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Saturday, April 24, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

hey~!! Finally..it's FRIDAY Today! i love it! Have been so exhausted..so drained man..can u imagine, i missed my favourite jap cartoon on TV Mobile the whole week leh! so sad right! haha..keep dozing off..ah!! got to break the vicious cycle..break it! haha...Today had a math test..I think..well..i hope i can scrape through lah..it's not nice to fail the first test in AJ ya? haha...Cool..35/04 is totally lame! and so nice and so cool! i'm lovin it man...haha..yeah! gonna have a hectic but fun 1.5 yrs in AJC i guess..Yawn..super tired..hm...Haiz..is it me again? i think someone's ignoring me again lor! i also dunno why..alamak...dunno what happen also..or army stuff huh? Not my fault that i have to stay for PW and cannot meet YOU right..haha...ok lah...This week....quite okay..just that..my thigh muscle ache like mad! it's like muscle strain...and further aggravated by the 8X50m race..haha..it was fun though..well well...Aj's full of nice people....Oh ya! and the nominees for Council..i feel as if they have like cement as their skin on their faces lor! haha..so BHB!! haha..well, i guess that's the way..but..actually, i dun really depend much on council..and like after having corrupted council in my ex school..i dun really trust them..we'll have to wait and see...seeya!

' Fly Away
Saturday, April 24, 2004

Sunday, April 11, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

HEllo!! after so long,...i'm FINALLY back..haha..hm..a BIG chapter of my life has already ended with a full stop..now going to another BIG chapter called the route to "a" Levels. haha..ok lah, quite satisfied with myself..more room for improvement though.. I'm quite lucky that i am actually able to get into Anderson JC lah..haha..a blessing in disguise? Wah..i was really upset for quite some time..depressed man..Can you imagine being all alone in that big school and like everywhere you walk, they will be like " Eh!!! you're also here! " like you know..besides, i'm like the second intake lor..and everyone is somewhat in their own groups. It took me quite some time to find my own clique and settle down..but nevertheless, AJ people are rather nice lah..Thanks to my beloved friends--Vege clan!Fab! and of course my family..De..thanks for that hug ya? luv ya guys more than you all ever know!! haha.. Well Well...Time flies! it's been like 3 wks since i've entered AJ..it's fast! i hope i'll be able to cope..and by the end of my two years...have good friends for life! and also results lah..actually, i'm beginning to have a fear for "a"s..But..with some hardwork, i'm sure i can! I think, therefore i am...hm..i just hope that everything turns out well for me! it just takes a little more effort and time to get me settled in AJC lah..cos i'm NOT that sociable after all..though i can be mad at times..just ask VEGE. NO doubt about it..haha...meanwhile..chill out..Leadership:"Determine the direction. Set the pace. Applaud the Spirit.

' Fly Away
Sunday, April 11, 2004

Saturday, April 10, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Man!!Failure of Government efforts to promote people to be good citizens..citizens with integrity!!! I loSt my waLLET!!! argH. it's so frustrating..to have to make my EZ-Link Card again..and pay $19 for it, and losing my beloved GENKI card!! and my cash-on-line and cash card!! man!! I can't believe it. And in it includes the money that i collected for GEog FundS!! sigh. guess i'll have to starve myself to save back that amount of money man..ArgH! it's jUst sO infUriAting!!! It's like when i got off my seat, i still turned back to look if i've dropped anything! there was nothing! and i've already made repeated calls to SBS transit and nope! no kind soul has returned my wallet to me!! SoB. Feeling rather pissed lor..AH~!!!!! Such a big person like me can actually lose my wallet. wow man. Sometimes, i guess it's just a blessing to not have so much treasure on you. Less of a burden. haha..but then again..there are many wonderful treasure of life that you die die must have that come with heavy responsibilities..wow..Hope i'll stop having to use pathetic 55cents coins everyday soon man. it's troublesome. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! talking about this, i've been rather unlucky recently also..like one day everything that happened to me was totally unlucky. you see, i rushed all the way back from AJC to AHS, to find my teacher and wah, she wasn't around..on MC. The problem is that she knew i was coming back for her!The worst thing was, it was raining damn heavily... despite having an umbrella, i was literally soaked and my bag which contains the FISH! book and my BRAND NEW Econs TYS was totally soaked okay..They look like i've used them for more than a decade. Then, i smsed my friend in VJ who was supposed to accompany me to AHS. She was busy and couldn't reply me. so i sat down to do some work. She came, and then we left for Tampines Interchange. On the way to the Interchange, i dropped my phone and the cover came off. ETc Etc Etc......and i also realised, i forgot to take my umbrella home. Sigh. Is it just my own fault or is it the will of those up there?

' Fly Away
Saturday, April 10, 2004


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan