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Monday, January 31, 2005
living my dull life in a colourful world**

had x-country today...yawn so tired..it's so wierd lor..putting x-country on a wkday, and of all days, MONDAYS...talking about monday blues can.. and we all have lessons until 1335 hrs, then after that, everyone will chiong to go toilets to change out, makan and chiong to macritchie reservoir..haha..our class went NYP to eat..didn't bother..just took our time to stroll to the bus stop.. was still at yio chu kang when it was 15 minutes away from our reporting time..haha..at the bus stop saw our junior class..then..on the bus, met mrs ong and another class.haha...anyway, we made a smart choice lah..cos when we went there, it wasn't so crowded and everyting could proceed rather quickly..haha thanks daniel for helping out to register our belonging etc..:) really appreciate that..

Still feeling bad..made joyce walk with me for a LONG LONG stretch of road when she could still run, pulling back her ranking..paiseh lah..anyway, u got your ticket to SRJC while i got mine to AJC..so sad.haha.. ran 135th lor..sian..stamina deproved so much! so sad...must train harder le..see lor..eat and eat and nv exercise..become like that lor.. :(

hm..i just kept on going on without knowing where's the finishing line lor..and got slope..wanna die can..haha...but nevertheless, i like running lah.just that now my stamina drop i sad. stupd right..brooding over something like that..haha...

Hee hEe.. Cai QIng ran 21st lor..so proud of her! haha..gd to pace with her..must take her advice and go jogging regularly to train up the stamina..:P. heh..well..Samuel got into top 30 also..not bad lor..can run so fast..think these people super zai..haha...must zai jie zai li!

yawn..tiring day..go slp le..take care guys...my 2.4Km run must get an A!!! hai.. missed by a sec only lor. haha.

' Fly Away
Monday, January 31, 2005


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan