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Sunday, May 30, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

"m baCk agaIN!GueSs WhaT? i'm such a pig..slept for approx. 14 hrs yesterday! I never realised that i was so deprived of sleep!! Well, i've been rather busy with my school work and all that.. Just imagine, wake up at about 5.25am, and to sleep at an average of 2AM everyday..haha..yeah..I'm still surviving...Sigh..i think i take a longer time to complete tasks than anyone else lor..so this is called, NO CHOICE...It'S alright..i got used to it..i'll perservere and work hard! At least going to school isn't much of a chore...it's quite fun to get to school..my class consists only of 15 people-3 guys. So we are kinda close lah..my class's quite fun at times. i kinda like them..haha..so when i feel stressful, Our LAMENESS never fails to brighten my day and make it colourful..oh no..i need a crutch soon.. haha..Well, i need to complete mY NYAA GOLD logbook if not i can nv dream of getting it..sigh..gotta pia again..sian..but i guess it's worth it lah..yup...supposed to do it now..but see what i'm doing..come to think of it..i'm just catching up with my online life mah! haha..okok...i'll do it later...today shall finish at least half a section! lalala......listening to carpenters' CD now..her voice is so cool! it's really great...go get it..=). hee hee..hee hee...sigh.happy but confused abt the same thing..,.well, i'll take things as they come along...i type until my shoulder pain..i also dunno why..so..meanwhile, seeya guys around, soon i hope..lol..VeggIes rOcks.pLum rOckS mOre..-eLLewaI-

' Fly Away
Sunday, May 30, 2004

living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hey.!i'm finally back! finally!! i can have more freE tIme...It'S teRm bReaK! wEll..ImaGine SayIng tHis," haPpY HolS aNd sEeyA oN mOndaY!" for lecture..hur hur...Singapore's education system...GUesS whAt thE mInisTer saId whEn asKed wHat can bE doNe to tHe stREsSfuL eDucaTion systEm iN SG...he said it is necessary to have sUch a SYstEm tO maKe Sg rEmain cOmpEtitivE..something like that lah..PuLeEse...i think Sg'reans are just so deprived ya know...Hai..ok..complaining nonstop AGAIn...haha...just neEd tO lEt sOme thIngs oUt.... Well... LoOking oN thE bRightEr sIde, i Get to meEt rEaLly nIce pEoPle In sChoOl...haha..At tHe eNd oF thE daY, whAt'S gonNa maTtEr mOst is nOt jUst aBout rEsuLts...FrieNds..They are jUst sO eSsEntiAl and iMpoRtaNt to me... =). Well..guEsS thIs hoLidaY is juSt gonna bE jUst abOUt prEpaRing fOr MiD yR and the cMiNg pRomoS and prOjecT woRk etc etc etc..endless list..Well..just perservere..afTer Jc..Life wOUld be a bReEze..mUch better lah... But i gUess It'S kInda pAinfUl ya? =~(. wELL, aLwaYs lOoK oN thE bRigHt sIde Of lIfe..TRY at least! haha...eh, Keewei, perservere lah..small mugger.haha.

' Fly Away
Sunday, May 30, 2004


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan