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Saturday, January 24, 2004
living my dull life in a colourful world**

Hey guys! (if anybody is even reading this)..Hm..i just got back my ICQ and all that..i happen to go and read Fabian's blog..and i realised..yeah..i haven been doing a lot for my close friends man..And i feel really guilty..Well..just doing some reflections now.OFten, as humans, we will always think more about ourselves. LIke for example, my uncle wanted to give a red packet to my grandfather's eldest brother's wife la..Then my aunty, who is his wife, told him," She isn't your mother what..Why should you give her a red packet?" i mean..and that grandfather's eldest brother's wife is like alone at home most of the time..Her daughter only comes home at night from work.I mean like afterall, we're all in one big family right? So what's wrong with helping each other out, especially in such tough times?! so wierd ah some people.And when they need help, they're the first ones who will try to look out for people whom they can get help from. How realistic. Anyway...THe other day, my LONG LOST friend whom i got to know through irc i tink..messaged me on ICQ.I was kinda shocked cos we weren't close and we haven talked for ages! at least one and a half yrs lor..man..incredible.to me, it's the smallest things like some one remembering u that matters to me. Man..i think i have really been quite mean towards my family..cos i think i have become more quick-tempered! argh! so irritating..though i don't feel like it, but my bad temper...sigh..,guess getting this settled will be first in my list of new yr resolutions! well..that's all for my reflections for now..seeya guys..take care!

' Fly Away
Saturday, January 24, 2004


Just a little girl in this world, still learning, growing, and experiencing life..
Keeping that little promise and agreement..
trying to be stronger.. ( :


semi-big bag
golden necklace
little miss CLUMSY
more intelligence

My Shop;






Joyce Tan