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Friday, October 15, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

heYa guYs. i'M baCk. in a blOggIsh mOod toDay i guEss..haha..i'M daMn tIrEd. it'S aLmOSt 11pm aNd i still havEn bathEd..yAwn..coOked pAsta tOday fOr my fAmiLy-brother coS he's eaTing oUt wiTh hIs giRlfReN..haha.. i'M goIng to baThE afTer thiS blOG laH..haha. i sTink anD iN aJ uNifOrm, thaT's daMn hOt. *perspire*mAn..aS usUal..mY uSual thUrs rOUtiNe..laTe foR schOol agAiN! siaN loR..thInk OM seE mE liKe rEguLar alreadY.. aLaRm cloCk raNg at 0540 hrS anD i woke uP aT liKe 0630? wHen i saW thE tiMe i wAs daMn shOckEd. lUckiLy i hAve thE habIt oF paCkIng aNd prEpaRiNg evErythIng thE niGht beFoRe..sO chIonG..happiLy tot i cld caTch thE laSt 135 befOre i'LL bE latE..halfwaY..vrOom. iT wEnT ofF. caTch 76 aT da baCk..dEn laTe like bY a 'lIl whIle onLy loR..aIyaR, anythIng aS loNg aS i duN neEd tO do CWO..siAn..baCkacHe. wEnt gYm yTd.. for aN hR, bUrNt 577 calories! coOl! bUt hOr, i thInk i AtE iT baCk toDay..Mr tAn tReatEd us mAc..duRing ouR waIt fOR the VERY EFFICIENT aj tEachER in-cHarGe of THe boaRds foR oPen hSe..daMn piSsEd coS thEy nV oRganIse thIngS prOPerLy thEn maKe uS pUt uP aNd taKe doWn LikE it'S sO eAsy..k lAh, afTer bItchIng aBt tEachEr tO mR. Tan wiTh daN aNd haN, fElt bettER..raThER fuNnY acTcuLly..hM.. Mr taN waS ratHer shOCkeD cOs mE aNd hAn suddenLy biTchEd liKe aNd toGethER wiTH daN..loL..u shOulD haVe seEn hiS faCe maN..bOUdlErs cUt hiS haIr.Ok laH. he looKs neAter aCtually. sO shuAi! as usual..stoP roLLinG uR eyEs laH!! haha,so zhuanG! oH well, whatever.....Ytd haD opEn hSe fAciLitaToR tRaIniNg..weNt foR bRIefINg..thEy wantEd to tEach uS daNce tiLl duNNo wHat tiMe..sO me And haN walkEd in ciRclEs tO slaCk laH siAn..AJ maSs dAnce SuCkS laH. haHa..oh weLl..dEn miGht as well, wE leFt wiTH yiNg, sze jia, another guY lor..den go gYm. MOre pRoduCtiVe aLso. feLt sO gD aNd heaLthY agaIN, tO thInk i aCtuAllY misS PE..haHa. sO faT lE..sTomAch eXpaNdinG nOn-stOP loR.suPposEd to gO sAkAe buFfEt wiTh jOyce..bUt haVen arRangE..seE hOw lah. i'll TrY to rMb tO aSk thE cLasS tMr..=) yay! Sat is aJ oPen hse..i'm sTatiOneD iN thE haLL..gOt wUsHu pErfoRmanCe! wheE! ok..whatever.. haha.joyce dancing alSo. cAn waTch Her..=P. jiaYOu!gEttIng bacK maTh paPer tMr..siAn.......gOT baCk geOg. sEcoNd loWest iN clAsS..48.5 loR..bUt oVeraLL stiLL qUIte lOusy..50. disappoIntEd buT a biT liKe hUo gaI coS i nV stUdy fOR gEog aT all..Hai.i'll wOrk haRd..i pRomiSe..sOrrY maN... tmr cRuciAl paPer loR..haI.....iT's uP to tHose uP tHere aLr... seEya guYs..

' Fly Away
Friday, October 15, 2004

living my dull life in a colourful world**

wheE~! afTer pRomOs alReadY..dun tHInk AbouT thE reSults/oUtcOme aND staY happy fOR nOW..haha..sO happy! fiNaLLy cAn haVe a claSs oUting! wiTh aLmost fUll stRenGth! (absentee:suvin, as usual. -_-)WeNt tO vIsit jing jing aT SGH with KeL, JoyCe, De aNd maRianNe. She coMpleTed hER laSt chEmO alR..lUckiLy shE's yOunG..shE caN rEcOvEr beTtEr aNd faSteR, i hoPe. shE's lOokIng gOod.. HopE she'LL bE diSchaRgEd soOn.. yA..sTill aS chatTY as eVer, rEmembErinG tIny biTs oF dEtaIls liKe o levEl eNgliSh papERs eTc..sHe haS a gD memoRy..wE coNcludEd thaT maYbe sHe haDN't beEn doIn mUch so sHe caN rMb mUch beTtA thaN us.. i dunNo. pOor gIrl. sHe caN't waIt to Go tO schOol..thInks ShE's rEalLy feElinG daMn boRed..thIng is, hEr mOm's noT hapPy wiTh tHE doC saYing sHe caN rEtuRn to SchOoL iN jAn 2005! nVtHelEsS, i'm sTill vEry hAppY fOR hEr coS mEaNs shE's goNnA bE fIt fOr aCtiviTIes frOm nXt yR oNwaRds! whEe~! bUt ya.caN uNdeRstaNd her mOm'S worRy lah..shE jUz rEcovERd sO iMmuNity sYstEm is daMn wEak la.. jiaYOu..yOu'll bE iN mY prAYeRs.. =)supPosEd to meEt JoYcE(tan) aNd hAn aT where? i foRgot LAh aT 2..iN thE eNd jIng jIng gOt sO mUch to tAlk i AlsO feEl baD lEavIng abRuptLy..sO stAyEd..dEn toOk a caB wiTH maRianNne tO ciTy hAll to meEt thE reSt aT abT 3 lah. wAitEd aNd waItEd..pPle aCtuaLLy caN cOme so lAtE laH! bUT duN saY othErs..sOmetimEs i myselF alsO liKe thaT la..haha.. *gUilTy* sO we leFt fOr piZzA hUt aT SUntEC fiRst..dEn tHE sVc wAs sO poOr laH. ALmoSt waNteD to RefuSe paYmenT foR sVc chArgE buT in ThE enD oK laH, thEy pRoviDed neW platEs and fOrkS foR thE caKe..cOcO eXotiC! fRom fOUr LeaVes! daMn coOl..it'S onE oF thE nicEst caKe i haVe eaTen. gO trY! haha.. After that, we aLL dEciDed tO gO k-Box.. quITe chEaP loR..wheE! sO fuN! haD a lot oF fuN! dIn knOw caN pLay uNtil sO maD..sHaheEda lEft hAlfwaY. guEsS wE weRe tOo iNsenSitiVe and lIke chOSe all cHinEse songs fiRst..oH no..apOlogiZed laH..sorrY man. hM.. ok.cONtiNue wHat i Was sAyiNg..wE endEd uP sIngiNg mEi sHi jiaN bY kAren mOk as thE laSt soNg! so pEi4! tHreW thE snaCkS aT oNE anOthEr acroSs tHE roOm..mr tAn gOt 'lil pAraNoid..starTed cLeanIng uP a bIt..dEn sO fuNky lOr..Lead thE cLasS to GEt oUt of K-bOx sEcrEtly anD quiCkly so wE wun bE 'chaRgEd' foR cauSing sO mucH havOC iN tHe roOm.. sO coOl! wE alL raN ouT laH! gOt doWn eScalAtoR..haha.*pHew* dEn weNt ofF to meEt soO yeE tO gEt tHe giRo fOrm sO i caN usE EduSaVe to paY foR mY OCIP..hAi..eVeryoNe goIng is FrOm excO loR. i sO extRa..bUt nVm..it'LL bE anothEr gd lEarNinG eXpeRieNce fOR me i hoPe...hm.. feEliNg siAn lah..a biT..=)wALkEd to TaKe 135 wIth haN aNd joYce(tan)..yuP..thaNks fOr acComoDaTinG guYs..=)ReflEcTion..feLt liKe cRyinG aT tiMes duRing thE k-bOx seSsiOn..eSp the pEng yOu bY zhOu hUa jIAn..thE toT oF havIng tHe poSsibiLity tO biD gDbyE to 35/04 iS daMn sAd..i hoPe i wUn haFta dO thaT lah.....aNd hopE nOone iN thIrtY-fIve haS to saY byE..haD lots oF otHer toTs aLso..hM..aLmoSt dId sOmethIng oUt oF imPulSe..haI. iS thaT whaT mY hRt waNts mE to DO? i duNno. sInce i'M unsUre, jUst lEavE iT.. k..can see blUr facEs lE..will tRy to jiaYou oN my blOg ah.. aLwaYs laG..wheE!~ seeYa..

' Fly Away
Friday, October 15, 2004

living my dull life in a colourful world**

i'M rathEr piSsEd wiTh mY coM! happily finisHed typiNg one Full entRy on My biRthDay..deN noW tada! it'S goNE! hOw coOl iS thaT..oK..i dUn caRe shaLL kEy iN thE enTry Now..23Rd SepT: He sent me a happy birthday mEsSagE! k laH,kInda happy cOs hE liKe toOk The inItiaTiVe tO mSg mE! ThanKs man..haha. i cLearEd mIsuNderstaNdinG alR..sO oK laH. gOt sOmethIng oFf mY chEst. yUp.24tH SEpt: HeE! hapPy daY! toDay'S mY spEciaL daY! ya...In thE moRnIng pPle wIsh Me. So happy. haVE beEn lOokIng fOrwaRd so mucH tO thIs daY! yUP. haD a haPpy DaY iN schOoL alSo. clAss CelebRatEd duRing rEceSs! thaNks mR aNd mS tAn fOR taKing tIme to cOme doWn aNd pRovIding the tIsSueS! haHA. thE bReaK is OuR coMMoN bReak lEh! saW bOUldeRs. aS shUai As usUaL. haha..still diN have cOUraGe to SaY hI..bUt..ya..hehe.. tHe fEElinG waS mUch beTtEr alReadY..hee..sAd iN a sEnse coZ i haD waNted a ChOc caKe! bUt daN boUghT a fRuiT cAke saYing iT waS heaLthIer etc..thaNks anW..haha...it'S thE toT thaT coUnts. cAke waS yUmMy! =P. glUtTony aS eVer..wEnT ouT wiTH mY couSin. gO lIngzHi vEg. RestaUraNt.. aSkEd yIng aNd haN aLonG cOs wE waNted to Use the cOupOn buT neEd to chaLk uP 50 bUcks..sO bROugHt thEm thEre..hopE thEy cOuld sWalLoW thE foOd! haHa. Lee hAn..fiRst tIme iN a vEg. rEstaUrant. so WieRd. whAt loR. thReE of TheM gAng uP to sUan mE..SAy bE vEg. mIss Out oN so maNy thIngs Etc..hMph! i stiLl LOVE vEg! aFter thaT, thEy lEft EaRly..lEavIng mE to taKe mY roLe as fOoD gaRbaGe baG..*mUncH*WaNteD to waTch mOvie wiTH mY cOusiN oNe..dEn ShE rEminDeD mE to cAll mY fAmiLy seE iF thEy waNtEd to cElebRatE wiTH me coS bY thE tiMe mOvie ends, iT'll bE toO latE. dEn caLL..gOt kInda piSsEd coS thEy didN't seEm to MakE anY efFoRt loR. I waNted sO muCh to cElEbraTe togEthER buT in thE end, we DIn. sO pissEd. sOme moRe bY thE time sEttLe eVerytHing, toO latE foR moVIe alSo. mY moM weNt to tEach TuitiOn, bRo dUnno whEre, siSta gO ouT wiTh fRen. dEn wAntEd to dO somE shoppInG aT mAriNE paRAde. mEt mY siS. iN thE enD, gOt pisSed alSo coS it feLt liKe shE nV maKe anY efFort tO chEeR me lOr. shE just wenT in tO tRy hErseLf. daMn. dEn bRo askEd iF i waNted tO gO cyclIng! niTe cycling! so fuN! deN cyclEd to EaSt coAst paRk (ECP) anD hE haD hiS diNnEr anD wE toOkawaY foOd foR my mOm, goT a dRink aNd hEadEd bacK. oVershOt the plaCe we wEre supPoSed to tuRn aNd eveRythiNg goT delaYed. soMe moRE my chAin caMe off laH! so suaY! den BrO fiXed it..and cycled homE as qUickLy as pOssiBle in thaT stUpiD gEaR..weLL..haD lOtsa fuN anD neW expEriEnce!26th SePt: i sEnt bOuldErs haPpy bIRthdaY mSg imMediaTely when mY clOck tuRnEd 12 mid night! haHa. And hE waS liKe thaNk u aNd eVerythIng..haha.......hE bOulDers..oh well..thIs iS oNe of My mOsT meMOrabLe bIrtHdaYs eVer! and er..haD beEn pLayIng tOo mUch, gOinG oUT tO ceLEbRatE witH difF gRps oF pPle etC..whEe~ tHis iS lIFe!

' Fly Away
Friday, October 15, 2004


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan