me specially lah..hurhur.. but well.. heehee! GreeN!

Dedicated song to Mrs Ong and Mr Tan SL today during our break. ya and Mrs Ong saw through our plot. We wanted to delay lesson time..haha..but she really appreciated alot..see good choice..i chose the song lah...Carpenters' ...ya..and so sweet. i love that song..and Mrs Ong also share the same taste lor..she like Karen Carpenter..hee..

oh well..sian..today v'day went to Khatib buddy hoagies to mug geog with han..thanks for accompanying me..and i actually fell asleep on the sofa lah..wasn't that productive..so sian! the notes are so boring! oh well..have to go mug some more later..die..i nv do math tutorial..sigh..hope john seow won't scold me..i will catch up..aiya..he wun scold lah..just that i feel wierd not prepared..but i will definitely catch up soon..;) hee. can pass him his brownie tmr.. yep..and end of my job! well..gonna make again for my other friends again soon i guess..oh man..i'm kinda sick of the brownie smell..joyce should know why..oh gross..haha..but nevertheless..it's nice lah...

yup..seeya guys around really soon! take care!

jiayou ah qi yi guo!

' Fly Away
Monday, February 14, 2005

Sunday, February 13, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guys..this is my new look for my blog for the new year! haha..whee~ er..pls give comments. for your info, if u wish to give comments, please scroll down the first box on the right hand side and you'll see it! hee..tiring can..haha..if u have better suggestions on the colour combi, pls tell me too..wah..have been working on this for a few hours can...yawn..haha..whee~ :)

' Fly Away
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Saturday, February 12, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh man..i'm so dead tired..

Going to school today was practically a waste of time. It wasn't at all productive can..okay, My day actually started quite bad cos i stayed up till about 3 a.m. to finish up my GP hmwk-- TJ prelim paper. Super tiring can..ALl thanks to joyce who kindly(or unkindly) reminded me about it, or i'll be dead meat. Thanks man..for the considerate teachers to give us hmwk to do over the hols..Should they check up the meaning of holidays?

besides, i was like arranging pieces of paper, with some having staple bullets on them. and one of them like just pulled my skin and everything..it bled. It still hurts now as i'm typing this can..poor little index. :(

And i thought it was painful enough, until..today afternoon. It's really 'hao xing mei hao bao' can...i was just trying to be helpful to help the auntie crush the metal can when the pathetically thin piece of metal pierced through the flesh of my thumb. Was kinda calm when i dealt with it lah.. i'm a certified Standard First Aider mah (though my license has since expired). I was like applying direct pressure on it for super long lor..den finally plucked up my courage to go put it under running water. wanted to scream so much lor..but i didn't. if not the ear drums of the people in the canteen would have blasted...woOhoO~ Thanks joyce for being there and accompanying me around. heehee.

DId another stupid thing today lor..i went to touch his bag again. oh man..what's with that..lol. aiya..think things are better le..nothing much lor..just normal..and it feels great to get out of it. haha..oops~ joyce, i'm not implying anything..as in i was really referring to me ok..really..i think u should go for it..:) LY will always support u! ya..and jelly rocks right..jelly with longan rocks more..oh well..er..brownies...rulez? sounds kinda cheesy..

Just reached home like at 12a.m....super tired..i went to my ex-guider, mentor's house at Pasir Ris..and left the house at like 10.40p.m. When we saw the bus, we happily boarded it and tada, it was the wrong direction can..sat all the way to punggol, but luckily it's only a 10 min. ride..so it wasn't too bad..tired.. shack. my eyes' gonna close..joyce lah..make me suddenly feel motivated to blog..like whatever can..haha...

Pe was slack today.Did usual 2 rounds warm up..then we had a mini relay sprinting thingy..quite fun lah..and ya..not too bad for a PE on 3rd day of the Lunar New Year..hee....well..but i guess it wouldn't really help to rid the disgusting lumpy fats on me..so sad. :( nvm..i shall recover soon..like er...using whatever methods lah..haha..have been eating so many New Year Goodies i feel so bloated nowadays..haha..must go hydrate myself le..

Felt kinda disappointed just now..it's like whenever i needed help, he's always not around..sian..but maybe.that serves as a clear indication and helps me to keep to what i have come to terms with earlier..hm..i see blur faces now..well..er..figure that out yourself lah..

Bro said he's buying us breakfast..hope he can make it in time before i go out of my house to meet joyce at J8 to go NTUC to buy stuff for V'day presents! hee..oh ya..hope i remember to bring my wrapping paper and all those..shall go prepare immediately after this..yay!~ can't contact my cousin for exact steps to do the brownies..man..hope i can contact her tmr..haha..risky right..but i think it should be fine lah..heh..yawn..

k lah, i'm going off already..take care guys...:)

' Fly Away
Saturday, February 12, 2005

Thursday, February 10, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh man, can u believe this....first day of the LNY aka lunar new yr, i slept at like 3+..and woke up only at 2+ p.m. i'm such a pig..u can't blame me..really tired..anyway, hols are supposed to give us time to catch up on our lost beauty sleep and all okay..then i went out only at 5+ for visitation. Visited relatives from my mom's side lor..and one family friend..last stop was at the family friends' house..only left at like 1+ a.m. Walked home after that..yawn...was damn tired..

Slept only at 4+ i think..cos i fell asleep on the sofa outside while watching last years' golden horse award. Only went into my room to sleep at 6.30. haha..ya...and i woke up at only 3+ p.m. this afternoon.

Planned to go out today for visitation again but then unfortunately, my relatives weren't around..so. i didn't go out at all today!! i'm bored to tears!! i've never experienced such a boring New Year before can...Sigh..why.. THere's like litte CNY atmosphere around. i'm so so so bored..and disappointed..was actually kinda looking forward to CNY..but now...

have hmwk due tomorrow actually..TJC compre..self-timed assignment. sian..lazy to do..and econ essay outline. oh gosh.....i'm tired..and i think it's kinda dumb to give us hmwk lor...it's CNY and people have to go around visiting others can..

we're just so deprived.

' Fly Away
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Wednesday, February 09, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hee...Yawn..i'm still so sticky and smelly now..haven't bathe and everything..feeling so shacked..tired..exhausted..Was continuing in my spring cleaning..so now eat snake for a while..yawn..my eyes can barely open can..yawn...

Went school for like only 2 hours..for the CNY performance..Wouldn't have gone back if attendance wasn't taken and if Mr. Seow hadn't insisted on giving him an MC...yawn..it's dumb..luckily got people fetch me lor..if not like traveling time is more than the time i spend in school today.

Went to meet Joel and Cliff today at Bugis..Slacked at Mos Burger and chatted..Hm..felt wierd tho...anyway, was late lah..cos i waited with han till her friend came lor..so was late..haha..Anyway, they treated me to a show..Felt stuck and kinda awkward cos they were like arguing who should pay how much and everything..like whatever.. i watched Constantine! damn cool movie. tho i don't really get the last part..as in not sure lah..keanu reeves is like super shuai! ah!!!

Actually today shud go back AHS one..den was so bored ytd..due to many factors, i decided not to. din mean to pang se vege clan lah..unforseen circumstances..dun kill me hor..really lah...sigh..but everything ok le..

k lah, gtg le..update blog soon..:)

Take care and gong xi fa cai!

luv, ling ying

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

haha.ya lor joyce..actually i realised..but by the time i finished my entry, it was already like in the wee hrs in the morning..haha..so...special entry this time lor!
Okay..everybody..i used to think that BEDOK is called 'bei dou' in Chinese.Cos last time whenever i take the train past Bedok, got one cinema, got 'bei dou' or some sort written outside..so i believed for a super long time..like whatever can..haha...ya...what lor..as in i knew it quite late..so whenever people say they wanna go 'wu luo', i go like -blur-. hur hur..dun laugh at me in the face can. super malu lor. not super lah. kinda. haha..so sad...

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Monday, February 07, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

sorry, must exclaim..it was damn tiring today can..slept at 4am in the morning then woke up at 8 to prepare and cook the bee hoon. Though i was the person staying the nearest to Bugis MRT, i was the last to arrive..all because of the bee hoon. Thanks to Xuan wan, ying and han who even bothered to wait for me...and i sort of returned the favour by leading the way to St. Vincents' Home- the place we were to do our service learning project!

Service Learning Proj
Early morning had a lot of commotion. Firstly, Sam called and asked where's the place, and whether it was near AJ.i almost died of heart failure..den finally, they knew it was waterloo but din know how to go..so i checked out the internet site and everything..ya..glad that they managed to arrive there in the end lah..haha..
Er..we din have the proposal..haha..so we were at a lost. everything was like just think and plan on the spot..lol..so pro.
The wushu performance ended much earlier than we expected..so we asked them to like exhibit whatever they've learnt..quite funny lah..super impromptu which has lead to some very good entertainment..haha..glad that they were so willing to help la. The old folks kinda enjoyed it..as in the more enthu ones expressed this to us,..while the rest..just had this plain blank look on their faces lor..haha..quite funny..and someone actually said they looked like er.,.'zombies'..and i just burst out laughing can..haha...joyce too hor!
Den we roamed rocher centre to look for CNY deco for the home etc..bought red thread for hanging lanterns and everything, and went back to thread them..haha..i helped to put them up too..after that it was clear up and everything..ya..ok lah..generally it went well lor..just that KEEWEI said that i looked like a tom boy.hey that's my usual S-L attire lor..it's so comfortable and more logical lor..can't expect me to like be a gu niang right...k whatever..just being xiao qi...haha..han,joyce n keewei shd know what's that lah

after that went shopping!! with joyce, nat! han ying went to eat..yummy.billy bombers can...haha..shuang! anw..nat went to meet her special someone lor.so left me and joyce. poor joyce..i made her run around with me around bugis.still feeling bad..paiseh paiseh..hm..super shack..went running around, squeezing with people with this big tray of bee hoon can.so heavy and bulky lor. Finally, i managed to buy a suit for new year lah..great..it costs about 40 in total, excluding the Long Term shoes i'm planning to get tmr at far east lor..haha..whee~ so much money. going to die can. must save money..hor joyce..our tau huay project..thanks ah..some good suggestions..

Tmr got DE test..can't really be bothered to study..see how later..just flip thru ba..haha..going to sleep le..mom nagging me to blow my hair..so before she flares up..haha..u know what i mean..yeah... TIRED!~

just finished chatting with joyce and samuel. great..things are going great. and what han says is true lor..so i guess when the time comes (if it's ever in the first place), i'll just have to do it. :)

sometimes u just have to be cruel.

love, ly

' Fly Away
Monday, February 07, 2005

Saturday, February 05, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey peepz. going to sleep soon. feeling damn tired..yesterday tough training..haha..as in not tough but like xiong..er.. today had PE also... THe thing was..Yesterday, i ran 2.4 and after that sort of train my arm muscles..Then.. Today during PE also train quite a lot of arm power can..and my arms were kinda shaky..haha..farnie...

Today was a pleasant day overall lor..kinda slack..very tired too. Din feel well in the morning..and was damn sian..cos of washing powder matter lor..but hai..i think everything's gonna be ok de...so no worries.. and to my classmates, thanks for being so helpful and understanding..:) hee.attitude lor..xiao3 qi4..breathe in many short breaths of air. haha..lame..whatever..chop of my leg.

Saw my eye candy also..haha..yeah..not bad lah..hmm..oh ya...felt so honoured..today Daniel told me that 'i'm the next person he trust best' haha..so farnie..but felt honoured.haha..aiya, it was nth much la..just feel like saying..boost my ego can..er..-_-!!

Sigh..talked to Mab just now..Something's really happening to Kel.and the worse thing is we dunno how. She seems to be avoiding us and everything..w/o a reason,well not that we know of lah..so like even if we ask, she'll prob not tell us the reason why.. SIGH..this is so sad..a 7 pple vege clan has now been unofficially reduced to 5 people. Marianne is busy with her tornament and everything..and seems like we're drifting further apart le..haven't seen her for months alright..Hai..that one... i dunno how..but at the very least that time she still bothered to msg De to tell us that she's sorry for not being able to join us all the time cos of her training lor..Kel practically just ignored us leh..Why? Everytime think of this also kinda sad..but sometimes life's like that..ya lor..friends leave and go..hurtful and painful..but it's all part and parcel of life..ya..

Mabel! i didn't agree so readily because of the freebies ok!!! wei!! haah..yuan1 wang4 lor,.yay..my fellow vege clan member who blogs too..haha..gonna read ur blog after this..so i'll see what u write about me..haha..

joyce! han! we must all jiayou ok! :) love u all.. tho u all always suan me can. whatever lor..haha..Friday..think act prob i'll be going la..haha.later alone can.sian..AJ's stupid la..shd just make it a holiday lor..anw it'll prob be an unproductive day cos everyone'll still be in New Year mood..no mood to study..hurhur..

i'm so glad i'm sticking to what i agreed on last time..thanks to han and joyce..;)and to YOU...(i doubt u'll read this tho) get my point!

During the meeting about the earthquake, there were several motions.
Take care~~

' Fly Away
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Friday, February 04, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

yawn..tiring day...

Today's lessons are actually okay...but duno why..i've been tired the whole wk..today worse..got econs test back and i almost killed myself for making so many mistakes can...sian..fail again..again!!! *huh* frustrated, exasperated! whatever! so sian! aiya..just complaining lah. feel like complaining suddenly...

Did the props with Cai Qing in reading room today..then finally got to see who is Lindy..haha.. or whatever u spell her name.. haha..k lah...so anyway, the dead fishes that she drew were so cute can! still got dead octopus lor! haha..so i called Cai Qing a 'murderer' cos she produced so many dead animals..hurhur..hahaahahhaha..er..muahahhaha... Then something happened when we were about to leave lor..kinda funny..Reading room is like just a room that anyone can enter freely etc mah.. den there were J1s that actually knocked the door! woah..thought that was hilarious..

Had PE today..Mr A. Lim is as nice as usual..PE was actually rather slack today..today same group as 'an-ager'(dunno how to spell), siew yee and Cai Qing..damn funny can..Siew yee kept on laughing about Super man lor..haha..still don't really understand why she's so tickled about it though..haha..it's ok..i will laugh along with you de..haha..My palm hurts now..did push up and stayed in push up position on the track lor..pain..and i actually intruded into an ants' trail...eeeew.
Then i went to track toilet with Shaheeda and joyce..Din bathe with Shaheeda today cos i doing gym later in the day so no point bathing right..den Siew Yee saw and she was like," ee..ni ang zhang lor, mei chong liang!" (ee, u dirty lor, nv bathe)..haha..like whatever can..lame lor..haha...

Bridge was okay..hm..dunno why but i kept on miao-ing over.haha..he's my eye candy afterall..hehe.. anyway, wanna miao next time also no chance le..left so little time in school..so i guess..it's alright to miao? haha.. great.. whatver..living in self-denial like i always said. and i have something to add: Bitchy friend is distracting. one day, i must know him and ask him why he always diao people! his face so..so..bitchy! haha..heard he's a funny guy.whatever lor.feel like he's a spy can..haha long story..joyce etc will know why lah hor.. Went NYP to eat before bridge..fine lor..was so funny..if i laughed any more, i think i'll suffer from indigestion..haha..yay! so fun..that's life man..

Hai..Nobody can guarantee that nothing will go wrong can...i dunno.. i think it's not rational for me to decide on it now..i dunno.my mind's in a blank...it's not that i don't wanna reply u, i don't know how. aye. complicated world....hai..why...

Han..must jiayou hor..:) got anything can tell me de. :)

' Fly Away
Friday, February 04, 2005

Thursday, February 03, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hm..finally done with all the transfering of of my past entries over here..yawn.,.tiring can.. so..this is my first entry here in blogspot! haha..so lame..yeah..yawn..

i don't know why i'm doing here when i have math test on first order differential equations lor..don't really get it..my tutorial just any how hum tum can..sigh..i'm so dead..got PE tmr..den after that getting back Econs test..i think i'm gonna do badly..SIGH...this is so sad..sian lor..I'm like visiting friendster, chatting..but nt studying..what can..talking about poor discipline..but it's like i'm so tired..nthg much can ever get into my mind lor..i'll try later..

hm..sister just made me honey water..er..honey. whatever..so sweet as in literally and as in her action is very sweet lah..haha..thanks...got flu bug today..but recovering fast..whee! Should thank my wonderful health supplement..

Had CCA (interact) today..ok lah..am finally doing SOMETHING.like planning games day whereby we will invite fellow interactors from other schools to join us in a day of fun..k lah..have to source for some more games..hee.. didn't know the J1s were so enthusiastic. Just hope it's not a san fen zhong re du. haha..no lah..don't doubt them..just find it like..hm..ok..but they're doing it with their classmates and everything so i reckon it's more fun lor..ya.. gd lor.hope can get enrichment pt also..so diff to get can..see how things go...

Hai...the feeling's coming back le..sian..i don't like to feel that way..it hurts even more..but then..i'm in controL!! tada!!! ok. lame. ya..as i was saying..i'm in control..i won't hurt myself in any sense..:) yep..but i just went to visit somewhere i shouldn't have done..made me think even more.haha.. aiya..teenage life is like that lor..going to be called a non-teenage le.. hai..ah...

i want to complain!! i always see bitchy friend around can..always!!! why? haha..and today he ate vegetarian stall and fruits..same as me. copy me can. whatever..i see him EVERYWHERE...what lor.

tmr got bridge. i'm so dead.
nv read passage and everything..tmr supposed to do props with Cai qing tmr for humanities week..hope can get it done by tmr ba..a..so tired!! i wanna sleep le..back ache coming back..lazy me..never do exercise doc asked me..will do it when i'm more energetic lor..haha...

seeya guys around....

' Fly Away
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Wednesday, February 02, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hm..it's me again..writing today's entry today..yup..haha..
In 211 now..just taken my lunch cum dinner..super full now..wierd..thought i was a super glutton that will never be full..proven wrong today..haha..kuey chap was as nice as ever~~~ yum..got a good seat today also..hehe..ah!! so cute! TOok like super long to finish my kuey chap lor..

So far, everything's fine today..just that i felt kinda insecured sleeping in Mong's lecture..It's like even though i'm slping, i have the fear of having her to point me out like she does with whoever she finds sleeping..hm.. Tiring day..it's Wednesday already! Mid-wk...unknowingly, time flies well..sometimes it flies and sometimes it crawls ya..u know what i mean... that's life. Yawn..still haven read my RJ's compre paper yet..must prepare le..think my GP is like totally horrendous and lousy lor...sian...how man..

Haha. think it's more shuang not to have LALA..then have more breaks..some more some people no need to attend CL lessons le..so also have the same break..hehe..whatever la...

Alamak...later got some profile analysing thingy..a follow up of a profile analysis quiz we did last year..so must rot for another 40 minutes or so..and that explains why i'm here lah.. yay~ and no yay. k. i'm talking crap already...

Later may have interact..see what time the analysis thingy ends..if its too late then don't need to go already..hm..think i may be choosing cheshire...want to have a change leh..daybreak seems kinda slack..and if i go cheshire, next time i can go back with my sis to visit the people there also..haha..yup... see how later lah.. hm..i'm going off le..to do some other work..

take care!

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

hi guys! i'm back again.. hm..will be blogging more in the future le..cos i'm going to have broadband!! whee~ haha..gd..shuang..den no need to worry so much about exceeding the limits etc..heh.

Yesterday was such a tiring and taxing day..more to the emotional side la..Hm.. poor han. she was yuan wang-ed by people and got so many 'upper level' people involved in it etc..hm..don't be too bothered about it k.. i mean as long as your conscience is clear..must perservere! you only have less than a year to go can.. haha.. Den.. han broke down, den whole class stunned..u should have seen Mr. Seow's face lor..haha..and our DEar Daniel still rubbed it in though i think he means well..just a bit too blunt.. ;). Den the rest of us carried on with the discussion for service learning projects and etc..while i went to have a stroll with JOyce around AJ.. hm.. din know the area behind audi there so nice.. think it's one of the nicest places in Aj already..hm..had quite a nice stroll i guess? heh..

ya...then keewei MIA yesterday for lesson and mr. seow went to find him and talked to him..Joyce and i wanted to chup in..but decided not to..men's talk lah..haha..and Mr. Seow chased us back to class but we landed up in the canteen instead..hurhur..quite nice lah..though slack..but not too good also.. hm.. felt quite bad cos i din really like do anything to console han or make her feel better..thought she just wanted some peace lor..but in the end, everything was fine lah..hm..hey, the prez u getting for ur birthday TMR is going to cheer u up lor, backed up by scientific research and all..:) hope you'll like it ya..

Well, though things were bad, at least, i bumped into him ( as in not literally..) quite a number of times..felt quite dao cos when i came down from the staircase, i saw him, got a shock and didn't bother to say hi or smile at him..felt kinda uneasy with his two friends with him too..Actually, when i came down, saw three pairs of shoes, i was thinking like.. scully it's him..and in the end it really was..too much of a shock..so sorry for dao-ing..haha..hm..m...
I hope things will stay the way they are..tho it doesn't seem like it is... lalala~ don't wanna think too much about it lah..sian..

StilL!!!! i was kinda frustrated yesterday lah..cos i'm supposed to help my mom pay her personal income tax. So i went to the Singapore Post Centre there..to ATTEMPT to use the S.A.M machine to pay. First time, press the decimal button when i wanted to press pin..and i had to do all over again. The fact that the barcode scanner was spoilt didn't really help.. So i used that same machine and repeated the steps THRICE..and it didn't work either. So i went over to ANOTHER S.A.M machine and tried..den it said, no receipt will be issued..so i was like forget it, just go in and queue to pay. The queue was like super long can..and i waited for at least 30 min before it was my turn. Happily, i went there and nope, my card couldn't be used to pay cos what? exceed daily limit..and then i figured out that students can only draw 200 bucks a day..'diao~~~' so... all in all..i spent (wasted) like more than an HOUR on it lor..i got so pissed..

Sorry sis..didn't expect that things will turn out that way..think u yesterday also too stress le..den keep on niam-ing and asking..paiseh ah..i also very fan yesterday..cos of everything that has happened.. oh well....

i just noticed something..S.A.M machine...hm..ok..hehe.......(grins)

Somethings arent' just what they seem..i'm confused man.. anyway, i think i made the right choice anyway..the confession and choice just before the year started..a brand new start.....


' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

haha! this is me! again..just took this from Zhang yan's site..hehe..thanks~ for providing that one minute of entertainment..:)

You are Carbuncle! Rather than attacking, you help
protect party members from taking damage.
You're always there when you're needed, and
you're a cutie to boot

What Final Fantasy summon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

hi guys, i'm finally back. been so shag man..and so tired! yawn..
now rotting in com lab..hm..it's a miracle man...the computer speed is just amazingly fast now..cos i think they just changed it..gREat! haha..make life a little happier in AJ. sian.............................

NOw rotting cos i was supposed to do CWO. then the other day the OM asked me to help him out during my break la. i Went to find him all over the place and couldn't find him..so i ended up not doing it at all..Then just now during GP lesson, Mr Seow msged me to tell me that OM was asking him to ask me to clear my CWO..so sian lor..so after lunching with the LA LA people, i went, and he asked me to come back again at 4pm. I sincerely and desperately hope that he'll be there..don't wanna drag it anymore... Actually, i still have one uncleared from last yr..it's like i waited so long for him and i just can't be bothered..waited twice if i didn't remember wrongly..Can't blame him cos he's like an 'odd-job' labourer in AJ..but still...efficiency must be increased to make sure students don't waste their precious MUGGING TIME on such things..

i'm totally sian since the start of this year man..but also feel better and happier..at least for now..hm..kena late 3 times when the term haven't even started..so LUCKY!! i got someone to fetch me to school..so i won't be late..muahahahaha...~ evil laughs. i don't wanna be late again...hai..just couldn't wake up..i'm such a pig.. eat and sleep. hm..can't really bring myself to do work when i get home nowadays..damn tired..i'll just finish dinner, bathe, pack bag, use com sometimes, watch pi li huo...den try to do work somehow..must quickly get use to this and be more efficient and hardworking already..hai...this is gonna be a worrying year for me...i'll just do my best lor..yawn~ tired..eyes gonna shut any time can....

SIAN!! i'm so gonna fail my math test can..i don't get it..i just don't..so sad.. all the answers can just be wrong la. hai......... i need more time! see..poor time management..still working on it.. hope it's not too late.... sometimes, i just feel like leaving everything behind.

happy birthday fab. :) really hope we can meet up soon someday.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hm.. what should i say..today's the 1st day of school...kinda dread it actually..was like happily letting all the alarms ringing and ringing non-stop until suddenly my mom was like 'ooi, liu dian liao!' i.e. 6 o'clock already. den i was like this zombie..immediately jumped up and chiong to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Again, i brushed my teeth in darkness. cos i still hvn go and buy replacement for the blinking light..haha....

Wore my uniform again since god-knows-when...hm..it really felt wierd..is like so huge and everything..din really feel comfortable in it lah..so wierd. still trying to adapt though...hm..looks a bit big now..trying to complement myself..maybe i got a little thinner? hai. but everyone that i see say i become fatter. so sad..nvm lah..i'll see what i can do abt it...;)

Took my usual bus..but then.. was almost late! it was like raining and everything..then so many new J1s were like all squeezing into 135...seldom see the bus so crowded man...suddenly at Cedar, so many people alighted..then the crowd resumed till it stopped at Nanyang and the bus was like really empty...So funny lor..cos to walk to NY pple normally walk through this void deck but just nice there got funeral..so the kids were quite funny lah..stand there and look here and there..like kinda lost. -_-!! Traffic was like damn slow...looked to my right and see all the cars with people ready to go school.. what only..clog the whole way~~ Hope it'll be better soon lah..I'm gonna take the earlier bus tmr! :)

Got Jonathan for my PDG tutor now..man..i really really miss Mr. Tan so much..Hai...The atmosphere in class is so different..i hope i'll be able to survive the 2 periods of civics tmr...he's like..he speaks vulgarities and everything..sit like dunno what and is a kiao ku ah beng or the cha chat ah beng ( i dunno how to spell, shaheeda help!!!) Hope things will be better..though i feel bad for being bad to him, i think on his part, he should like keep his cool and everything..and someone is not here to gain our respect.fine.. dunno lah...dun lilke it..big egoistic ah beng.

THink the happiest thing was!!! i got a prez from Samuel and Han! the shoe bag..fila one..not bad lah..er..but..hm..maybe black would be nicer..? but since someone thinks that blue suits a girl better than..haha anything..i'm happy to get a shoe bag le.. i also feel happy cos i ate hor fun! saw classmates..k lah.pleasant day overall..except for those mentioned above..gtg slp already....

Take care!~ if anyone reads this..

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

yay! went out with Zhang yan and anna in the afternoon yesterday! We had quite a pleasant time lah. I was really really happy to see them cos i haven't done so for ages! Really miss the happy times that we shared doin all those exhibition boards etc..and washing the chao-ta pots and pans, the oily plates..haha.. Felt good.. We went to take..er..'neo-prints' too. Hm..wonder what i should call them now cos..think neo prints are those old obiang kind we took many years ago right? haha... Man..those are precious.. I wonder when we'll meet again..maybe next year..marcH? hm. Thanks anna for the big doraemon..u made my brother jealous ok! haha. Thanks Zhangyan for helping me carry around too! You really live up ur name as a gentlemen lor. =) Then we went to watch meet the fockers. oh! i think we didn't may him back the money for the tickets! argh.nvm..shall settle it the next time we meet..haha.

Yesterday was such a chiong day. Firstly, we were supposed to meet at 1pm ytd and this pig here, which is me, woke up at 1.10pm lor. haha.. Felt so bad they had to wait so long for me. Then we went to city hall..wanted to go Orchard..den decided to go suntec..den after much consideration, we decided to go Orchard first lor. so walked around and everything..had a drink..den went to far east etc.. Checked the movie timings on Anna's fone so we went in search of a cinema that still had available tickets. walked from far east to Cine, legs damn suan. haha. anyway, FINALLY, Eng Wah at Suntec lor. haha. Was really enjoyable..'ass hole..' haha..u should see how that kid does it man. haha....

Din really do much yesterday..but to me, the feeling of being to meet up with such great buddies is really like..woah. l love u all man.. really hope we can meet up again soon.

Went to meet Mrs Lim with Anna later..at TM..went Ponderosa to eat buffet! poor anna..got a shock when all she saw was vegetables.Luckily got some other stuff that she eats..man..i was so full..it was really to the max. couldn't take in any more.. was really enjoyable. We treated Mrs Lim lor..until now still haven transfer money to Anna..cos nv go out and need my sis's approval..haha.. haven't ate like this in ages lor! Hm..can see that Mrs Lim is still pretty much worried about guides..but like she said, she must learn to let go lah.. oh man..AHS has got a new principal...dun really like her according to what i've heard.. SAP sch's principal can't really speak Chinese, we gets so easily excited? and likes press coming to our school? who is not really particular about attire? Man, what's with AHS..where's MY good old sch? Even the school song has changed..we dun hold assemblies in the parade square anymore..all the old buildings are gone, many teachers have also gone...where are the elements of AHS? kINDA sad but..at least i still have the memories... i love...the old Anglican High.........

Anywayssss...thank u to Zhang yan, Anna and Mrs Lim for making time to meet and making my day..Dun tire yourselves too much and we'll meet up soon i promise. Have to go do some stuff for class S-L project le..see u guys soon...

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Well..my hols hasn't been exactly good..not even near to the ideal one that i had in mind. Some Saturdays ago, i went to celebrate my grandpa's brother's wife's birthday..We're quite close to her in the sense that we usually make time down to her house to pay her a visit. She's usually home alone cos her daughter is working.. Saw her, took photo with her on my brother's camera fone..and so unexpectedly, she passed away the next day. This news came as a total shock to me.. The person that i saw yesterday, who was still doing so fine..just passed away...I was at a loss..I think all i did was that i kept on praying and praying for her... -shock-.
Went to work as usual the next day and went to her funeral after work. Although the coffin was 'open' as in u know what i mean lah hor, i didn't dare to step in to look. I didn't want to weep in there..Grieving is all part of a process to recover from this kind of thing..But we shouldn't stay in that mood for too long. It ain't healthy..really..

Sigh..somehow, i'm kinda immune to such things cos i've exposed to quite a bit of deaths in a few years time. Afterall, to learn how to live is to learn how to die. We shouldn't avoid the fact that we will also die one day. When that happens to me, i wouldn't want my loved ones to cry for me. It would just make it difficult for me to leave them. Was discussing with my sister why people always cry when people die.. Perhaps they just feel so sad cos the person whom they have such close emotional ties has left them for good. Why wouldn't they think that it might actually be better for them to go then to stay in this world full of crime, violence and..er..natural disasters? Well Well...just penning down my thoughts.. i think i shall end the entry here...


' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Thanks joyce for the quiz man.. hm.. I think that's pretty true..=) Whatever it is, there's endless of such quizzes out there and i don't think we actually need such quizzes to analyse ourselves when we are the ones who should know ourselves better than all these senseless computer operated quizzes..nevertheless, it's still quite fun to do them..

Your element is earth: Wise, solitary, mysterious and loving. You are very wise. Your wise as in you know things others do not, you can see past stereotypes and see the real people behind their facades, and people will often come to you for help and advice. Quite solitary and somewhat shy around people because you prefer animals and plants, animals aren't afraid to show themselves or what they are feeling and plants are fun to nurture. You are very strong in your silence if you set your mind on something you will often times pursue it to the end. Sometimes you just want to get away, so you seek refuge in the forest where you can have time to think and try to sort out your emotions. The sound of the wind usually calms you, especially moving through the trees. Life to you is something precious and should not be taken for granted.

haha..here's the web!

just fixed my com recently so i haven't been updating this man! it's been a long time! Sch's reopening soon..kinda looking forward and afraid. hm..really dunno what's in for me..but it's just something that i'll have to walk through.. and i'll just do that. =)

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

so true huh..

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

When you feel all alone
And a loyal friend is hard to find
You're caught in a one way street
With the monsters in your head
When hopes and dreams are far away and
You feel like you can't face the day

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

And there has always been heartache and pain
And when it's over you'll breathe again
You'll breath again

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please
To tame your wild wild heart

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Nice song..for everyone. =) one of my fav. songs...too bad don't think it's the case for me. haha.

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue.

That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around.
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue.

That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around.
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.
Just like me (Just like me)
They long to be
Close to you.

Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
Lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

hi guys..after so long.i'm finally back again..
well, that day we went back to school for the character dev. programme..hai.kinda sian..but ok lah..class bonded more..quite funny lor.. class inly got 15 peepz..only 9 turned up. many thought it was on tues instead of mon.. whee!~ k lah, quite enjoyable though.. hm..*ahem* was my lucky day actually..in a sense..cos.. i talked to..boulders and puma hse capt! whee~ ok.so..ly..so.......?!

hm...din sleep the nite ytd..slept only at 8 in the morn and woke up at 3pm..haha..think tonight's gonna be the same..ya...was doing some stuff..so hot today! oh well.. i'm productive at night only..so how? =) ya..so anyone who can't slp can just drop me a message..

life's been kinder to me now..whee..i hope i'm making the right decisions and right choice... at least i know i will be happy i guess. i hope. k..i see question marks..nvm.. u'll know if there are further developments..haha..

hm... i love veg.. no doubt about it..life will be so empty and and....unfufilled without you guys man..u guys have been so helpful, so supportive...veg is my life. my memories. my soul.. i will never give up veg for anything..

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

ok, here's a confession. oh no, i think i'm sinking deeper and deeper into this.. i don't know why. It's just like quicksand u know. The more you struggle to get out of this, the deeper you sink into it...i wanna accept this fact..i wanna accept X. but i can just forsee this big humongous obstacle that we'll be facing..i'm sure u know what.. i'll be damn busy and preoccupied with mugging next year cos i wanna do what i am supposed to do..that's my role as a student right.. and X will be gone in about 10 mths time. We won't be able to make it. it's gonna require so much effort and perseverance and..so many things! too tiring..too many factors to consider for a relationship..

there's this voice in me shouting out loud to do it..but my mind..says no.


' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

oh well. as u can see from my title, i'm going on a diet..healthy diet i mean.. i really got a shock of my life man! on monday after PE went to gym with Han and joyce at Khatib..went to measure myself and oh my goodness! i'm so damn heavy now as compared to my 'ex-weight'. so upset lor.and demoralising..can u imagine..like gain about 3kg in a month or smthg..totally terrible feeling. well..i hope i can just get back to my original weight soon..sigh.. but true lah. promos that period nv exercise..eat so much..input so much more than output lah.. so now it's time to pay back..hehe. also not bad lah. lead a healthier lifestyle now..want to turn into a fruitarian le. whee!
yay..today burnt like 581 calories++++ whee! sense of accomplishment. tried out new equipments and found that they're not bad..so ya..gonna continue with that the nxt time around..aiyor..back breaking man. my back's totally killing me or smthg..supposed to see doc today.den mom say go see dunno which tui na shi fu.. den she'll only be back in Nov..alamak..gotta tahan till then. ah!!! hope it's nth serious. d-u-h~. hai.. tired..mentally and physically. finally PW is coming to an end..whee!

goodbye speech: 'I think i'm doing it.. slowly bit by bit.the feeling's fading away..'

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Yawn..damn tired..as usual..Today was a rather happy day cos we finally get to hand in our Written Report! like a big load off our chest..den so cute..we took photo with Mr. Tan individually lor.and to think he actually played with us..so sporting! Find it quite rare to find a PD tutor like him..u rOck man! haha.. Econs tutorial turned out to be a chatting session with Mrs. Low..she's actually very nice. and to think i disappointed her with my damn lousy results..hai..

Life hasn't been easy for me. It ain't easy to keep on battling and fighting without resting you know..Have been feeling rather low lately. Maybe suffering from slight depression haha.seen the ad? can't bring myself to do anything lor.. and i get irritated easily. hm..maybe PMS lah. haha. but whatever it is, i have low level of confidence now..Though i'm promoted, i have totally absolutely no confidence about my A's cos lousy results here means like the Bulk of what's gonna be tested is like quite lousy..i dunno. talked about it to a few friends and they have been very encouraging..so thanks ya..but it doesn't really help in like solving real problems..u get my pt? hm... I know i should be grateful that i can pass..but so what? the most impt thing is A's right...(oh ya digress a while..supposed to do GP now..but i'm so not bothered).

Hm..today i decided to really carry out my plan. i'm gonna prevent 'tragedies' to happen and to hurt myself.. i'm doing good though daniel keep on suaning me.. i improved hor! haha.. think it'll be successful this time around..wish me luck..hai. what lah. so many things bothering me i dun even regard it actually. so my mind's in a mess now.. too tired to think and to settle them.. life..what's it all about?

goOdbyE speEch: thAnkS eVEryOne foR aLL uR supPort. Sorry PW memBeRs fOr fRequEntly sLacKinG..feEl meAn. WisH mE luCk iN mY MIGHTY PLAN to get it dOne..aNd hoPE evErythIng will TuRn OUt fiNe..i hOpe i will be able tO copE. yAwn. Gtg..bathe..later still must pack GP file..hm. cos she alrEAdY scoLdeD mE fOr slPing..aNd geTtIng a C6. sO..yeaH. seeya guys arnd...

*argH! can't seem to edit my template etc. help needed. pls offer ur help if u can! =P

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Yesterday wanted to blog but i was too tired already. Went to meet Anna at Tampines then i went to her house to sew the 'fabric of AHS' for Mr. Wang for helping us to get so much funds for our overseas trip and the support he's given us..haha..felt so pro cos anna sew very slow..hahah..mad. hai..

Yesterday was a total draining day. did PW for 4 hrs straight, just sitting in the computer lab and racking our brains over the report. so sucky! felt uncomfortable also cos it was raining and my rheumatism was acting up again as usual..sit also cannot, stand also cannot. sian...thanks samuel for letting us use the com..sorry for any inconvenience man. Anyways, the report's almost done..just a little bit of 'cosmetic changes' , Mr. Tan Quotes. hee..whee! talked to Samuel in person for the first time yesterday. haha.... whatever..i've made a major decision today that i'm not gonna be bother about sam anymore...i'll not make myself sad lor..cos ya..just protecting myself i guess. really sian diao4...totally screwed up my promos..

right now comfirmed i got 1A and 2AOs..hopefully maths got slight moderation so i'll get an AO too. sucks..i'm so not gonna make it for the A levels...how? i dunno. seriously thinking of opting to retain.sounds stupid huh..i dunno. i have no confidence at all lor...sian. all the teachers seems to be giving me that look....

gotta go..dan wans to eat lunch..better go accompany him..

goodbye speech:" i feel so stupid lor. can mug so much and get such sucky results. think i'm really not cut out for studying i dunno. sucks..it's draining and demoralising..i hate this feeling..i'm like so lost and everything..struggling here..sian..and i feel like just leaving everything behind and dun care about SOME stuff anymore.. why must u be so bothered..LYT just hug me.. so gan dong...=) life is worth living, maybe.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

heya! so fun! today had quite a pleasant day except for some minor or rather major happenings early in the morning..so glad that everything's been resolved now! wheE! just continue this way.with some tolerance and understanding, we'll live in a happier world! yeah..

oh well, GP was like..oh my goodness..i din really make it i guess. but i dun care..somehow or other, i dun really bother much about my results now as i thought i would..sian.. dun wanna think about it.i rather they just throw me the results slip to tell me whether i'll be promoted or not..tmr getting back econs..god help me..

hai..well..den had happy journey,.kept on munching on snacks on the way to OCS(Safti)..as usual, that's just so 35/04..haha..whee~ den our two guides jananto and zhi wei not bad lah..as in they were rather friendly and everything, patient, entertaining..and ok, not bad lookin lah..dunno if we'll ever meet them again..haha.. feel like joining the army now..but thinking about how my bro used to suffer so much in there, think i can forget about it lah.haha..hm..whatever.. on the way keep seeing my eye candies..haha..not bad lah hor.. den after that went to see my cousin..so happy, very long nv see her already..den went home with my mom in the company's van, slept all the way home..=) oh well..damn tired.. gonna go slp soon.. hm..

think life is so much simpler now..and happier..without having to bother and worry about things..at the moment that is..argh.... hai. feeling a 'lil helpless here..cos i can't seem to help my friend at all.even with lots of saliva wasted. suan le lah. see how it goes. i'm too tired to think now..hai..

goodbye speech: i'll nv get into a relationship for the sake of getting into one lor. if i die die stick to this opened door, i'll nv realise that other doors are actually wide open......... learning to let go..is impt and crucial in life. that's what's life is about actually..

take care peEpx. i'll fix my tagboard properly soon..tired..yawn. *shag* did the AJ survey just now. haha.

' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Haha..just trying this out.hm..anybody who drops by just gimme a msg or something lah ok..hai..today quite sian lah. got back math results..went to school to slack..had like 2.5hrs of Project work lecture on Oral pResentation laH! so boRing..Mrs Low waS siTtIng bEsidE me..feLt kInda stRessEd. She waS liKe 'Let mE paSs anD i'll PAsS yOur eConS'..hurhUr. like rEal..hAi. i duNnO. feLt like a dUmbO. sO usElesS aNd evErytHing. haI. mAtH..i duNnO. wHen sHE caMe, i fElT evEn mOre stResS aNd thUs i ChionG Out oF dA LT..hOpe dIn scaRe AnYoNe la..iT wasN't oN pUrpoSe. duNnO what"s wrOng wiTh mE..beEn vEry IrRitaBle..dEpreSsIon? sErioUs sTresS? i dUnno. i'm StiLL tRyiNg tO fInd oUt dEspERaTely..oH Well. diN meaN to lEt thOse teArs fLow dOwn. juSt a 'lIl laH..jUz caMe naTuRaLly..feLt weIrd aNd..weIrd. haI. stILL haFta waiT tiLL stUPid tUe tO sEaL mY faTe in AJ.."*peacEd*"

Oh well, went ouT wiTh mY clIQuE jUst Now.mEt aT CitY haLL..suPposEd to mEet at 1830 oNe..dEn i LEFT my house aT 1830..wIn liaO. tOt i waS the laTesT..dEn guEsS whaT? OnLY dE aND maB wEre thERe. rEst wERe laTe. hUr hUr. fuNny.thT's sO tYPIcaL of oUr clIquE.. haD a hApPy tIMe aT nOocH..=). foRgoT to BriNg waLLeT oUt sO haD to bOrrOw fRom bRo. thAnks bRo fOR wiLLinG tO comE aLL thE waY to CitY haLL hOr. heHe. bOUgHt PrEZ fOr sMAlL yIng aLso. hEr b'dAe tMr..hM..tMr duNnO hOw. maY haFta lEave eArlY...haI..sOmehOw i have thIs daMn saD feEliNg in Me thaT maKes mE eAsilY iRrItabLe. dUn uNderStaNd whY aLso..haI. i lOve thIrtY-fIve..thOugH i haVe sOme yi jIAns..prOb lIes wiTh mE?-i haVe no idEa. oH, wEnt tO taMP to meEt jOyce..cOs shE jUst had hEr MJC opEn hSe peRfoRmaNce..haha hOpe it waS fiNE. dIn reaLLY geT to taLk a loT cOs it waS gEttIng lAte aLr..mIss yA guYs aNd tReaSure All thE tiMe i haVe wiTh u guYs sO mUch! feEl sO aT eAse with yOu aLL..*hugX* thanks for the prez..i lOVe iT sO muCh..u guYs roCk mY liFe mAn..thanKS fOR beIng sO thOugHtfuL..

tMr aJC oPeN hSe..i"m fAcIlitaTing..haHa. hoPe i wUn bE mORe of A hiNdrAncE tMr..wILL be iN thE haLL..WheE~! bOUlder'S peRfoRmiNg! hOw coOl iS thaT. hoPE bOUlder'S fiNE. heArd he hUrt hImseLf. talKIng abT thAt, mY cAlve stiLl hUrts a lOt. liKe a nERvE beIng sQuaShed. *oUCH!* in aNy caSe, bOuldERs stiLL boUlderS and Ly stiLL toRs. loOkIng foRwaRd to ouR nxt cOnvERsaTioN laH. hUr hUR. wHatEver, ly.

gOoDbYE spEecH: thInk i"m beGgInnIng tO dIsliKe mYseLf mORe ANd mORe fOR trAnsfOrmIng iNtO anOthER pERsOn INVOLUNTARILY..tO the nEgAtivE sidE i thInk. tHInk i'M tuRniNg maD soOn. haI.

tiLL theN, cYa.

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' Fly Away
Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan