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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey guYs! i'm here again.. HAve BeEn muggIng..pRoduCtiVe oR not iS anOTheR thIng. At leAst i'vE pUt iN mY bEst PossIbLe efFoRt..haha..Well..i"m rEally tIrEd.. mY eYes caN ShuT thE moMent i ReSt lor. gUEss tHat iS wHat mOst JC StudEnts aRE goIng thRough nOw..daMn tiRed..bUt nEvertHelesS, i'M goIng FOr a cYclinG seSsiOn wiTh mY siS righT afTer thIs..lol..gOoD daY todaY..nOt bAd laH. gOt tO bReaK thE iCe aNd waVed to SamuEl. haHa. dUn feEl sO resTrictEd now anYmoRe..ya..gOod lOr.mAth lEctUre rOcks. So loOking fOrwaRd tO toMorRow! buT siAn. toDay oNly gO scH fOr 3 lesSons..sLack. hehE.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Friday, September 17, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

HEy man..i'm bAck agAin..jUst gOt to Know YestErday that mY brOthEr gOt aXed..aftEr sUrviVing fOR sO lonG. But hE'S luCky eNouGh tO bE abLe to fLy pLanEs fOR so Long. He doEsn"t seEm rEally haPpy wIth hIs jOb aNd thIs maY jUSt bE a bLEssInG in diSguIse, i hoPe..Hai..sIgnEd up fOr thE 14 daYs oVersEaS CIP trIp..waS realLy loOking FoRwaRd to This cOs i"m noT bondEd aT all tO aJ + IntEraCt..so wAs hoPiNg tO ya..bOnd tHru thE trIp.. bUt dEn..hai..mY bRo gOt AxEd dEn meanS wE haVe oNe lesS mOneY soUrce. Was sEriouSly thInkINg oF noT jOiniNg..bUT caN saVe mE loTs of EffOrt foR pEARLS also. tHInk i'LL bE wOrking tO liKe eaRn mOney duRIng hOls. rEgarDless oF wheTher i'm seLeCtEd foR thE trIp oR noT.. yea..Felt ratHEr guIltY today..cOs i waS damN tiRed..haD a PW sessIon toDay aNd i waS quITe slaCk..damN tiRed..fEll aslEeP aS usuaL.i goNnA helP piA tMr..i"m soRry guYs..realLy. hAi. raInEd hEavIly todaY.waS pRactiCally fReeZEEING thE WhoLe daY. haHa.sO as usual, the glutton ly ate a lot. lol. MIlo roCks right joyce? haha..and get real, dont get yeOs. hur hur.tOday waS kInda shUanG. gOt to biO someONe qUite a lOt toDay..TheN gOT eYe conTaCt..fAst and nOt sO oBviOus buT suffIcIent to brigHTen uP my Day.cOs ya..haha..liKe thaT lor. kInda pAisEh buT i sEriouSly thInk i"m gEtTing Out oF thiS iNfactuAtion alrEadY! coOl.. anw, so SHUAI! sO saD duN thINk i cAn waTch The pErfoRmanCe pUt up bY thE WUSHU society tmR..goT lesSon. sIan hAlf. aFter that got PW..haI. suCks. i'M daMn tiRed. toDay nOt so PrOduCtivE..jiaYou! i stiLL gOt liKe haLf a eSsaY to wRite..hOpe i wun be laTE tMr..waS late toDay..but wasN't boOked.cool. haha. tHInk i hAve THe tEndeNcy to bE latE oN thUrs..mAth lEct is my MotiVatiIOn. haha.whatever..till then, taKe caRe maN evERyboDy...yawn.....luV, eLLEwaI. ly toRs. HE bOuldErs.

' Fly Away
Friday, September 17, 2004


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan