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Sunday, August 29, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

yes, a new identity. I nEvER knEw i waS sOmeoNE whO cRiEs thaT Easily. mUst bE the StrEss. I knOW, EveryOne's feElinG thE sAme eTc..goIng thRough tHE saMe ThIng..bUt it"s liKe, it'S sO siaN foR me u KNoW. mY bRothEr's fOreVer pResSurIng mE to gEt gOOd grAdEs like EvEn wHen i Do PW, hE alSo sAy gRAdEs aLso mORe iMpt. dEn thOugh i talkEd to my Mom aNd shE saYs aS lOng As i tRy mY beSt, i RetAin aLso bO biAn, bUt thaT meaNs mOre buRdEn aNd hIghEr oPpoRtuNity cOSt. I feEl so tIrEd.. WaS reaLLy LoOkiNg fORwaRd to fIniSh mY JC liFe. gEt oVeR aNd dOne wiTh. lOokIng aT mY rEsulTs..i dOUbt iT'LL bE tHat soOn. i reAllY haTE it. it'S a Long aNd wIndiNg rouTe. i fEeL pisSed wiTh mYseLf. fOR bEing sO diSappoIntINg. aNd liKe rEcEntly, sO manY peoPle suffEr fRom sOMe iLLneSseS. i"m kInda NUmBed..jinXed pErhaPs..haha..bUT peRhaPs, it jUst sErvEs as a mOtivaTiOn fOR mE tO pIck mYselF up aGAIn aNd cOntiNue to lIve mY dReam. i waNna bE a soCial wOrkEr.. or a psychiatrist. yeah..first step..i donated my first pack of blood on wednesday!! haha..lame..ok...i wiLl bE mUggIng in sChoOl eVeryDaY tiLl niGht..so seEya..woN't bE seEiNg u guYs agaIN so Soon..tKe caRe!

' Fly Away
Sunday, August 29, 2004

Sunday, August 22, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hey guYs..okay, it's beEn liKe wKs sInce i tOuchEd thiS.. HaI. i fiNallY bRokE doWn. DunNo whY aLsO, it"s liKe iT doEsN't seEm tOo mUcH oF a prOblEm aNd i jUst kEpt it TO mYseLf aNd afTer sO loNg, FInaLly. Really sHocKed mY siSta aNd mOm cOs thEy haDn't seEn mE crY sIncE aBOuT tHreE yeArS agO. aNd it waS reaLLy bAd. LikE whaT leE hAn sAid, like pig'S eYe. cOUldN't evEn oPen mY eyeS. suPer sWolLen. tHougHt i fElt mUch bEttEr buT stILL cRied the nexT dAy duRinG bREaK. maYbE i diDn'T finISh eMptYing mY TEaR gLaNds thE niGht bEfoRe. lol. anD hE sAW! dId thE most eMbarrAssInG thIng loR.. cos i waS in a ShoCk, deN some mORe cRy liao so uGly loR. haha..den i went under the table and ran away. maN. wHy dId i EvEr dO thaT?! anYwaY, iT's oVer. HaI. ThINgS haVen'T beEn goinG tOo WeLL fOR mE...I reallY wOndER wHat PpLe thInk fRiEndShipS arE baSed on. Why cAn't thEre bE pUre fRiEndshIp bEtweEn a guY whO'S ur BesTest zhi ji.. haI. thAt'S liFe. i'M stiLL hOpiNG fOr hOpe. k, soUnds wiErd huh. thEn, mY resULts. i DunnO hOw i'M gonna maKe iT fOR pRomOs. i'LL wOrk haRd. bUT tiMe's sO sO sO liMitEd. i'm suFfoCatEd. hai. duNnO whY bUt sOmehOw i AlwaYs havE thinGs to keEp mE pReocCupIEd. so Sian. haI. i wanna mug liao. =~(. eh, i'm nOt skIvIng noW okaY. jUst tKiNg a bReak fOr a lOngEr jOUrnEy. thAnks aLL tO all wHo wEre thEre fOr me.. thE hUgs, wOrds oF encOUraGemEnt, waSabe peAs, tiDbIts and paTience. i lOve u guYs. For nOW, i hOpe i'LL stiLL be AbLE to haNg on..bY thE clIff.

' Fly Away
Sunday, August 22, 2004

Tuesday, August 03, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hi guys..sorry i know i haven't been here for a super duper long time..i have been extremely busy man..all the moving of houses, packing, unpacking, mopping, cleaning..etc etc etc!! i'm so tired! dead..yawn. i need a breather!! sigh..been feeling rather confused about myself also.. haix..I still feel kinda bad for what i have done though nobody knows about it. I feel very bad!hai..ly...does it happen to any one else also? but hai...maybe time will tell la, i guess. so i should stay neutral..best solution..tired..sian..my math sure fall into bottom 20% one..but i shall jiayou! talking about math..i'm still lagging quite far back for my math tutorial..i hate that feeling man..gonna catch up soon..PW sucks..they're gonna abolish it nxt year.. why not this? i don't see a point doing this..and like i don't see how useful it is to my future lor..so finally after two years they realise it's not that good as it seems, they abolish it. so why are we continuing something that is not efficient? sigh..govt doesn't like '87 babies man..something against us..well..sian...i feel so bad..still feeling sad...embarrassed..can't be bothered..i need to scream..get stuff out of me.. i wanna cry! i just need some peace..desperately..till then, cheerios.

' Fly Away
Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan